Quick Q - Putting a BenQ drive in place of a Samsung

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by kbz405, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. kbz405

    kbz405 Member

    Sep 1, 2009
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    ok I have two xbox's. one has a benq drive that's fine but its got the rrod, and I reflowed it and also replaced the xclamps and its just simply dead,
    the other has a bad dvd drive, it gets stuck, won't even come out unless i manually do the gear, and has disc read errors.... so...
    I want to put the good BenQ drive in the xbox that had the samsung/toshiba drive. is this possible? (I know I have to get the "key" from the optical drive for this to work but before I get into finding out how to get the key, I wanna know if its possible)

    thanks for any help :)
  2. AkaMrMike

    AkaMrMike Regular member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    All you have to do is use Jungle Flasher to spoof the benq to samsung. Pretty much self explanatory, just open up fw from broken samsung in source, and hacked fw from benq in target. Has to be benq fw in target not samsung, just to be clear. After that just click spoof source to target and you're all good. Just make sure you have right keys, and make sure you keep backups of both just in case in the future you want to try to fix the rrod, youll have a key to do it with.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010

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