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Post your Nero cd/dvd speed quality scans here

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Nov 2, 2006.

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  1. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I have the non-printable Maxell DVD+R 8X media and they are great. I would assume (man that's a bad idea....lol) that the printables would be the same quality. I bet that LOCOENG will get back with you to confirm that. :)


    OOOps........here's a scan. Not great but not to bad. I recorded this disc at 4X just to see if there was a difference in PIE's and PIF's. Bout to do another one at 8X to see what happens there too. :)


    Here it is at 8X....
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    IHoe , the TYGO2s will probably be around another year or so but if you feel the need to have more go at it sir lol

    SMS has the TYGO2s on sale for 86.99 the 300 pack with 300 paper sleeves and that includes shipping
  3. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Another scan of the same disc but with the Litey LH-18A1P at 4X.

    MCC 004 burned on a Pioneer DVR-112L at 8X.........


  4. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    @IHOE. yup you got those 8x+r TY's down .very nice burns. ive been burning my 8x+r TY's @8x. i might slow it down to 4x and see what i get.

    now that last scan you got there i'd take it over the other 2 anyday. alot less PIE's and Pif's i dont like seeing them spikes and alot o fthem over 3...lol just how i like it thats all, dont mean its right, just what i like..lol hey im gonna put something in the mail for ya today.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Confirmed...the Hitachi High Grade are on par with TY's and Verbatims, no better and no worse in my experience. You should be happy with them...I've used about 150 of them, all hub printables. I only use printable media as I too have an Epson R320.
  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    thats good to hear. i didnt get to wally world lastnight but after i post this i gettin the boys ready and we are heading over there. im gonna get 2 more 30ct cake boxes of them i cant pass them up at that price plus another 10% off with the wifes discount..lol
  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    You're scaring me. What are you sending me? free dvd's? new puter? one of your boys? Please not your wife, I'm sure she's a nice lady but I already got one and GOD knows that I can't handle another one. hehehehe. Whatever it is, send it on buddy. ;-)

    If your really serious about some Maxell's, I can look at my local Wally-World for ya. Let me know.......;-)

    A scan of a disc burned from the VIDEO_TS files with Nero on a Verb MCC 004 at 8X with the Pioneer DVR-112L and scanned with the Litey LH-18A1P. btw this is the entire movie, menus, extras DONE with DVD-RB Pro. I really like this progie but it took 203 minutes with my little system to complete. Of course I had the puter do it at night. :)



    These are pretty good numbers even with the 2 "fat" spiked areas in the PIF graph. I haven't watched the movie yet but I'm sure it's fine. I've never had any problems with DVD-RB Pro before and Nero is about as good as you get. ;-)

    ~Consistent PIE's and low PIF spikes should make for a good viewing experience. The JITTER test is very steady and surprisingly low. I don't know enough about that particular test but that seems like good numbers to me. :)

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Thanks for the offer greensman, but I've got plenty of Verbs and TY's laying around atm and the wife would kill me if she sees another spindle of discs on the desk. I can get them here, but like I said they are a premium and I get just as good results with the other brands. Thanks again.
  9. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    nice scan greensman. 203min's wow... outside the jitter test being that low, i think you get the same score/numbers useing ripit4me/clone/nero. i read somewhere that the jitter test score you want a number around 8.5-9.0 thats a good number there.

  10. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    NO problem buddy. ;-) I know what you mean, my wife is the same way. I've got 1000+ discs stored in my closet so more isn't the thing to do right now for me either. LOL.

    Yeh I've got to read some more on the Jitter test to have a clue really. lol. Dude you've got to PM me and let me know what you're sending, I'm like a kid at Christmas and wanna know. rofl. hehehe.


    edit: To add some scans and say thanks to my buddy.

    Thanks for the goodies my friend, hopefully I can repay you some day. ;-)

    TDK 003 recorded on a BENQ DW-1650 at 12X. Scanned with the DW-1650 at 4X. 97 isn't to bad but I would like to see the spikes a little lower on the PIF's.

    SAME disc scanned with the Lite-On LH-18A1P at 4X. Max spike of 3 and a score of 93 but all in all a good scan. :)

    Even on a TDK 003 these are GOOD scans. The PIE's are very good indeed and the PIF's aren't to bad either. I've been reading a little more on these scans and the Jitter test is still a bit vague but I'm gettin there. lol.

    edit: Forgot to add that I used DVD-RB Pro and it took 140 minutes this time. Much smaller movie and did just movie and menus. ;-)
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2007
  11. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    alright I'm back again to post some reburns with different burners..
    this burn below was crappie it was burned with my Old samsung with the sony firmware..as you can see it was a bad scan, it stuck at first on the playback cause it had a label sticker on it,I pulled the sticker soaked the disc in soap and re ripped it to a Ty instead 4 better Quality..Scan the pie's and pif's was thru the roof..lol but the new litee did'nt let me down..on the reburn
    [​IMG]now u see y ..I got better burners...

    now this scan here flawless plus my first 98 out the gate..hehe.i'm glad.. and space between the pif's but..I did'nt care to see the jitter average number take look..if you know what ..I mean..
    I guess it is better to burn with lity and scan with the ben..lol
    thanks my friend again..o'yea cincyrob got you wondering now huh? surpize,surpize u will know soon..
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2007
  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well they say a third times a charm. got my lite-on LH-18A1P for the 3rd time. getting ready to put it in now. be back soon with a scan from a 8x+r TY.
  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well here is a good start. got it in checked DMA. it ok actually better than when i had my HP 740i in only ultra DMA mode 2 on it. now with the new liteon its ultra DMA mode 4 on both drive the 16x and 18x..


    getting ready to burn now. back with a scan
  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well i still cant burn a TY with this drive. but i put in a 16x+r printable verb. burnt like a champ.
    low PIE's PIF's and a sub 8 jitter score

  15. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Rob for the life of me i can't figure out why thoses Lite-Ons aren't burning TY media . just doesn't make any since
  16. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i think i have figured out the problem, but dont know how to fix it.??

    its 8x media.. i just tried a 8x+r maxell MIJ... same thing s the TY. says bad media.... anyone got any suggestions?
  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah ok, try burning a TYGO3

    i bet the the newer 18x speed drive isn't compatible with 8x speed media.but the 16x speed will work

    only thing you could try is rolling back the firmware to a verison that you know will work with 8x media
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2007
  18. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    alright I'm back again to post some reburns with different burners..
    this burn below was crappie it was burned with my Old samsung with the sony firmware..as you can see it was a bad scan, it stuck at first on the playback cause it had a label sticker on it,I pulled the sticker soaked the disc in soap and re ripped it to a Ty instead 4 better Quality..Scan the pie's and pif's was thru the roof..lol but the new litee did'nt let me down..on the reburn
    [​IMG]now u see y ..I got better burners...

    now this scan here flawless plus my first 98 out the gate..hehe.i'm glad.. and space between the pif's but..I did'nt care to see the jitter average number take look..if you know what ..I mean..
    I guess it is better to burn with lity and scan with the ben..lol
    thanks my friend again..o'yea cincyrob got you wondering now huh? surpize,surpize u will know soon..
  19. creamnom

    creamnom Guest

    alls good just working to many hours.Been just droppin in and reading mainly.
  20. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Glad to see you droppin in. :) Post a scan even if it's bad and give something for us to look at. lol. Once you do a couple your hooked. hehehe.

    I'm at work but will be on later today. I PM'd ya this morning, hope you still got all your hair. *grins*

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