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Post your Nero cd/dvd speed quality scans here

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Nov 2, 2006.

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  1. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    That's cool. I was just curious about the differences. I don't have the ability to print discs but now I know either way is safe. :)

    So the visual "defects" are not noticeable now?? If not that's good and you should get some great results from your burns. :)

  2. docTY

    docTY Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    interesting thread ya got here cincyrob :)

    well, my trusty Benq dw-1650 has finally given up the ghost on dvd+r media~ LOL

    within the last week, i've had 5 MCC003 8x dvd+r Verbs "coaster" out on me and 3 YUDEN000T02s 8x dvd+r Taiyo Yudens do the same~ :(

    ironically, on dvd-r TYs, it's halfway decent still...not spectacular, but decent...

    i know all my drives well enough that i've crossflashed all of them MANY times in the past, just a few days ago, i cross-flashed my Benq 1650 to the Philips 1660 firmware, then back to an older official Benq one, then back to the BCIC i have been using since the day it was released...this was my attempt to clear the damn eeprom as QSuite v2.1 now disables the "clear learned media" button under Solidburn settings, so, naturally, cross-flashing will relieve that and clear it all for me~ :)

    anyways, at this point, my Benq is no longer my "go to burner" for dvd+r media, i'm going to milk this drive for as long as i can until it gives up the ghost on dvd-r media, then into the trash it goes :)


    this is a very typical example of the burns i get these days, nothing spectacular as mentioned earlier, but they play just fine on all my standalone dvd players...

    may my Benq dw-1650 dvd+r burning capabilities REST IN PEACE, looks like i will have to go through my dvd-r TYs from now on LOL, this is gonna take me a LOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG time to accomplish :) i suppose the only "good" thing to come out of my present issues is that i have plenty of TYG01/TYG02/TYG03 to burn through before i need to purchase more~


    i might just pick up a new Pioneer for "poo poos & ha-ha's" as you so eloquently put it :)

    urs truly~ :)
  3. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Good to see you visit the scan thread. You're right on the scan being "average", especially for you. I've seen a few of your scans in the past and that isn't typical. :) I have an extra DW-1650 *wink wink*. I like the Pioneer DVR-112L better tho. ;-) How many of those DVD-R's you got left buddy. You been stock piling for a while? hehehe.

    Guess I'll have to do a movie tonight so I can post something, don't want docTY out doing me. hehehe. Well if nothing else I'll do one for poo-poo's and ha-ha's.

  4. docTY

    docTY Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    LOL, yeah...the scores are a bit below my own "standards" for burns, but it's been awhile since i've HAD to burn to dvd-r media just to get a decent backup...

    actually, my next burner will definitely be a SATA optical drive, i'm seriously considering the Pioneer dvr-212d at this point since thus far, for a SATA drive, it's been rated as a "must have/no brainer purchase" in the SATA market (this is from various forums/review sites that rank it #1 as far as SATA opticals are concerned) :)

    as with progressing tech., with all my builds these days pretty much abandoning PATA/IDE drives/controllers and moving forward to SATA (mobo specific), it's about time i stepped up to SATA burner as well.

    perhaps i haven't looked hard enough, but the pioneer dvr-212d doesn't seem to have a buffalo firmware equivalent to enable bitsetting does it? i know the 112 that you have does, but i can't seem to find one for the SATA counterpart?

    as to official firmware, the pioneer dvr-212d just very recently released an update, v 1.15, which only improves writing capabilities for a wide range of newer media, but you know as well as i do that i could give a rat's @$$ about write quality for 16x rated media (all my current drives write just fine to the newer media, i would prefer auto booktyping incorporated into the firmware over compatibility with all the various MIDs/media i would never use anyways~ LOL)

    as to your question about TYs dvd-r media i currently have "in-stock", i have more than i care to count, easily a few thousand total -ranging in quantity of each- of all 3 flavors :)

    i think what i'm going to do in the meantime is speedpatch my Benq drive to do the ripping and have my Pioneer dvr-109 (buffalo 8.58 patched and unlocked) do the actual burning of my dvd+r media...i know my pioneer has been a very good dvd-r burner in the past (better on dvd-r than dvd+r actually), but what other choice do i have at this point?

    it might be awhile before you see any more of my frequent "99 scores", but i gotta do what i gotta do~ :)

  5. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Checked out TDB and they don't have anything yet. I would think that they are working on something and will have it out pretty soon. They've always introduced a f/w patch within a reasonable amount of time after the "stock" f/w is released. Anyway I would look for it soon. ;-) You know in the mean time you can always buy a DVR-112 and use it. ;-) It's not like you can't use it with a SATA drive. hehehe. j/k buddy, pokin fun at the doc.....lol

    btw the DVR-112 scans pretty closely to the BENQ's in my experience. Seems like Pioneer might have something good in these drives. REMEMBER my experience here. NOT the 1000's that you have done. :)

  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well it is a total honor to have the DOC make his presence in our crazy scan thread... good to see you my friend. sorry to hear about you benq. but im sure you have plenty to fall back on..lol

    i havent posted the scans yet but in the series of "the walton" im doing for mom inlaw i got 3 more 98 scores actually it was 3 in a row of 98's then a 95 and another 98 so 4 out of the last 5 i have gotten 98s... all on the MCC004's this drive loves them 16x disc..lol now i know i gotta get me some of them 16x+r hubprintable TY's...

    speaking of printing onto the disc. i havent printed on them then burnt to them, never thought of that, mostly i wanted to make sure it was a good burn before i wasted the ink..lol

    at work now if i get out of here early enough i will try and post thos scans.
  7. Unjust2u

    Unjust2u Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Hey Cincy ? Those are some excellent scans with that media! What software are you using to do those burns ?? I have been using dvdfab with Nero but I think the highest score I've gotten is a 95. Here's a recent scan .... /unjust

  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    oh no buddy, your score is what we all are shooting for. on one of your scans maybe 15-20 pages back(might not be that far) you posted a scan of a 98 with only 6 PIF's awsome scan.

    as far as what program im useing. im useing anydvd and clonedvd2 going disc 2 disc.. id say the last 10 burns i have with the 16x+r verbs have been my best ever. i have had 1 scan that was a 95 with 108 PIF's the scan looked awsome, but i went to play it and in the first 3 mins it hung up for a couple seconds then played and hung up again. dont know if it was a dirty disc or what. i took it out tossed it and reburned to another verb and no problem.

    i'd say 90% of my burns i use clonedvd2 with anydvd running in the background. and the other 10%+/- i use ripit4me then dvdshrink and imageburn.
  9. Unjust2u

    Unjust2u Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Hello All, Just backed up one of my old Western Movies plus menus and everything with some Sony TY's I found at sears. This is the first time I have had sony TY's /unjust


    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Welcome back Doc...good to see you, and I noticed you are starting fresh. LOL

    I've noticed the MCC004's are giving alot better results when burned at 8X vs anything higher....this is forcing me to rethink my whole game plan. Even though there is nothing wrong with the playability of the burn if I can knock a grands worth of PIF's off the final scan why not...eh?
  11. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    I have a question....... I noticed the scan from Unjust2u:

    notice the PIE and PIF and quality score......... now look at my scan from the same disk (YUDEN000T2):


    my PIE totals and PIF totals are higher than Unjust2u's totals and yet I have a better quality score! why is that? the only thing I noticed was the jitter scores (mine is better). I don't think my quality score should be higher because of the jitter scores ..... so why is my scan supposedly better than Unjust2u's scan?
  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    the reason your score is higher than Unjust, is for the sole reason you are scanning with your benq drive. he did his on his liteon. the 2 drives have different scanning requirments. then benq allows for a little higher PIE/PIF's before it drops the score any. so as a great Doc once told me that a 95 on a liteon is like a 98 on a benq.

    heres the link to the scan Unjust got a 98 with only 6 PIF's total
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2007
  13. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    so what happens when and if I get a 100? does that lower my score..... too bad there isn't any standards for scans! there should be instead their is guessing! I thought you do a scan on a disk to find out how the burn went? if you are playing it on players then a 98 score should be a 98 not a guess that my drive is better than your drive and so forth, so my 98 is better than your 98! LOL I guess you can't really judge what one drive will do compared to others..... I just took my last scan.... I won't be judging my disks anymore..... the only way to really judge a disk is Does it play in players?I'm done scanning.
  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    lol in a way your 100% right Ihoe, but the scans for a benq should and is i would say will be the same on all benq's and the liteons should be the same. a while back before i got my liteon i sent some disc to DocTY and he scanned them and they were horrible. but he burnt a movie for me on his benq(id say the one that is going out on him)lol and he scaned it and got a 98... when i got it and scanned it on my new liteon it was a 95. thats not saying it is bad disc just different ways the disc are read on each drive.

    oh yea if and when you get a 100 you will be called GOD....lmao

    there is standards for the scans also... but the standard are set so high that they arent acceptable for our standards... the pie's shouldnt go above 280 max and the PIF's should go above 8 max... that is the standard for a disc to be readable/playable disc. but if you or i got a 280 on our PIE's or a 8 on PIF's we would be really pissed, and want to know why it was so high.

    like you said the best test on these disc is the playback, and if you can rerip them.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2007

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    This is really a test of the drive and their ability to read/scan different media. I don't like to get to anal about the scanning thing, becuase like you said IHOE..."if it plays..."

    The best test is a verification after the burn...this will tell you if your disc was burned bit for bit as it is from the source. If you know that your source is good and the burn verifies then you should know that future reading and ripping from that disc won't be a problem. There is always that line down the road that media will cross and dye will degrade and blah, blah, blah. Nothing is forever though...right?

    The quality scores aren't really saying that "my 98 is better than your 98", but rather my drive is more tolerant than yours with the media that I'm using. I tend not to even look at the QS anyway, but instead I look at the PIF's...that should tell the story. 1 PIF will bring your score from 100 to 99...as soon as that one tick is recorded your score drops.

    I typically only scan when I open a new batch of media, switch brands, upgrade firmware or trying out new software and/or speeds of burns. I don't scan to brag about my "high" scores, but rather to compare what I have already burned on my drive so that I will know how what I'm burning stacks up against what I've considered to be good (to me) in the past. Even though I've pushed certain brands in the past (ie TY, Verb and BenQ) doesn't mean that they will be the best combination for you, but rather what have worked the best for me. You see alot of posts where member have problems with Memorex...there are probably more out there that aren't posting that don't have any issues at all with Memorex discs. It all comes down to use what works best for you.

    Ah well...for us lay folk this is all subjective anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    That is per sector...or block. The best explanation I've found is below...my head isn't big enough to comprehend most it nor do I really care. I just want to watch my movie. LOL

  17. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    just another observation......... the scans that I got 98 and 99 on...... when scanned again later (like a day or so), the QS drops down..... I guess that's because particle dust is on the disk that you can't really see and that affects the scans, too. JM2C..... don't give me change! LOL
  18. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Here's a 'very' in depth article on scanning and the different scanning drives they used. {link to article} I like what this person says and how they go about the tests. Lots of time was taken to do this test so I think that gives it more merit.

    LOCOENG couldn't have put it better by saying the "playback" method of checking discs is the best test for your burn (backup). I've said it before and I'll say it again; these scans are just "eye-candy" and shouldn't be taken as concrete evidence that your disc will be bad or good. :) What really counts is playback on your personal stand alone players.

    The reason we do these scans is for fun really and just something to do for me (us). I have the same drive as some of the members here so that makes a difference when we post a scan. I've even sent discs to cincyrob so he could scan them with his LH-18A1P (the same drive that I have) and see what results he would get. I don't think it really matters but it's fun for me anyway. ;-)

    I have a BENQ DW-1650 and I can burn some discs on it and then post the scan of the burn if you like for comparison. I know that LOCOENG has a BENQ as well and when he posts I look at yours and his for comparison.

    Like cincyrob said the drives (BENQ & LITEON) use different methods for testing. I think the BENQ uses the 8 ECC method and the Lite-On uses the 1 ECC method. I'll read to make sure of that but those differences will definitely affect the outcome of the scan score. ;-)

    Take a L@@K at that article I linked you (everyone) too and see what you think, there are others but I liked the way they explained the scanning and its process.



    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I've read that article before...it is very good.
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i just like to do the scans to make sure i dont have any big spikes or any prolonged amount of high PIF's they make the disc kinda hard to be read on the dvdplayer, plus i like to change the colors up on the scans to mess with the eyes...lmao.

    i wasnt trying to say one drive is better than the other cause i think the drives we all have (benq, liteon, and the lucky ones plextor) are about the best there is for what we are doing with them.
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