OT for a second.... lol. You guys are lucky as the GM is fighting a sinus infection (hopefully the last of the season) and is on Antibiotics!!! Soooo NO adult beverages for him... NOW something for the masses.. hehehe. LH-20A1S AD-7200S Even tho these aren't the best scans, they are pretty good. Just so you feel good about yourself there O-man7.. ...gm add: yep the MII are the only other ones that I know of.
Really? Its what I average for the most part (on these verbs anyway). My premium TY's average about 10,000 total PIe. One time I scanned an industry dvd with my NEC drive in 2006 and it was Darn near perfect, and I mean only a couple failures. Havnt seen a scan like that on a DVDr though. I have had HOF scans though. A silver TY only had like 30something failures. Now, the industry dvds are WAY worse than my scans. I think they're way to into MASS production, and burning at MAX MAX speed. Boy do I feel silly about the singapore question. I knew that. Just forgot I guess. Dont buy too many Dl's. Still to expensive for my wallet. I imagine once bluray begins to come down, so will the Dl's. Plus if they were to make Verbatim HUB printable Dl's, I would probably be first in line! Though it couldnt have their logo/brand! @garmoon - I have been using TY's for quite some time. I decided to use some verbs again. Ive been reading reviews on newegg and other sites that state more/less that verbies arnt that good, and they dont understand the hype! I laughed. I figured they either got driver issues, burning too fast, settings problem, or defective drive. Because not once in 1500+ burns have I had a coaster with either verb or TY, that wasnt my fault, or a defective burner. I like to know what I am purchasing, and more than anything I like chatting with you people Your probably right about the getting out more though LOL. Oh... and if my litey dies... I'll get another. I LOVE newegg!!!
Uh oh. The talk of Dl's reminded me of 2 I have left. (MKM 001) 2.4x Printable verb. Im running into a prob though. Imgburn didnt wanna burn the iso I had. So I used nero. No prob there. But when I scan with discspeed/Lite-on it stops at the layerbreak. Too bad too. It was showing a HOF on the first layer. Plays fine with Powerdvd. Im running the scan with the opti now, Will post again soon. Well... NO need to repost. The opti got through it. Looks like the liteon may have trouble with DL's. GREATTTT!!! Its all your fault Garmoon, LOL LOL LOL. Totally kidding. Darn it. Thats gotta be what it is too, right? Man... im not even gonna post this either. Looks like the opti sees twice as many PIe's/PIf's as the lite-on. MAN, thats really irritating. THATS why I stopped buying DL's Way too much data loss if a failure occurs. I swear, I am NEVER buying BD+DL. They havnt even worked Dvd DL Bugs out. Unbelievable. The only thing my lite-on does is burn. Its only seen a half dozen DL's too. Gonna try an LG next. Though I think I can still get some out of this lite-on.
O-man7 you are a funny chap. It looks as tho an ODD connoisseur has been created or was it there already?? If looking at an LG I would consider this one as it's a good 'un and I'm thinking about it too. hehehee. just remember LG's don't scan. .....gm
No No... I trust lite-ons for scans. Never had a benq though. Heck, just seeing the comparison between the opti and the lite-on says it all. The opti yielded twice the failures that the lite-on acknowledged. Though a better rating score. Obviously discspeed knows the opti isnt the best reader! And obviously, my lite-ons not done yet. Ive read reviews where people had trouble with Dl's after a few weeks but they still burned single layer and Cd's. I rarely need to burn dual layer anyway. This was just a thing. Hah hah, My Dl's are singapore! I bet if my litey could read it, it would be near HOF. The first layer only showed 60PIf's. VERY awesome. Ive read good things about LG. THEY WILL be my first BD drive. WAY too many good reviews about their BD drive! Hmmm, Maybe a lite-on though. It would be interesting to see their quality burns on a dvd, given their capabilities.
i cant get over how low your guys PIE's are.. half of what i get...but then my PIF's are about half of what you guys are getting???odd to say the least....is it the drive or the system that causes that????
I am afraid to answer that. There is so many variables its not even funny. But I believe that both media and drive are the most important factors for scan quality. My opti seems to yield the best quality. And I buy my media through both meritline, and SMS. Who ever has the best buy.
well we are useing the same drive(7200) and same media(MCC004) i dont have any TY's as of now so you got me there...lol
@greensman Next time ask your physician where in the PDR it says you can't drink if on say Amoxil-which is commonly dispensed penicillin. It's just not there!!!
I noticed that you scanned with your opti. Do you not have a litey or benq? Because i'd bet you a liteon picks up LESS failures and probably less PIe as well.
oh yea i have 3 other liteons SHW-160P6S LH-18A1P LH-20A1S 99.9% of the time i scan with them. i actually scanned the last couple with the litey and just didnt post them. as for lower PIE's and PIF's i do get way better numbers than the 7200S. from what ive seen in the LITE-ON's scanning im a few models behind the game. the IHAS-120 and the DH-20A4P models look to be a better scanner than the 3 i have... hmmmmm might have to get me one of them along with another 7200A
Yah... I am tempted to get another 7200 myself. It definetely consistently yields better burns then my litey. Though my litey has seen 200+ disc burns. Though I am also considering LG. Read good things about them. Thanks for the info on the other liteys!!
O-man7 I wouldn't trust anything for scanning except a Lite-On or BENQ. You could pick up a cheapy Lite-On 20A4P for about $21 or so and stick it in an external for reading or writing. jm2c on the deal. ....gm
[/quote] O-man7 I wouldn't trust anything for scanning except a Lite-On or BENQ. You could pick up a cheapy Lite-On 20A4P for about $21 or so and stick it in an external for reading or writing. jm2c on the deal. ....gm[/quote] Neither would I, In light of recent scanning, Thanks for the Tidbit
hmmmfff. Here is my first scan of a TYG03 Watershield. And I thought it would be much like my silver printables, (despite being TYG03) and be of a higher quality. I do imagine however that most of the rec dyes/discs are made on the same line and split to separate lines for finish up. Eg. silver print, white print hub, watershield, etc. Perhaps the chemical/gloss reacts with the dye slitely? Hmmm... im not that impressed with their look either. If they were any shinier I could see my face in them. Thats NOT what I was after. I wanted something in a more Semigloss. But any who, yes I spelled that right here is the scan.
Garmoon, lol. I just cant leave this program alone. As you can see the opti (Previous post) once again burned a better quality than the litey. And I can also see that I wont be liking the TYG03's much at all, much less the watershields. No, you cant have them, LOL.
@O7 Yeah we're burning with the same NEC-Opt-7200S and I also have a Litey 20A1S which also burns well. Hang around mr.greenjeans long enough you'll have good drives and more of them you know what to do with them. That was somehow a complement greenie. I'll pass on those -R TYs. I prefer the +R variety TY T02s.
well if i may quote the Great docTY. "the -r disc will render a lower score than the +r disc" this is for the TY media that is.. cause i have found the verb-/+r's get the same type of score from what i have been getting. send them watersheild disc my way i will work with them and guarantee some awesome scores and some real nice print on them as well. Ive Had a good friend send me some watershield disc before and they looked awesome once printed on.looked like factory made disc. got a few scans here ive done over the past couple days. pretty average stuff. nothing outstanding. just got the email from newegg. my AD-7200A will be here tomorrow.
Well... As I said, I wont be liking these 03's much. One of them had what looked like a BURN mark on the dye. Just glancing at it it resembles the dyes tone, but a flashlight shows a BLACK mark! Unfortunately I didnt notice til after the burn. Surprisingly made it through ALL verifications! Such a shame. If that mark were not there, the 840 would have yielded the best burn to date on these 03's. VERY disapointed TY! I expect better than B grade media from you
Never seen a mark like that on any disk I have ever used. How many of these have you observed on any media? Just curious.