I used riptit4me. It ran smoothly through everything but guess what. Cells 14 and 16. In the end it said it was probably a scratch. Except the CD was not scratched. At this point i am pretty certain its a bad press problem
Yes, most definitely. Bad master, (you say you returned it three times)... I'm curious: did you try to play the original (specifically the part where RipIt4Me tells you the cells are scratched)? What happens then? jeanl
it's funny...I had to return that same DVD when I bought it a while back. The replacement has worked/ripped fine using Shrink and Nero straight up. Doesn't seem to be any new oddball protection.
My own disk plays fine, but will not rip movie cels 14 and 16 as previously described. The 2 disks I got to try to rip it, would skip a bit but play through the cells while stopping. Seems like a bad master to me. And i have been unlucky to get 3 from a bad batch.