Best to use File mode right now. Also, make sure your HD is defragged. Try to clean out all the temp internet files and cookies you can first, as well as the recycle bin.
OK-finished burning.Tried to play it with Power DVD;very poor quality-stops & starts,freezes,jerky.Have been here before.Could it be the media?
Your burned DVD sounds like you had a fragmented HD. Here's a simple test to see if it's the media...but it's not conclusive. Try to play the Shrink HD file in PowerDVD. That is, if you ripped in File mode. (If you ripped in ISO mode, you need to mount this file in an emulator provided in something like Daemon tools.) If the images jump, etc., it means the final DVD will do the same. If it plays smoothly, it is most likely the media. Make sense? Ultimately, you are going to have to use good media.
Well,I tried everything you suggested, without success. Tried playing the film from the harddrive with very poor results.I now have a new Philips DVD+RW & am about to try again.
nicknrh, I believe the source of your problem could be the compressed hard drive. Also, as mentioned previously, you have barely enough space to be processing video files. I think if you put in another HD without compression you would solve all your problems.
OK that is for the future.Please answer me this-when Shrink has processed a film & the files are on the hard drive;there are 2 folders Audio (empty) & Video.How do I play the film?
I have been having the same problem. The DVD I have been trying to backup is Ned Kelly Here is my system: Athlon XP Mobile 2600+ Asus Nforce 2 Motherboard 1 GB RAM LG GSA-4120B DVD Burner Windows XP Pro 79GB Hard drive space free. Nero version 6 My hard drive is de-fragged. DMA is enabled. The firmware on my burner is the latest available. I have tried Smart Ripper 2.41, DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink 3.2. I don't believe Nero can be the problem, as I never get past the ripping stage. Every single time I try to back up the DVD, with all three programs, it locks at 49%.
nicknrh... Do you have WinDVD or PowerDVD? It gives you a choice of playing a DVD in the drive or from a folder. Choose the video_ts folder. But the file there must have been ripped in FILE mode, not ISO. You can also play the video_ts file from Decrypter. I have found tht the audio_ts folder is always empty. It is nothing to worry about. If you don't have a player, here is one that is freeware:
not nicknrh.. new guy I am using PowerDVD. I have been using smart ripper in the file mode to the vido_ts folder. I continued on selecting individual VOB files, and it appears that VTS_01_3.VOB is the only problem child so far. It is the one that stalls about 85% through. It is a new disc so I don't think I've put any scratches on it yet. I will check as soon as the other VOB files finish.
goblinfx ... you've narrowed down the possibilites, and that is good. Just to be sure, open NeroTools and check Configuration to see for sure that everything is DMA enabled. And then check the ASPI tab to make sure you get the green bar on both Nero and System ASPI. Let me know what you find.
goblinfx...welcome to AD. Here's how this online dialog works. I was posting with nicknrh when you slipped your question in. That's OK, but you need to wait while I answer nicknrh. That's why his name was in my answer, and not yours.
goblinfx... What I think is, your source DVD is bad. Here is a utility that will thoroughly evaluate the DVD. It is called DVD InfoPro. Look for a horizontal row of icons at the top for different functions. InfoPro does a lot of neat things. I would also add that it is not uncommon for a completely new DVD to have corrupt data. It isn't always the scratches. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][/small]
Sorry about the miss-post. I'm running DVDINFOPro now. I checked DMA in System properties/ hardware, but I don't see it in NeroTools. Also, I have green for ASPI with Nero but not system. What exactly does this do for me, and how do I add it?
No problem with the post. . 1. When you launch Nero InfoTools, there is a "Configuration" tab. Press that and you will see how each Master/Slave drive is connected to the Primary and Secondary IDE channels. All should say DMA on. 2. Here's a link to update your ASPI layer (if this link is down (overuse), let me know): There are two (2) downloads. One is forceaspi18.exe and the other is chkaspi.exe. Follow the instructions for installing forceaspi18. Then, check to see that it went OK with chkaspi. If properly installed, when you check back with INfoTools, you will see that System ASPI is also installed. BTW, if you have a yellow or red bar, it is likely going to affect your burning. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][/small]
Doc409-I cannot view the Video TS file with Power DVD;I only get the 1st (menu) screen & none of the menu choices are active.Also,I just copied a movie with Nero (copy entire disc),using the same media and it works fine.Could I somehow have a corrupt copy of Shrink?
Thanx for the link to the tool. I'll get to updating my ASPI later. The scanning isn't done yet. You were right though. My master is bad. 330 bad secors and still climbing.
nicknrh... It is possible that you have a corrupt copy of Shrink. I know of one other case where a peron didn't get a complete download, and it seemed to install anyway. This is rare, but not impossible. Go into add/remove programs, remove Shrink, and then re-install with a new download. I'm a little confused with just exactly what you are doing right now, but please don't do any more burns until we check some things out, OK? Using Decrypter in File mode (see Mode at top once DVD loads), rip the files to a folder of your choice. Then try to play the video_ts folder and tell me what happens, OK? _X_X_X_X_X_[small][/small]
Doc409 I have a little trouble reading the page . I can only read english, and babelfish doesn't seem to like any of my translation choices.
nicknrh... I have been using PowerDVD for some time now, but a friend suggested I trial WinDVD. So I've only had it a few days. It does not play a video_ts file like PowerDVD does. So, I am going to have to find out what we need to do. _