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Post your DISC quality scans here 2

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I looked it over very carefully, and there is no sign of anything on the disk at all. No light spots, no dark spots, no nothing! I even used my 7x eyes! The whole 100 of them have been totally inconsistent. You will get a good burn, and follow it right up with 3 bad ones! I never had problems with the +Rs, at any speed, so I won't buy any more -R DVDs. If you remember I also had problems with the -R Verbs I ordered by mistake, as well!

    Best Regards,
  2. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i just bought 100 of those very same verbs you got. they say "made in the Arab Emirates" also.. and they had some that said MIT and MII. those valueline also said MIT. i paid more for these 100 than i would normally pay for disc $24.99 for 100 but i want to try them out and see how they go against the last 3 or 4 MIT 16x+r verbs i have. these might be the MIJ version of ty's...lol and if they do well it might be something for everyone to look for when buying them in the local B&M
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The ones I got weren't for me, they were for a friend. I had given him 25 Ridata F-16s, because he was out of DVD blanks, so I took 25 of the Verbs to replace what I loaned him. What I'm really hacked off about is the Yudens. I didn't buy the cheaper Value ones, so I never expected them to have so many flaws. Some scans look very good and others look like the one I posted. I've looked the DVD over very carefully, and I can't see any apparent flaws, at all. I need to get my Ad-7220 replaced. I've never had to deal with Optiarc before, so wish me luck! LOL!! There's something wrong with the chip in it, as it doesn't let you burn 16x at anything more than 8. You can set it to max, and then it burns at 20x. At the end, it would see the DVD as re-writable, and try to format it, which hung the drive. The first time I had to switch data cables twice so I could open the drive. Rick showed me how to solve that problem without switching drives back and forth. Just re-boot the computer, and keep clicking the eject button until the drive finally opens, and then it works normally! Now it doesn't burn at all. It will hang the drive up by wanting to format the disk, every time! Sometimes it won't even identify the media, and just says NA or unknown. I'll try to remember to call Optiarc tomorrow. If, I don't forget! LOL!!

  4. hobbit112

    hobbit112 Regular member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    The "made in the Arab Emirates" discs are probably made by Falcon Technologies Inc (FTI) which is the only manufacturer that I know of in the mid-east, or at least the only one that admits it!

    I consider their discs to be a grade A.

    Rob, what you paid is their 'sale' price, generally they try to sell them at twice that amount! Watch for their sales.

    I've been using their DVD+R DLs and love them, just wish they had a Watershield version. Their printables generally scan better than their shinys.

    Watch for sales on their pearl inkjet discs(or any of them), they appear once in a blue moon but are worth it!
  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Hey russ, looking at the dyes in normal lighting isn't good enough. At least for my eyes LOL! I've found that the following flashlight has allowed me to see the dyes best. You can find them in just about any store. Even quicky marts. Though I just tried a normal flashlight, and if held at the proper angle, you should be able to spot the imperfections. Something about the 9 Led lights, seems better to me though.

    Perhaps your luck with -R Ty's is simply bad. It happens. I've seen bad reviews. But in well over 3,000 burns, I have NEVER had a coaster. Pretty good if you ask me. And remember, the failures can be even higher than 25 Pi F danger area, and still play, depending on the player/Rom. My LH-20A1H is a freak to say the least...

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2010
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Great minds think alike! LOL!! I used what appears to be the same flashlight, and I was using a 7 power binocular Optical Visor, called an OptiVisor from Donegan Optical Co.

    Check it out. They come in 5x, 7x, and 10x that I know of. The 5x isn't quite enough, and the 10x is too much, so I chose the 7x. They are comfortable, easy to adjust and work well with glasses.

    Edit: My bad! They are model LX-7, 2.75x. 6 inch focal length, and perfect for what I need them for. These miniature air turbines seem to get smaller every day! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2010
  7. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Oh. Well, that should definitely allow you to see imperfections. I've never seen a TY with that many failures. That makes a guy wonder if something else is going on LOL! Very curious looking scan. I would suggest buffer underrun, but i'm pretty sure all modern burners are immune. Perhaps it IS just a freak disc. Probably the only one in your batch. Though, who knows. Perhaps your batch occurred during a fowl up on there machine...
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Well, it appears that "The Evil Empire" strikes again! What is it about M$ that they have to hate XP users so bad. You know that bad drive I was going to RMA? Well take a look at this!


    That was burned at 12x and scanned at 8x with the drive I was going to RMA back to Optiarc. Looks like a pretty good scan to me! What was the problem? I've been using Nero 6 since it came out. Never had a problem with it. In fact I have three versions of Nero 6, one of them never even removed from the packaging. Not a one of them will work anymore! I removed it and ran Registry Crawler to remove all references to in in the Registry. Tried a fresh install of the CD that had never been opened, and it still gave the same problem. Removed it and ran Registry Crawler again, and installed Nero Burning Rom 8, and the drive works perfectly. Just check out the scan above! There were 117 entries in the Registry, and about 40 of them were from Micro$oft! I don't think anyone else but Micro$oft could pull that one off un-noticed! Hey, they hold the keys to the Kingdom, and they damn well know how to use them! LOL!! I guess it would be much harder to prove that M$ was doing it, than it was to prove that they were stealing crack files off of computers! I all of a sudden, have issues with other older software as well. Photoshop 7 no longer wants to run right, and my old XP Office from 2002 is giving me trouble too. I have Photoshop CS2, but I don't like it very much. Same goes for Office 2007, but it looks like I'm going to be forced to install them both if I want to continue to use Office or Photoshop! Lord knows what will be next!

    I like Nero Burning Rom 8, but it's a little tricky to use, for the average person, while with Nero Start Smart, it's just point and click simple, and super easy to use.

    Of course the good news is there is nothing wrong with the drive. it will again allow me to burn the 8x -R TYs at 12x if I choose to, and I can burn the 16x Verbs and Ridatas at 16x if I want! before I changed the burning software, it wouldn't let me burn anything over 8x with the 7220s! Just before the drive quit, it was all the way down to 2.4x being the max I could burn anything at, and then it just locked up and died! Think whatever you like, but no one but Micro$oft could do something like this without detection!

    Best Regards,
  9. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Just making sure.... how do you know they are genuine TY media? ;)

    The reason I'm asking is I've NEVER seen genuine PREMIUM Taiyo Yuden media burn that way with a good setup and clean running computer... NEVER!

    As Oman7 indicated sometimes you just get a bad batch.. it happens I'm sure as I've had repeated BAD batches of Ritek media... ROFLMAO!!! :p
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I emailed them about the possibility of Counterfeits when I first heard about the possibility, since I was having problems with them, and they requested the numbers from the hubs, checked them and they said they were genuine! Mine also had the correct identifying labels on the outside and inside of the Cake Box!

    That and the new Verbs burn beautifully on either drive!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2010
  11. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    What did they offer to do for you?? I'm curious as it isn't a common thing and I'm sure they won't to make ye happy. :D Thanks for getting back with me... EXACTLY what I wanted to know. ;) Good luck with ye computer buddy... sounds as tho M$ has been doing some dirty work. LOL.
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I didn't ask for anything at the time. I thought it was a computer problem and just wanted to know if they were fakes, since I was having trouble with the -R Verbs and the +R Ridatas as well. I had no idea that there was a problem with Nero 6 until I removed it and installed Nero Burning Rom 8. Now everything works fine, and the TYs just don't burn very well. Now the Ridata's and Verb's burn real well. I don't know about Premium though. This is what I bought!

    The scan I posted looked good with very low PIEs and low PIFs!

  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Well russ, I would buy those -R TY's from you in a heart beat, if money were not really tight right now. Just to see the darn things. Something smells fishy about your discs. I've never seen a valueline with a scan like that one, much less a premium batch! But I've never bought the TY's from newegg. They've always been more expensive then SMS...
  14. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    any thoughts with FTI FalconMedia 8x DL media and nero reading?... I went by the review from SMS...and I am very disappointed...
  15. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I wouldn't burn it at max speed. I'm sitting on several, that I may use one day, but not sure what for yet :p I bought them to test them. Nothing more. And I actually meant to buy the printable ones, whoops! LOL!
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Don't know man! It's burning the F-16 Ridatas and the new Verbs just fine. That scan I just posted had extremely low PIEs, and very low PIFs! Like I said, my other media burns and scans fine, so it can't be the drives.

  17. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I wouldn't get too used the 004's scanning like that. I've had a batch or two like that. And that's it. Everything else has been second tier. Hopefully, my batches have simply been rare occurrences. I hate to think that verbatim is slipping...
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's the thing, they have been slipping for several months. We hardly ever saw PIFs so high before. Hey, I posted my OC settings on the AMD thread. Check it out! I've upped the CPU NB VID Voltage to 1.350v. No more mystery crashes. 2250MHz on the NB frequency and the HT link frequency. Runs sweet!

  19. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    heres that burn i did lastnight on the newest batch o verbs i just got. 16x+r's same ones russ got.
    this is disc to disc also.
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    just did this one. 100% better than before. this was burnt at 12x with imgburn, while multi tasking.

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