Ok so what about a monitor I don't know any good looking monitor for 150-225$. can u help me with it?
This is probably the best buy for that budget http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001310
So I still don't get but im going for sapphire why is gigabyte worth more than sapphire if it's the same?
I would, as I've had good results in the past (bar one, but thats out of half a dozen other awesome cards)
frames per second? U know what not the same....... the temperature the sapphire runs cooler. =P surprise.
Ok yea I can't find greenpower on new egg i type in westerdigital greenpower on new egg it shows no results and I'm only buying from new egg because it's a reliable site so i need any links I want like a 100 or less dollar hdd. HDD is the last thing and i can guild it. =P
Ok thank you im ready to build my pc. =] and if there was no rebate on the original sapphire it would be worth 265$ and the toxic 280$ then i would by the toxic. but there is a rebate so i rather go for the original. and 15$ if there was no rebate would be considered cheap.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009145 is this a good monitor? It's a lot cheaper. Is it good for the high performance pc im getting or is 24" required or is this good because 24" cost too much for me. And what contrast ratios are good? bigger numbers or lower numbers in contrast ratio?? And how can u tell what's a good monitor? Also u know this cpu cooler the q9550 already comes with one it says and the mother board already come with a sound card but is it a good one? SupermeFX II is the sound card is it good and is it better than this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102002 and if not do u recommend i still change the sound card? Can i leave both in if so?. and http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835154001 is the cooler.. I see it requires a thermal compound so idk about it but is it like the best cooler because i see it's a bit pricey, but do u have to replace the thermal compound over time and if u do how often? And would the cooler attach to my motherboard or cpu w/e u attach it to perfectly? What about this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835118019 ?
Not really, I recommended the Samsung because it's better, you get what you pay for. I tend not to look at specs too much as they're all similar these days, but Samsung make good monitors, Acer don't, usually. Read the instructions on how to attach the cooler. Also, the Tuniq Tower is a lot better than the Zalman 9700, buy the Tuniq.
How long does the thermal compound last? And ive noticed my mother board comes with a sound card SupermeFX II is it a good one? Should i still replace it with the sound blaster card? CAn they both be in there? Which one is better supreme FX II or soundblaster? And for the acer http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009145 monitor it says winner of customer choice award making me think it's good. And also it has better reviews than the samsung.. so yea. idk about ur monitor thoughts.