Hello! I am trying to hardcode subtitles for several video files. I was able to extract ASS subtitles from the origial MKV files. However, I can't use it because the timing in the ASS files don't take the opening theme into account. From what I could figure out, the ASS files seem to be using the chapter info on the MKV. Is there a way to get these subs hardcoded without having to manually adjust the timing in the ASS files? I am using xvid4psp to do the hardcoding/conversion (target format is mp4).
Have a look at the link. Subtitle Workshop should be able to open .ass subs. http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-158/timing_subs-836814/#5045744 Code: Run Subtitle Workshop Load the Movie Load the .ass file. Highlight the first sub, scroll to the last sub, hold down 'Shift' and click to select all subs. Start the movie and pause at the time you hear the dialog begin. This is the time the subs should be starting - the time shown on the right of the window. The timing list shown for the subs is different? Click the double arrow key - the subs will resync to the new start time. Play the movie and refine the time. When satisfied, 'File' > 'Save as'