I do have XP and I cannot find anything on filters. Usually filters are just a way to do a search for something, and by using filters, you can narrow down that search. Where did you find that text, upperfilters & lowerfilters? Edit: These are two specified keys in the registry and used by it for CDRW-CDROM drives. It mentioned that if you find them, delete them.
i have another problem w/ this drive, now that i can see it. it reads discs with stuff on them well but i put in a empty disc, it says "D:\ is not accessible, incorrect function". What should i do, hope u can help me with this problem too. thanks in advance.
what burner program are you using & hope your not using windows explorer to see what is on empty disk as i think that error is what you get if you did
i have roxio easy cd creator 5, I wanted to open the disc to see if there was anything on it, also, roxio can't find the cd-burner. Also , sometimes it is easier to drag+drop using windows explorer.
basic or platnium version as i am using the platnium. what is the latest update version you have installed in it???
if worked before you had this problem but not now than uninstall the program from add/remove programs in control panel, defrag the hd, reinstall roxio & do the updates for it. post if still having problems