First burn and first scan with new rig...
very nice looking there loco. i didnt know image burn had that scanning proggie with it.. just found it myself. im burning 101 Dalamatians now with imageburn useing the files i created with dvd-rebuilder. when done i will use dvdinfopro to check it what was the speed you burnt that at?18x? forgot to ask. what type a rig you build?
ok heres 101 dalmatians done with dvd-rebuild and burnt with imageburn then scaned with dvdinfopro. shows dvd-rebuild 35 mins to do entire disc
Being a new build and all I forgot to set my default burn speed so those 16X MCC's were burned at a max of 20X with an average of 14X. LOL I got a Q6600 (still stock O.C.) on a Gigabyte board. I only got it put together yesterday so I've yet to try DVDRB, but I will no doubt. That Potter disc was done full disc (7600MB or so) deep analysis and Max smooth in 13 minutes. I suspect my DVDRB times will be about the same as yours. There is a registry tweak for Hanks encoder that will utilize all four cores though, so maybe I'll edge you out. EDIT: you can set Imgburn to save the graph data of a burn so that you can look at the various data such as CPU usage etc., just click the blue "i" button when the burn is finished and you'll get the information found in "create disc" with CD/DVD Speed.
rob you're not keeping the "foreign audio" streams are you?? You'll save some space and get more "movie" in your "product" if you eliminate those audio streams... Nice scans guys. And at 20X LOCO that looks pretty good. lol.
greensman, In a word, "Don't"! First off the audio portion is very small! Anything you take out should be done in the rip. I've tried removing audio streams in DVDRB, and it sometimes fails! At least that's my experience after over 300 runs with DVDRB! I think what happens is it alters the rip in some way and DVDRB won't process it right. The small amount of gain in video quality isn't even visible, side by side! Same thing with doing more than 2 passes. The tiny bit you gain is just not worth the extra time and effort! That comes straight from JDobbs, the author of DVDRB! Best Regards, Russ
yea i kept everything on it. i chose to pull it from the disc, so i left everything there. just incase i might wanna upload it somewhere 35mins i think is awsome. from the 2 1/2 hours it used to i could have ripped it first then done it andd it might have taken less time...
cincyrob, Just keep in mind that the DVD was under 4GB, while this one is almost 7GB! You are right about the bad old days though. back when I had a 733MHz P-III I used to start DVDRB/CCE and go to bed! LOL!! Even with the 3.0/800 P4 overclocked to 3.84GHz, it was still 2.5 hours or more. The D-940 knocked about an hour off of that. The E4300 got it down to about an hour or so. The E6750 lowered that to my present times. Best Regards, Russ
think i'll get out LOTR and try that in dvd-reb. or 300, couple really long movies there and see what i get. just did some checking.. my 2700th
This will be my 10834th post ;-) From 2nd attempt after using DVDRB, althoug I got the ole "NO SENSE ERROR" from CD Speed.
LOCO go here and scroll down to your f/w. S203B (SB03 FB FR) DOWNLOAD it and then flash YO drive to make it better than it is now and prolly anything in yo puter!! edit: Oh woop-tee-dooooooo!! ddp has like 2,340,982,472,304 posts. MATCH that. hehehe. Seriously I have about 2100 or so. ROFL for as long as I've been here. Anyway.... with about 550 SV posts it'll be awhile and I've always thought about starting over just for poo-poo's and ha-ha's.
@LOCO how long did it take ya with dvd-reb? i got one at the house now waiting for me to post.i did the bonus disc of 101 dalmatians with nero recode and chose all the high quality settings 2 passes slower encoding ect.... it was about done when i left to come to work. so i'll see what i get when i get home. @Mr.E think i have about 300-320 SVpost myself. stealing a quote from sling blade.."think its time to start up the band" good to see some action back in this thread...we all got to building and havent been burning..well atleast i
cincyrob, I just wanted to show you the differences that you can encounter using DVDRB/CCE. Here's a DVD, "The Time Machine" that's over 500MB larger than 101 Dalmatians. The time is 3 minutes longer than yours was. Did you notice that yours required no compression which speeds things up a bit too! I chose this particular movie because it's almost all video, with only 1 sound track and does require a little compression, yet is over 500MB larger and took only 3 minutes longer to process. It also makes a difference in which encoder/transcoder is used. Some are faster than others. So far I haven't found anything that works better than encoding with CCE! Some of the other Encoder/Transcoders are faster, but not as good in the quality department. Best Regards, Russ
You guys have made me curious to install and try DVD Rebuilder. Quick question: If I don't have CCE installed, I'm assuming there are some built in encoders. Which one should I select and use that'll give me the best quality? Thanks, Wy
Hank's encoder will work fine. There are other free ones too but if you can get the "simple" version of CCE it's pretty danged good. I think it's about $60, well it was about 2 years ago or so.
Here is a nice guide to get you going with DVDRB...
thanks LOCO!! I forget about some of the guides around the net. That's a good one and has all the links you should need including the link to HCEnc (Hank's Encoder).....