i think posts here should count cause regaurdless of the topic you are still an active member of these forums therefore u are contributing there for drd and the staff is still making green therefore it should count towards our ranks
J_Bone Don't you think you should be around more than 1 month to start asking to change the rules at this place! LMAO
garmoon the amount of posts J_Bone posts in the Safety valve he would be a AfterDawn Addict in 20 days or less.. J_Bone and that was the main reason the posts do not count..
See "horses ass" above...who really gives a s*** about post count. I said it before. The worst mistake made at afterdawn was the auto-promote feature..red rag to a bull for all the pointless wa****s who just want to post s*** and get a senior status. Bring back the good old days when it was judged by quality not quantity.. And very often the lower the IQ score and intellectual capacity with the new "addicts" And in conclusion.. (thanks D..lol) Not my sig..^^^^^ stolen and used with no permission whatsoever..bite me..*grins*
Do ye think I would call ye a horses ass ireland?..lots of people want and posted after j bone while i was composing that little masterpiece.. It's not my fau;lt that 1..the site is slow tonight...and 2 j_bone is an idiot (jk)
J_Bone is having another week's holiday, this time it's for begging for money in shoutbox. Maybe J_Bone should have his own thread entitled "Posts made here don't count towards usefulness level", how many bannings does it take to shake some sense out. i turned him upside down first and even the crumbs that fell out were hollow
alright am going insane here, if a mod will like to help me that would be great, am at senior level and any post i make in the safety valve is being calculated into my overall count? should this be happening? i have tested it and am sure! did we have a rule change? am sorry this is probably a mix up, but i'd like to make sure! -tripplite