and the coded version of video takes up less megabytes on psp than on ipod (example- psp=600 vs. ipod=720). it's a larger % of space but a lower # of megabytes on the psp. the exact opposite of ipod. als, the ipod's video and audio are barley crisper but the the psp's sound and video is almost as crisp and a whole lot bigger. plus psp has speakers.
if you want a good brand, but a sony ROFL, since when was Sony a good brand? IMO the iPod does have games, and it also has lots of other everyday uses, being able to show text files (already a Cliffnotes style brand for iPods and Cellphones), alarm clocks (wake up with your favorite song, not whats on the radio or beeping) And if you aren't like the people in my school who have the iPod on ear busting volumes, (at home, I have it the lowest it can go, on commute 1/2 - 3/4) it lasted me 16 hours of music at home and 9 hours on commute. The video lasted me a little over 2 1/2 hours (which is more than promised) Also, people keep saying all these fixes for PSP, yeah but they all cost money! PSP is for people who don't know how to budget, or idiots. And I love how you PSP lovers only compared the video aspect, there's a reason iPod doesn't market it as iPod video! I have many Southpark episodes on it (using one of the many available freeware convertors which you can leave on and your comp will auto shut off after done) and it's pretty easy to see. Plus, no one beats Apple in support. Oh and that site is using Quicktime convertor = ROFL I made my custom set for converting, takes about 40 minutes for TWO passes through a video at QB2 Stereo quality and the files usually take up around 100MB for a 24 minute South Park episode. Lastly, think of how much time you'll be able to use things in general. Music is something easy to multitask with and many people do it. While playing a game.. can't do that while driving, many people get motion sickness doing it while sitting in a car, in school it's definitely not allowed... But in the car, you can listen to your favorite tunes with no commercial on your iPod, doesn't require you looking at anything if you're a passenger, and just simply slip it through a sweatshirt at max volume (in which you have many hours) or such. At home.. no need for it as you have your computers and much better gaming systems.
then why does the polycarbonate case call itself the "Logitech Playgear POCKET"?!?!?!?!?!? Why does the APC Article say "The Playstation that fits in your POCKET"?!?!?!?!?!? And why does it FIT IN MY POCKET?!?!?!?!?!? And why does my grandma have a POCKET?!?!?!?!?