I am currently running my home built PVR using SAGETV as my TV Turner client. When watching over the air Hi-Definition shows I receive 5.1 audio. I occasionally download tv shows since I only have one tuner and sometimes I have to download a show that SAGETV didn't record. Most of the time these shows are in mkv file format about 1.2 gb for a 45min show. The issues I am having are that the downloaded shows when playing through vlc player or kmplayer I never receive full 5.1 audio, all channels play the same sound. I am not sure if its the way the video file is encoded or if I am missing something, I even tried using sagetv to play the file same result. Motherboard is an Asus M2A-VM HDMI using the on board Realtek HD Audio sound card. I use AUDIO 2RCA Y ADAPTER CABLES to transfer the sound to my sony receiver multi input channels. Is there something I can do to receive the 5.1 on the downloaded files or is this just a limitation of the files due to encoding? 2nd part questions I am considering purchasing the AuzenTech AZT-XFHTHD so I can transfer my video and audio over one HDMI cable to my receiver. Would I experience any benefit for the above issue from this card or would I just be purchasing for convenience. url: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131174 url: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...4&cm_re=auzentech_x-fi-_-29-156-014-_-Product
do you have a digital out or spdif/toslink. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOSLINK http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/stor...roductId=879&gclid=CJzBifLFrJ8CFQkulAodgkcEFA if both units have same socket/port on back try the cable first as on my sky box the hdmi cable goes to tv and i run the optical into amp for 5-1 sound.