Ok. The first 003 disc was apparently a fluke. The following scan loaded up quickly/normally. However, as you can see, there are extreme imperfections on the dye's shield. A little bit more colorful this time around LOL! Appears to be hairline scratches around inner area, as well as spots throughout. The spots however barely effected the outcome. I wonder if it plays. I'll never know though... 8X 7200A
Here's a respectable TYG02. EXTREMELY respectable Was looking Extremely good til the end. Now it's only very good LOL! I've had them scan with only 40-50 errors. And others have had less... 8X TYG02
I believe this is currently my best. Yes, I keep things like this for my own reference LOL! This one was something worth keeping My best TYG02 is 60Pi F's. For some reason, I kept it in FULL screen screenshot though...
OMAN7... U is funny too. For a TYG02... that's a terrific burn and the T02 is great too.. both have low JITTER and the PIF's are low too. How are your drives doing?? Are you getting some long life out of them?? I'm at a point that I have to "re-install" some OS's again.. are you doing well with Win7? It's on my list as well... I loves XP but it's NOT long for this world I'm sure and I'm getting some rumblings of XP disappearing slowly from the business world too. Hope all is well!!
I would say windows 7 is every bit as good as XP if not better. That's my opinion of course. Apparently very few have had trouble though. When windows 7 came out, I fully embraced it. I've not had one coaster running windows 7, zero crashes, etc. Windows 7 is here to stay All of my burners have had a long life, with the exception of the iHAS424(Optiarc 7241S), Optiarc 7241S, and the LH-20A1S. They have only seen moderate use in comparison. Though I suppose my samsung drives (SH-S223Q) only had moderate use before going belly up. Which is fine. I'm more a lite-on optiarc fan than anything Everything is well for me. I hope everything is well for you. Things will be VERY well here soon. Making the upgrade to AM3 here shortly. USB 3.0, Sata Rev 3, Solid State Disk, Etc. By the way, Backing up my first Blu-ray disc here. Little experiment. Took over 1Hr to rip on my new iHES108 Drive.
However, extracting the main movie file, only took 57Min. Now lets see what I can do with the file. Apparently Nero Showtime is ok with the file type (M2TS), however the audio is another problem. Where as "Total Media Theatre 3" CAN play the file in its entirety. I once read that AutoGK had the ability to work with blu-ray files. Now I can play The title of this thread may need to be changed to CD/DVD/BD
This was once a 98, one of the two I've had in 7 years of burning! At almost 4 years old it still looks remarkably good, although no longer a 98. I had my hopes up when it made it to 3.5GB, but it was not to be! At least it didn't make me wait until the very last spike! LOL!! That would have crushed me! Good Disks like the Sony/TY T02s, seem to stand the test of time lots better than some of the early DVD+Rs that I bought back then. I've already had to replace all of the junk ones. Hey! It's a learning experience, right? Best Regards Russ
Russ id say if would have rescanned that disc right after you did the first time and got the 98. it wouldnt have been a 98 again... ive yet to get back to back 98's on the same disc. here is one i just did on them valuedisc (cmc mag)
Rob you hit the nail on the head- and if you scanned in your best again, it would probably be a different score or at least different #s of PIEs and PIFs. That's why I hold little trust in the scans, If it plays correctly (can't tell difference from pressed) and I can copy it- it's a 100 in my eyes.
Indeed garmoon. But what if you saw spots on your discs. Wouldn't you be curious what a scanning software like Nero Disc Speed would tell you? Or if a disc were not playable, what would nero say about it. I've had discs that were not playable on certain hardware, that scanned very good. Very unusual. I have my suspicions though. Take the following for example. there were only 62 Pi F's before the 3.0 area. Before the burn I saw spots on the disc. I looked at a dozen discs before I selected one. So far, every disc in this bundle has tiny little spots on the shield. I think I'll stick with Yuden T02 discs in the future. There's obviously more quality control there. I'm ok with this scan though. I lean toward the disc being playable It is TY of course
If it were me i would start by CRC scanning the disc in question, if no corruption was found i'd probably still recopy it or maybe just ignore it depending on how bad the 'spots' looked. As said, quality scanning isn't worth a great deal, infinitely better are CRC scanning, playback and recopy abilities. Period.
Of course sound advice from the creaky man. CRC scanning is much less forgiving than Quality scanning. If I have any issues or thoughts I always do a CRC scan but it's been ages since I've done one, NO spots or issues with playback that weren't file related. If a disc has spots, streaks, or any imperfections it goes directly into the bin for me. I've done my share of burning "funny" discs and I don't care to waste me time any more. Oman7... if those discs do indeed have "imperfections" on more than you care to have (over 2%) I'd consider returning them for another spindle or my money back. RETURN all of them, even if you burned on them!!
I've had the CRC check turn up bogus once... The spindle is nearly gone now. Besides, the "spots" don't seem to interfere too much with the burn process. The failures are minimal, and no stutters in video playback. I just used a very soft cloth to clean one disc. I was quite surprised to see what I saw when I breathed on the disc! Almost a kind of filmy residue on the shield. It buffed away clean. I wonder what I end up with now...
Green across the board, and yet there was trouble. Unplayable, and lots of failures. Only happened once though... I believe it was an imation disc. I don't use them anymore LOL!
The only thing IMATION that is "usable" that I've found are their CD-R's. I bought some IMATION DVD blanks once for give-a-ways and I would have gotten off cheaper using my TY's. I bet I had a 40% failure rate. If they scanned ok I sent them on there merry way but I had about 25% of those that skipped, stuttered, or otherwise played like crap for me friends and family... I was a P!SSED little green man... lol.
LOL! Yah, I still have some of their CD's, but I won't touch there Dvd-R's/Dvd+R's with a 10 foot pole...