Hi, I have a Viper GC coming in the mail next week and I was wondering if anybody could tell me exactly how to burn a GC game. Some people say BBA and PSO, and otherwise. I want to know if there is a way to burn games without using PSO, and just using a BBA. If anything, please respond. Thank you.
Ripping is different from burning. You need a BBA to RIP a GameCube game. To burn it, you need a good DVD burner, the proper DVD+/-R (mini-DVD if necessary; one that's compatible... I've heard good things about those by Memorex, Ritek, Verbatim, Philips, and Fujifilm), and the "image" of the GameCube game in .ISO format. (You may download a game or application in .GCM format - you can simply rename this to .ISO and burn, as the extensions are interchangeable.) Also, a burning program like Nero helps. You simply choose to burn the ISO image you have ripped or downloaded and [bold]BE SURE to check the "Finalize Disc" option.[/bold] That's all there is to it.
Im in the same situation, but what do you recommend me for a GOOD burner, I have a SONY-DRU 710A will that do?? about the Mini DVD'S what do you recommend (I have a media compatibility list, but I want to hear from user experiences)...thanx
I'll go more in-depth about the brands I listed. For me, originally Memorex Mini-DVD-Rs worked wonders. I never got a single DRE. But then, recently, Memorex changed their DVDs. They're lower quality now, and the cases are different. The cases are actually improved - they're not perfectly square, they have a blue backing that can't be removed (the side says "is it live or is it Memorex?"), and the disc spins better inside them. The old ones were perfectly square, and once the sleeve was removed, they were perfectly clear. The newer ones gave me plenty of DREs in many games - some games just weren't playable, like Eternal Darkness and MGS:TTS - but many worked. I've heard MANY great things about Ritek G04s - NOT G05s, they don't work! They seem to be the most popular around here. They're mini DVD-R media. I've heard a few people recommend Verbatim and Fujifilm. I've tried full-sized Philips DVD+R media myself, and they work perfectly, like the old Memorex ones. However, they do require a case mod or a replacement case so the GameCube can fit full-sized DVD media.
The sony is a damned good burner, I have it and it hasn't found a DVD media it doesn't write to. i USE oPTODISKS, Verbatim, Imation, Msonic, either mini or full, they just work.