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projection TV weak picture - is tune-up possible

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by mbarre, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. mbarre

    mbarre Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    My 10 year old 52" Magnavox rear projection TV has provided good service, but the picture is getting dim and while trying to check the alignment of the guns, one of the colors (can't remember which) isn't even visible on the cross hairs. Can these usually be tweaked by a technician to get some more life, or is it time for a new unit? TIA.
  2. paradisb

    paradisb Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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    I have a 6 year old 60" Magnavox with the same disease. I called a TV shop and they want $250 just to look at it. The guy I spoke to suggested to clean the guns and mirrors inside. I haven't done that yet but I did clean the front screen and the clear screen protector but this was no help. I think on my model, the convergence (alignment of the guns), I am only supposed to see a white crosshair and when I make an adjustment the white crosshair will get "fuzzy" but I don't think I can actually see all 3 guns. My neighbor told me he had a similar problem with his set and after he sent it out, it came back great but I don't know what they actually did. If you eventually get an answer to this would you please let me know? Thanks
  3. mbarre

    mbarre Member

    Aug 28, 2004
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    I haven't messed with it lately but now that the weather is getting rough and the wife is getting fed up with it simply taking up space, I intend to look into it soon. My email is mbarre(symbolforat)juno.comx
    Just use the @ symbol and delete the x (desinged to thward bots that harvest addresses for spam). Send me anote and if I come up with anything I will let you know.

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