I just recently got a camera for my birthday, it's a Canon DC210 Dvd camcorder, I just used it for the first time last night and went to play it in the comp and it won't work, it tells me the drive is not accessible. I assumed that it was as easy as putting the dvd in the drive and playing it but obviously not, do you think I need certain drivers (searched and couldn't find any) to view the disc or a certain program or a piece of hardware?
I don't have one, but most of these devices require that the disk be 'finalized' in the recorder - was it finalized?
sorry for the double post, I tried to edit some wording in my last post but accidently hit the qoute button
There is definitely an option to finalize the disc, because finalizing it is the only way it will be of any use.
okay, i found the finalize disc option in the cam, but its not clickable, so would the disc have to be full to use it?
Is it possible that the cam has to be connected to the AC power, else it won't let you (in case the battery dies during the process and the disk is unusable).
mmm well that sucks i only have a battery charger, not the camera charger, i actually dont even know if it takes one.