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Post your Nero cd/dvd speed quality scans here

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Nov 2, 2006.

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  1. Playr

    Playr Regular member

    Jan 19, 2007
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  2. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    heres a scan of a 8x-r TY... pretty good scan to be a -r... makes me think that if it was a +r i might have had a 98...lol well thats my story anyway..lol

  3. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Hello everybody,
    Good to see you posting again cincyrob.

    I wanted to post some scans with the LH-18A1P and the SHW-160P6S just for poo-poo's and haha's. LOL.

    The SHW-160P6S
    The LH-18A1P

    Both of these were burned at 6X on the TDK 003's. I know, I know not the best media available but their not to bad right now. LOL. Just remember these are my handouts. I also have some 8X Ritek's but these seem to scan out just as good. Hopefully creaky won't see me posting these things. j/k creaky ol' buddy. lol.

    I'll burn another one on a TY or Verb just for comparison and see what happens. :)

  4. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Sorry about the double post but didn't want one post to go on for ever. lol.

    Here are some more of the same iso, Madagascar. :)
    I used IMGBURN on all burn applications set to 8X on all these burns whether the media was 8X or 16X media. This speed normally yields a good product but the main concern was to do them all the same speed just for comparison's sake. Anyone want a copy of Madagascar? I got about 4 to many. LOL.
    MCC 004 burned with SHW-160P6S, no idea what caused the spike. I may have been multi-tasking but I normally don't do that.
    MCC 004 burned with LH-18A1P
    MCC 03RG20 burned with LH-18A1P
    TYG02 burned with LH-18A1P which may be the best scan/score with a TYG02 to date. Not far from a 98. How you like that cincyrob? :)

  5. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    I guess I'll get in on this session of disc scanning..I hope I'm welcomed aboard I got a few to add.I did with my new Lite-on 18x from new egg..


    Old CincyRob Got me started!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2007
  6. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Hey just brought a 500watt power supply upgraded from a old 250w hope it makes my burns a little better in power pushing to the drives ha ha lol..


    I know the power don't make a differents it's the burner!
  7. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok all this scanning i need to get in on it... once again who needs that 18x drive when i go tthe best in the house here with my 16x litey.lol i used RI4M then shrink with full quality settings took a 1 hour 42 mins.
    gonna do one on the fly next. i bet the score(well the score wont(well it might lol)) gets better. lower PIE's& PIF's
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yea it dont get much better than this......disc to disc..anydvd and clonedvd2 best thing on the market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Woooooo-Hoooooo cincyrob almost got him a 98!! Looks like your system is running smooth and your SHW-160P6S is burning like a champ. lol. ELBY's software is doing you some good too I see. AND DON'T forget the YUDEN T02 you used. Just about as good as you can get!! :)

    Oh! and bigwill more POWER doesn't hurt anything in my book. :) I'm a big fan of HOME IMPROVEMENT. lol.

  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    if i may use a quote from the movie bigwill scaned(batman).

  11. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    and another one for my youngest guy(Dylan he's 2) the wiggles cold spaghetti western....lol this is movie only. he is to impaitent to set through the extras..lol


    no i couldnt waste a precious TY disc on the wiggles...lol
  12. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I don't normally like to tell the stories of the one that got away but here's one for you and I learned a good lesson in the process. LOL.

    I was doing some backups for my Pops and of course scanning them when finished. :) I was on the last one and my Pops was getting ready to return from the place from which he came, and of course was a little impatient. lol. Well I looked at the STAT screen because the disc had finished and it showed TOTAL PIF's of 8. O_O Wow!!! So since my Pops was in a hurry I ejected the disc and stuck it in a paper sleeve and sent him on his merry way.

    I then went back to the puter and was going to save the scan file and low and behold the DANG thing was gone. I had no idea when you eject the disc the scan goes away. Well at least this is what happened when I ejected the disc. I know that you guys think this is the fish that got away but it was really there in brilliant colors and everything. :) At least I can smile at this point. lol.

    Since this is the SCAN thread here are some scans!!
    Normal scan on a TDK 003 as far as PIF's but the PIE's are low and consistent which is nice. :p
    This is the media that had the PIF's of 8 but another scan of course.

    Good lesson learned for me and still searching for the GREAT burn. I guess I'll have to pull out some YUDEN T02's and get my fix on. LOL.

  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yea greensman you eject the disc before saving and all is lost..lol ths scan up above that i got a total of 36 PIFs (my alltime low) my son actually ejected it, had to start over and got that lovely score..lol
  14. Unjust2u

    Unjust2u Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Hey ! What's up guys!? I got a question for you all?? I'm looking at all your great scans and was wondering something? What is the lowest score you have had on your dvd/quality test?, say an 85 or 80 or lower on your quality score for your disk that you have had, and have watched your backup all the way through and played flawlessly on your standalone dvd player?? just curios?? /unjust
  15. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    My hero has returned......lol.
    Good to see you post again. You trying to make the worst copy that works now. lol.

    To your question sorry. :p I have plenty of the scanned scores in the 80's that play just fine. For how long I don't know but they play for now. I scanned one that wouldn't play in a stand alone the other day and it stopped during the scan it was so bad. LOL. It wouldn't play in anything btw. :) It had over 13 million PIF's, on normal settings in the Nero scan program the graph is a pretty reddish-pink color. lol.

    I'm posting 2 scans of old just to see them again. The first is a 35 and plays fine until the end and has a couple of spots where it freezes momentarily but other than that it played. I over burned it at 18X with the LH-18A1P and wouldn't recommend that to anyone. Didn't work for me at least. :)

    The second is the same image burned at 8X and plays "flawlessly" on anything that will play DVD's. :)



  16. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    I have some scans (probably more than I know cause I've never scanned them all) that score in the 40/50's burned a couple of years ago.

    Playback is fine but the big kicker is I can still rerip them w/o any CRC errors.

    If you can read these scans - you can read a nero log :)

    Plus the ones that aren't vision are usually just firmware not update, bad media, dma off etc.
  17. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    This one played well, re-ripped and fed to the garbage, believe it or not..
  18. LABOY

    LABOY Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    I have a quick question perhaps some of you more advanced users can answer. I noticed a lot of cd speed scan on this thread and I wonder if the quality score is effected by the burning program you use. For example will a dvd burned with Nero Recode, or CloneDVD, or ImageBurn result in equal quality? Or does one burning program stand out above the rest? Just curious if anyone knows.
  19. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i have used all of those programs you stated there. and myself i dont really see any program stand out more than the others.at times i get a better score with one then the other but then the next day i get a better socre on the other..Like i used imageburn the otherday and got a 95 with a low PIE's and a good number on PIF's. used clonedvd2 on the same movie and got my lowest pif score ever(for me that is) i cant honestly say that one is better than the other, other than paying for one and one is free..lol i think it is each persons prefrence to what they like and tend to use more.

    but you cant go wrong with any of those you mentioned.
    nero recode
    nero express
    dvdshrink with imageburn or nero

    all of these i use regularly and i cant really tell or see that one stands out better than the others.

    myself i prefer clonedvd2.. dont i greensman..lol
  20. Mol10

    Mol10 Member

    Mar 3, 2007
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    Hi guys,

    Really intersting thread. Ive not cared too much about the quality of my back-ups until I recently started having trouble with nero causing CRC errors at the end of my burns (regardless of what data i was burning), so I began using cd-dvd speed to see what the problem was. Ive since switched to ImgBurn and got my first successful verification in months. And here it is!

    This is a backup of Final Fantasy XII for the PS2 using TYG02 8x DVD-R burned at 4x.

    Ive noticed that compared to a lot of the other posts my PI errors are very high, but my quality score is still 99. Does anyone know why this is the case? Are PI errors serious?

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