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problems with king kong and narnia

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by fourlc, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. mcmenace

    mcmenace Regular member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    New features in this release: Slysoft AnyDVD v5.9.5.3

    - New: Added support for new versions of the Sony Arccos protection to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors"
    - [bold]New: Structural protection removal has been significantly enhanced, protected cells are now completely removed from the beginning of the protected titles (ArccoS, PuppetLock & MacroVision RipGuard protections). This greatly improves compatibility with 3rd party tools like DVDShrink, Nero Recode and others. Using additional tools like VobBlanker should no longer be required[/bold].
    This simplifies things even further,especially for those still using free progs such as dvdfabdecrytper and shrink. Blanker and FixVTS should be passe with this new version.

    happy burning
  2. Sniffa

    Sniffa Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    I am a relative newbie to DVD ripping and upto now have managed it with DVD43 and DVDShrink. These couldn't hack Narnia, however so I have just tried using AnyDVD and CloneDVD2, which appeared to work.

    When I try to play the film the picture is flickering so bad it is unwatchable. Anybody have any ideas what I am doing wrong?
  3. dabig25

    dabig25 Regular member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    what speed did you back it up at ?

    also what kind of media(blank discs) are you using ?
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Irregardless of what AnyDVD claims, the software isn't working %100 with all software. At least not with all titles, Narnia being one. Want to give it a whirl, try AnyDVD + Recode or some of the other transcoders, i.e. DVDCopy 4. CloneDVD 2 and AnyDVD are tailor made for each other, that's why CloneDVD 2 is working with AnyDVD alone.

    I've said this so many times it's getting old, obviously no one likes to read or understands what they're reading. I'll put in bold type for you.

    [bold]The sure fire way to do a backup of Narnia is to use DVD Decrypter to rip it to the hard drive. Default settings should do fine. Rip it in the File mode. Once ripped, process the files with FixVTS. Uncheck all boxes in FixVTS, then drag the first VOB file to it and then select the full DVD. Once processed this way, you can use any transcoding or encoding software to back it up or the files will be ready to burn to DL at the highest quality.[/bold]
    That's free and not complicated. I think the link for FixVTS is on the first page of this thread.

    [bold]For those with CloneDVD 2 and AnyDVD, that's all you need. Just check for the latest versions.[/bold]

    I forget how many times I pointed out that using DVD Decrypter without the preferred settings causes unnecessary error warnings and problems with AnyDVD, especially in the ISO mode. With some releases it's bad news in both File and ISO. You knew what you did wrong, so why ask. Follow directions. So it will be in your face so you can read it without searching:
    [bold]- Note: To use DVDDecrypter with AnyDVD set I/O Model to SPTI or ElbyCDIO.
    Set CSS Cracking method to none. Disable checking for structure
    Those are the preferred settings for DVD Decrypter when ripping with AnyDVD running in the background. That's the method I use all the time.

    Here's a no brainer:
    [bold]Use the latest versions of the ripper software apps available. DVDIdle and Slysoft both have new releases out.[/bold]

    Another no brainer:
    [bold]At the first hint on noncompliance, rip the files to the hard drive and process with FixVTS or VobBlanker[/bold]

    As I've pointed out too many times to remember, the new copyright protection with Arccoss and Ripguard are causing compliance errors (software won't process files) that AnyDVD and other similar software isn't correcting in all cases. Solutions above.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2006
  5. jim3000gt

    jim3000gt Guest

    I just use DVD Fab Decrypter,( not even the lastest, because I have had no luck with it). Then I burn using Nero Recode. I have never had a problem with any movie being copied. I also have ANYDVD and CloneDVD, but do not use it because somewhere in the movie I always have a part or two that comes our scrambled. Not once have I ever had a problem using the first set-up I mentioned. I know I know, everyone says it must be the brand of DVD that I use, when in fact I have used at least a dozen brands from cheap to the very expensive. It does not matter, decrypter and then to nero does not fail. I have copied King Kong and Narnia on one disc each, not to and the quailty is very very good. I know this site pushes CloneDVD and AnyDVD, but there are other types of programs that work also, some cheaper, as in "free".
  6. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    The site does not push either of these programs. Members recommend what has worked for them, many use these two programs and know that they work and can be trusted. But they will also recommend the free programs, along with dl sites and guides to help.
  7. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Just a note for future reference: DVD Decrypter is obsolete. It can rip Narnia by itself, though the files aren't compliant. The surefire method with all releases I've encountered with AnyDVD is still ripping with DVD Decrypter (with preferred Slysoft settings) and process for compliance as needed with FixVTS or VobBlanker. I prefer FixVTS for ease. That way, you can use any software you want to finish the project since you have a clean source without copyright protection that is compliant.
  8. mcmenace

    mcmenace Regular member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    news to me the site pushes any software
    free is fine, but has limitations and definately takes a lot of time. The choice is entirely yours to make.

  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I'm tired of repeating myself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2006
  10. socrates9

    socrates9 Member

    Jan 23, 2004
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    if you rip the ISO of Narnia with Dvd Decrypter can you just burn to a dual layer disk or do you have to process for compliance? I'm asking cause DL media is expensive so no point in wasting it.

    brobear, you mentionned above that when you rip in FILE mode using decrypter and process for compliance you can then burn to a dual layer disk. I'm curious which program would do that since it is my understanding that NERO isn't very good for dual layer burning. I use IMGBURN or DECRYPTER to burn ISO's to dual layer but I'm not sure that they can take a Video_ts folder and burn that to a dual layer disk. Can you clarify this a bit?
  11. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I just burned Narnia to a dual layer today just using Decrypter in iso read and then iso write and am watching it now, so far so good.
  12. brobear

    brobear Guest

    The sure way of doing new releases with Arccoss and Ripguard with no worry about errors is to rip in the File mode with AnyDVD + DVD Decrypter (Slysoft preferred settings), use the FixVTS to process for compliance and then use Shrink set to no compression to create an ISO image on your hard drive for using ISO as the burn format. Then burn the resulting ISO with whatever you like. That should work for all releases.

    Since Arniebear said he did Narnia with just DVD Decrypter, I'd say you can take his word for it. Saves the additional processing time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2006
  13. Sniffa

    Sniffa Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    Whatever default speed is. I'm not using any media at present. I have burnt it to a 4.5gb iso on my hard disc and loaded it with D-Tools to try and watch it
  14. JXP2307

    JXP2307 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Well good for you. I am glad cheap media works, and also glad to hear that we at aD are completely clueless... The fact is, cheap media will fail. Not a matter of if but when.

    This is not just my opinion, but also a matter of fact. Verified by countless users here at aD, and elswhere.

    By the way, this site does not "push" anything. As arniebear said, we know that they work, and we then relay that information. Choose to listen or not. Up to you.

    As far as Narnia, I have backed it up successfully using DVD decrpyter(with AnyDVD running in the background), and Nero Recode 2.
  15. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    Anyone with trouble copying these read the Capote nightmare. The same solutions apply here. They beat that old horse to death and left no stone unturned.
  16. duckstuff

    duckstuff Guest

    I was able to back up Narnia using Decrypter and shrink but using the main title only. The strange thing is that when i went to play it back in my stand alone dvd player. it would not auto start but i had to jump to the second chapter then rewind to the withing 10 seconds from the begining then all worked well. what gives i do not know?
  17. GodWTF

    GodWTF Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    Ok, just burned king kong with anydvd, and clonedvd 2 onto my verbatim dvd+R Dual Layer disk. Again, it burned fine, but the quality is just not good. Its better than when I used dvddecrpter and DvdShrink last night, but not much better. Any suggestions as to what could be causing this? I just want to get the best picture possible, and I'm running out of Dual Layer disks, which were expensive, lol.
  18. brobear

    brobear Guest


    I sometimes get a brain fart and forget that not everyone is familiar with all aspects of DVD Shrink. When working with DL files, the preferences should be set to 8.5GB. That automatically has the files processed at no compression. Then the process for troublesome releases are as follows: Rip with AnyDVD + DVD Decrypter (preferred Slysoft settings) in File mode, process with FixVTS, open in Shrink with preferences to 8.5GB, backup with burn setting Create ISO and burn with Decrypter. That should work with the hardest of the copyright protection schemes. Narnia was easy and didn't need as much processing, but I went ahead and used all the steps anyway. Plex burner and Verbatim "Advanced AZO" disc, burned at 6X. The quality is great. I skipped through, now I have to watch to see if I can spot the layer break.

    Narnia doesn't need all the processing I described, but some releases do. As for your quality, DVD Shrink and Decrypter deliver. I got excellent quality. Don't know what's going wrong for you, but I doubt it's the software.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2006
  19. socrates9

    socrates9 Member

    Jan 23, 2004
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    thanks once again arniebear and brobear....your responses have helped me a great deal and I'm now all set to go back this sucker up. I'm basically gonna try what arniebear suggested first. However I imagine that I will need to use the method you described brobear somewhere down the road so I want to learn how to do it your way as well. I'm sure there may be some disks down the line that won't work with just good ole' dvd decrypter.

    GodWTF...if you are burning to a dual layer disk...why are you compressing/shrinking it? If you use dual layer, you can get an exact copy of the dvd. Quality will be the same. Not sure why you are getting bad quality.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2006
  20. Freddog

    Freddog Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    Ok so here's the deal...
    I have a copy of Narnia and am trying everything I can to rip it. I've DL'd everything I can find and everything listed on this thread and it's just stalling and stalling. I'm starting to believe that this will be the 1st DVD that just beats me and take it out of the player and there's this MAJOR bugger or something on it!!! I clean the DVD and try again... it's just flying now.
    Oh well, lesson learned. Clean the freaking DVD before you start.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006

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