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Problem with a 42" Sanyo LCD TV.

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by GWikky, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. GWikky

    GWikky Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I recently purchased this TV, Model # DP42841 or DP46841.
    I had the TV hooked up just to my cable box yesterday and it worked fine, no problems whatsoever. I turned it off to connect my DVD Player, Wii and surround sound system. Now as long as the TV is on, the "Input List" is always onscreen on the right side. I tried the Exit button on the remote. I tried going in and searching for new channels. I tried disconnecting my Wii, DVD Player & surround sound system. I tried resetting to factory settings and everything failed, the "Input List" is still constantly onscreen. I called Sanyo Troubleshooting and they basically had be try everything I already did, reset to factory settings, etc. And still I get the "Input List" pop up on the right side of the screen. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.
  2. JST1946

    JST1946 Regular member

    Jul 15, 2011
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    Maybe you can try unplugging it from the wall and see if it will reset or just take it back if it is still under warranty.If Sanyo couldn't help you that doesn't leave you much options.
  3. GWikky

    GWikky Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I found out what the problem was. Somebody in my house pushed my DVD Player under the TV and it was holding the Input button in. All that hassle and confusion for something that simple. Didn't even think to look at that. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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