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Problem with Burner or ?

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by danmax, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. danmax

    danmax Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Hi everyone, I only purchased a Dell to do work stuff, I build my own for burning and othe things. I know this is about building a new PC, but I ran into a problem. I bought a Sony DRU-120C on sale at Tiger Direct (last time I use them ). I use Fab Platinum for my burning, but Sony ejects the disc about 60% during Finalizing. Does anyone know if it's something in Fab, Sony, or my build. One last thing about Tiger Direct.com, I got 3 bad PSU's. I had to pay up front for a replacement untill they got the bad one back, and the last $59.95 charge was not removed from my CC, so I had CC company remove it for me and send them a notice- thats why I'm going to deal with them. danmax
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That customer service is admittedly poor, but which PSU did you buy? If you kept getting bad ones it's not their fault, you're just buying a bad product!

    As for the CD ejecting, which discs are you using?
  3. danmax

    danmax Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Well, PSU's started out Ultra, then Power-Up, I know there junk. The last one they sent me was a Ultra X Connect. I was ticked off because I started out with a 550 watt PSU, and every time Ultra replaced it they droped 50 watts so I ended up the Ultra 400. I know that at a 78% rate, I really have a 312- 325 watt PSU. I was trying to finish all my TDK +, and - discs. I also used my TY's premium discs. When I checked what watt PSU I needed, 400 would work because It's not a multi task computer. Fab told me to uninstall and then reinstall. I really didnt want to go Sony, but it was on sale, and it was going to be a back up because I like Plextor and wanted 1 xtra one. But my Plextor 740A has been good, never cleaned and over at least 400 read and writes, and is still going fine with about 3 or 4 coasters.
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That's not actually how it works. A proper PSU with 78% efficiency will deliver 400W at DC, but use 513-515W from the mains whilst doing it. However, the Ultra X Connect isn't a proper unit anyway, I'd recommend getting a proper unit like a Corsair VX 450W. 400W is indeed plenty for most PCs, but Ultra PSUs shall we say, "don't live up to their hype".
  5. danmax

    danmax Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    It must be a misunderstanding by me. I have always put more wattage PSU's in my builds just because I've heard of problems with smaller ones not doing what they are to do. I contacted Ultra about the PSU's that they kept replacing the bad ones with and really got no where. You are right, the one they sent was not what I should have used. I did find a 500 watt Ultra ATX, Intel PSU that I tested and it passed. I might try that one, but as far as Ultra being my main source of PSU's, I am done with them. I'm done with Tiger Direct too. They seem to sell alot of junk stuff, and when you figure shipping and waiting for new parts to be shipped back, you dont really save any money. I'm glad that people that I've done work for waited for me to fix their computers. Thanks for your replys to me. For any one that plans on getting any Ultra PSU from Tiger, remember this. If you need the PSU replaced, Ultra charges you on your CC the price of the PSU that you ship back to them. You also need to check your CC to see if they removed the up front fee. They didnt remove it from mine, so I called the CC company and had the charge removed. 35 days was enough time for them to credit me. The one Asus board that burned up from their PSU did get replaced from Asus, but I did talk to them because I've built a few computers with Asus boards so I guess they just wanted to keep a return customer. Yeah I checked Corsair. If your going to build , you might as well use a company that has a good rep. Thanks again sammorris. One more thing to all that used Comp USA, compusa.com is a reseller of tigerdirect.com. So expect the same stuff.
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Ultra PSUs are junk for the most part. There are some units that aren't so bad, but on the whole they're very poor quality units. As far as TigerDirect goes, with most companies you will find the same, it's just that usually people don't have to test that. Fortunately in the US you have Newegg, who offer very good tech support, and for the most part, competitive prices. In the UK, however, stores pretty much universally have poor after-sales support. All we can really do is avoid the shops that don't even send stuff on time, such as Overclockers UK.
    I'll be honest, Asus' tech support is usually pretty poor too, and if they have any suspicion the board got damaged by a PSU they usually want nothing to do with you, no matter how many dozens of their products you've bought. You got lucky there!
  7. danmax

    danmax Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Your correct, I was lucky. I think the only reason I got it was I told them that I was going to start buying from someone ealse. I have used newegg for stuff before, and got back on their mailing list. So if I need anything I know where I can shop at. I do spend time reading Forums on afterdawn about certain things that apply to what I want to learn about, and I've got most of my questions answered here. Funny thing is most of my replys come from uk, and not the states. The only thing I got to do is reinstall Fab. I dont think the Sony Burner is the problem. Once this is corrected I'm going to sell this Dell that I'm on because I hate it when you cant go into the BIOS and make changes. It came with 400mhz memory, but it only allows 266 mhz in the BIOS. I contacted their Tech support, and I can only gain 333mhz with the memory if I purchase a P4 D class CPU. So why sell a computer that you cant upgarde? SO next week this Dell is history, I'll stick to builds. Take care.
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Hmm, that's ineresting, because I'd still say there are far more americans here than us lot from the UK, but hey... I've no objection!
    Heh, as for upgrading a Dell, it's widely known throughout the industry that what you buy is what you're stuck with unfortunately.
  9. danmax

    danmax Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Well UK has had a bit more luck in areas where here we still battle. I found that the cracks, work arounds and software information has been more of a help from afterdawn then any other site I've looked for here. I can Google alot of stuff but I try and use afterdawn as much as I can. I dont limit Dell as the only co., HP along with others still lock everything up. I have a Dell that I'm going to play with, take the header pin plug apart so I can work a better board in the case. May be a waste of time, but I know if I'd spent $500.00 more I could have had a better unit, but still why advertize a computer with 400 mhz when you cant get it, but on the TV it sounds good. I had one of their Techs go on my computer and look at how it was set up. He changed the amount of memory in my paging file to about 5000 mb's up from about 650 if I remember correctly, got an email from Dell Tech, asking about how I rated their service. I sent an email back and asked for the guy I chated with(from India) to see if Dell will ship a new hard drive to me so when mine goes out due to the extra work it has to do being my new source of memory they put someone ealse on my case. I dont know how things are over in your area, but I find it strange that this guy was helping me. I told him I bumped this unit up to 1 gig, from 512, and would max it out to 2 gigs but it still runs at the same speed. So why bother. I went to Dells site, put in my service tag number, it listed all upgrades including the P4 CPU. But after I told them what type of service I got from them, I started checking prices on newegg, and two other sites. When I went back to Dells site, I was no longer able to get any information on an upgrade CPU for my model. What control they must have. I may get the tech info from their sales dept. But I cant get it from their site any more. Back to the Asus board, I got it on ebay from the UK, it came with CPU, memory, and at the time it really didnt cost much more if I'd purchased it from someone here in the states. He only forgot to tell me the manual was not in english. But I already had the same model on one of my other computers any way. It worked great untill the PSU issue came up, but I had 3 months left on the warranty. I really need to thank all the people from UK that have helped me in the past. I would not have the movie collection that I have if it was not for their help. Very detailed info from them. Well, its 3:15 here, and I have other work to do, or I'd just keep going on. I will post my Fab problem just in case it happens to anyone ealse from either side of the water. Thanks again for chating with me and to all in the UK Thanks from danmax here in Michigan.
  10. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    No problem.

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