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Post your Nero cd/dvd speed quality scans here

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Nov 2, 2006.

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  1. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    I've got plenty fo time to figure it out XD
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Tried to find you a review or 2 for that drive but a quick google didn't give me much.

    As promised the Memorex scan (Ritek GO5) burned at 8x.

  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    redid how the grinch stole christmas. scaned on nero and dvdproinfo

    and this was burnt on my HP740i. i think this is a good combo with the 2 burners working together. rip with one burn with the other.
    would have gotten a 95 with nero but had that one spike up to 3...but more impressed with the small amount of PIF's... not as low as that one i had with only 104 but still under 200 pretty good
  4. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Just did Pirates 2 and Pulse...pirates 2 is a big movie. went ahead and used clonedvd 2 on it anyway.

    pulse has some good numbers, kinda odd movie. pirates is a different story... but i think its cause i didnt run it through dvdshrink... might do it again with shrink
  5. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Allright, who pulled the chain on the monster, he seems to be delusional again, muttering something about spring training and the all. Watch, next he'll be thinking a team which is two thirds of the Redsox is going to win a division or something. Let him go back into hibernation until the spring thaw hits up in Ohio. Tell him if he is really good, Santa Claus will leave him a Pete Rose action figure this year, the one without the prison number on his base.
    Been too busy doing a friend a favor, he has some movies burnt onto of all things, Memorex DVD+RW disks, and wonders why he is having troubles with them. I'm transferring them over to some Verbs for him.
    Media Information
    Disc Regions are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    Media code/Manufacturer ID INFODISC4A1
    Media Product Revision Number 01h
    UDF Format Type V1.02
    UDF Volume Name DVD_SHRINK
    UDF Application id None
    UDF Implementation id AHEAD Nero
    UDF Recording Date/Time (mm/dd/yyyy) 6/ 8/2006 19:12:32
    Format Capacity 4.38GB(4.70GB)
    Book Type DVD+RW
    Media Type DVD+RW
    Manufacturer Rated Speed Unknown
    Available Write Descriptor CLV 4.0x 5540KBps
    BG Format Status Suspended
    Data area starting sector 30000h
    Data area end sector 23053Fh
    Linear Density 0.267um/bit
    Track Density 0.74um/track
    Number of Layers 1

    Complete Media Code
    00000000 08 02 00 00 92 0F 04 00 00 03 00 00 00 25 E2 3F .............%.?
    00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 49 4E 46 4F 44 49 53 43 41 .......INFODISCA
    00000020 31 30 01 39 23 00 9C 7C 5C 02 28 00 96 7E 70 02 10.9#..|\.(..~p.
    00000030 28 00 9C 7B 68 02 28 04 04 20 E0 00 F0 00 00 00 (..{h.(.. ......

  6. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Here is why friends don't let friends burn Memosux
  7. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    ok..... just so you know....... I've been burning YUDEN000T3s and I'm very disappointed. I can't seem to get the high # that my YUDENOOOT2s get! I come to the conclusion that the 8x media is better than the 16x media and my scans prove it...... at least for my BenQ 1655 and my Philips 8631:

    and here are YUDEN000T3 and TYG03 scans:
  8. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    this one is from last night....... I won't be buying much 16x Taiyo Yuden or any other 16x media! I'll buy the 8x until it runs dry! I guess my burners don't like the 16x media, not according to the scans.
  9. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i see the TY's that are getting the lower scores are -r's. i know docTY said the -r's do get lower scores than the +r's about 3-5% points that lastone you did might just be a fluke seeing it is a +r...i dont really think it is the 16x vs 8x.
    ive been useing verg 8x and 16x. i havent noticed a differenc in the scores in them other than when i try and burn @16x..lol as far as the TY's i have they are -r's also and those do get lower scores than my +r's....

    havent done any movies yet this weekend.got the wife a ipod nano. been playing with it.. pretty cool little gadget...Oh yea i did buy another stick of 512 ddr-sdram so i now have a gig. can tell the difference too... now i just need to get rid of this celeron CPU and get a P4...lol
  10. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    @cincy....... you have a Lite-On drive...... not a BenQ or a Philips like I do..... and those drives love the 8x media.... not 16x media.... I proved it with the scans! everyone of my scans with 8x media is above 97!! and I have never gotten above 97 with my 16x media..... whether it's MCC, YUDEN00T3, or TYGO3!~ And that's quality media, baby! I just bought some Verbatime DLs ..... checking them out..... MKM001 is the code. All read for a big download I'm doing.... 7.1GB in MDF & MDS format. ready and waiting for the completion of the download! then I'll give you another scan on those MKMs.
  11. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    @IHOE. i see what your saying, but i wouldnt give up on the 16x media speacially the TY's & Verbs.. i know a few people who have the benq drives and they also dont get as high of scores with the -r media. i might be wrong but i think the newer 16x media has had some of the issues worked out on them sounds stupid, but the newest verbs i just got (16x+r) seem alot better than the older ones i have (there about 6 months older)you know its like when the 4x media was all that was out there and they came out with 8x the manufacture's had to work on them to get them just right...I , like you still look for the 8x media when i can find it....

    did a few scans lastnight. Scoop and how to eat fired worms...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    first itme i ever got the same score with nero and dvdinfopro
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2006
  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    wow thats a nice looking scan..lol thats what makes memorex so bad you dont ever know what your gonna get(actually manufacuter)the 25pc my dad got for me the coded out as MCC. not the normal verbs but they have been pretty good not a scan in the 90's but a consistant 88.they still play but have only used them for the last 4 or 5 months..plus i dont have any more thank goodness.. i put alot of the kids movies on them so my parents can have them at there house for when the kids come over they have plenty to watch.if they(memosux) would stick with 1 or 2 manufatures they might be ok but until then they reap what they so....

    OH YEA
    WHO DEY gonna beat them REDS

    here is how to eat fried worms.. pretty funny flick...
  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    just did pirates again on one of the samples i got from TY. entire disc burnt at 6x nice burn....

  14. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    @cincy....... I burn those YUDEN000T2s at 8x and get scores into the high 90s (97-99)! try 8x next time and then scan out! I can also overburn those to 16x if I wanted to! but 8x gives me the best scores on those babies!
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i normally burn at 8x my finger slipped when i chose the speed and i didnt change it....

    since i changed my HD and formated it i reinstall all my software...when did my nero suite. i no longer have nero recode2 there. i went to neros updates to get the update package #2 thatincludes recode2 .. idownloaded it installed and it still isnt showing???? any sugestions?>
  16. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    @cincy........ If you don't have Nero Recode after a re installation..... then I would uninstall... use Nero Cleaning tools.... clean registry... defrag..... and then reboot...... THEN reinstall Nero! See if that solves the prob.
  17. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Dear valued customer,

    we would like to inform you, that a new version of AnyDVD
    has been released. Here the list of fixes and improvements: 2006 12 11
    - New: Added support for new versions of the SONY Arccos protection
    to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors"
    - Some minor fixes and improvements
    - Updated languages

    The update is free for all registered customers, of course.
    Just install the new version on top of your current version,
    regardless which version you have installed:

    Have fun with AnyDVD!

    Gordon Reeves
    Customer Care Center

  18. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    sorry Cincy...... Ireland already beat you about the notice of AnyDVD update: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/433390 beating you over 2 hours ago! LOL nahhhhhhh nahhhhhhhhh naaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh nahhhhhhhhh! LOL just teasing you Cincy!
  19. VG2k2

    VG2k2 Member

    Dec 3, 2005
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    first time posting pictures hope this works:
    This is my new liteon i bought after seeing other posts in the thread still have problems getting the results i see in this thread but alot better than my old LiteOn 811S, and my Asus,



    I'm having a couple of problems one i cant seem to burn under 6x with the TY Brand or 8x with Ritek wondering if i burned at 4x i would get better quality but no program will let me burn that slow with this new drive any help or input would be greatly appreciated thanks!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2006
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i also have that drive as do alot of others here(Binkie7,Blivetnc, and others). its a great drive.... you should try burning your 8x media at 8x's i used to do the same as you are doing going half of what the disc.(as long as your useing good media,, Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim) if you have 16x media burn it also at 8x or higher. you can try with 16x( i have a few times) but id stick with 8-12x max on those... i see you have the newest firmware update PSOB... from the looks of your scan it looks good. a score of 95 is about as high as your gonna get with the liteon drive. a few(binkie7) have gotten a 98 or so on it....

    Your PIF's are low and thats what ya want. you only have 592 total thats not bad at all... once you burn more with that drive it will get to know the media better and that PIF number will shrink... look at a few of my last scans and others who have had there drive for a while there PIF #'s are around 200 or lower. thats awsome....

    Your PI Errors look good to.
    looks like the begining of the disc where the menu and extras are. looks normal use less quality on those and more for the movie.
    A 95 on the lite-on's is like a 98 on the benq's.

    if you look back on the first couple pages of this thread, look at my scans the PIF's are alot higher than what i am getting now. the dirve has to learn the media. if you look at one of Binkie7's scans on there she has a PIF max of only 81 you cant beat that. thats the best # i have seen. i have gotten a 104 once. but i think that if it is under 200 thats great....

    here is a scan of Miami Vice i just did on my 8x+r hub printable verbs..very nice scan.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Most of all remember these scans arnt 100% acurate...they will show a great scan but go and play it and nothing happens... or it will show a terrible scan and the disc plays great....You should go by if the Disc plays for you on your dvdplayers and if you can rerip it ..

    hope this helps you out some.

    @ IHOE

    yea i seen that. Ireland lives on here i think, thats what makes him and guys like him such a big help.
    i also did Miami vice on a TYG03 16x-r. scan with dvdinfo pro. got a 97 i think on it will post it soon
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