race driver 3

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by mickm0275, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Glad I dont have a desire to play this game LOL seems like a pian. But if I did decide to do it has anyone tried playing the game as an ISO off the HDD with the NKPatcher and the virtuel Default.xbe fix?

    Update: im getting a copy and gonna try it and will post my results.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2006
  2. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    man, toca3 is wicked, it's got some decent oval racing on there too so you should check it out. The speedtrucks are cool, apart from not being able to see where you are going using the cockpit view but that's quite realistic. You can use the clutch for gods sake, it's a great game!

    i have never tried that but from reading your posts, is that for softmod only? I'm going to copy the game to my xbox hdd later to see if it works, my dvd-r works fine.

    I'll post back with results
  3. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Used ISO ripper and riped the game to HDD and playing it off my HDD.

    World Tour even plays right off the begining without a percent completed gamesave like others say you need.

    Of course im running it off a softmodded Xbox using the NKPatcher10 softmod game save exploit MechAsult.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2006
  4. Eloheim

    Eloheim Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    lets start at the begining.
    I'm no noob at backing up games or creating ISO's, FTPing, uploading and downloading files.

    1st Method
    Some of the threads here suggested using Iso Ripper of which you download and place on the xbox. Once on the xbox you put the original game in and let it Rip, so to speak. However on several occasions and over 6 hours later, it doesnt seem to be moving much and when you stop the process, you can see that there is only a total file size of 700mbs or there abouts.

    2nd method
    Xiso from Original game on D Drive in Xbox- failes to FTP to Computer . wont access D Drive as a valid folder :S

    3rd method
    Using Total Commander FTP from D Drive making a copy of what's on the Original Disk back to the computer- Fails to Transfer several times maybe due to large file names.

    4th Method
    Using dvd backup, copy the original onto the box then copy back to comp via FTP- already doomed to fail as the copy has 5 renamed files. Created 2 DVD- from DVD backup - ISO files. Failed to load anything.

    5th Method
    Used Quix, this ftp program will let me access D Drive to directly transfer from Xbox drive to Comp. But failed on several attempts.

    Disc was new. no scratches nothing wrong with it.

    About to try Flash FXP and see if that will copy the whole game without Errors to comp. Will post later if successfull or not.

    Not sure if this makes any difference.. but it's the Australian Version that i'm trying to backup..
    Isoripper just seems to lockup on it, not sure if there has been added protection applied.
    If I could make a good ISO file, or FTP the whole game from the original. I would be laughing :)
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2006
  5. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    The only method there that i used is the one that you haven't yet : )

    Good luck with flashfxp!
  6. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    I know your not a noob, but you're not running anything like Norton anti virus when trying to ftp are you?
    I don't understand the ins and outs but I know that when transfering some games (not all) the anti worn protection blocks some files and then the final ISO wont work. i noticed the warnings popping up when i first did TOCA so turned anti worm off and started again.

    You have probably taken care of this but maybe somebody else might find it helpful, i hope.

    Last edited: Apr 10, 2006
  7. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Do you have a bigger HDD installed on your modded Xbox? You need around 7GB of space to rip the game to the HDD using ISO Ripper. If you have the stock HDD in it still that could be the reason that ISO Ripper isnt ripping it to your HDD and freezing.

    I put in race driver 3 and then started ISO ripper and it was done in under 50 minutes. It goes black screen then it will reset to your dashboard once it is done.

    As of using FlashFXP I put in the game and transfered the D: Folder to my computer HDD made the xISO with quix and it worked for most modes but not world tour.

    I then tried the ISO Ripper method and it turned out perfect with all modes working.
  8. Eloheim

    Eloheim Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Firstly, thank you for all the thread replies.

    Tried Ripping on two different computers, one with Nortons and one without. No popups from nortons whilst FTP ing.

    No luck there

    Iso Ripper just locks up, takes forever. I heard it only takes like an hour, but after 6 hours, you figure it's not working.

    250gb hd, no worries about space there
    70gb's free

    Ok i've heard a few different stories about the size of the game. when FTPing or dvdbackup it turned out to be only 3.6gb, some say it's over 6gb.
    If that's the case, those who have copied it already, are you burning it onto a dual layered disc?

    Running evox
  9. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    I wondered about rhat also, my ISO was the same size, no files deleted and works in all modes. It can't be 6gb surely?

    (now having problems with a game that is too big, tomb raider legend, but thats another thread!)
  10. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    ISO ripper splits the file into 2 parts due to size restrictions on the FATX file system.

    Part 1 is 4GB and the rest is in Part 2. It has been said that you dont need Part2 for it to work. So people are transfering Part1 of the file to thier computer and burrning it to DVD5.

    @Eloheim I sent you a PM so check your private messages.
  11. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    It seems like people with Samsung drives in their Xboxs are having trouble getting ISO Ripper to rip the game. So that could be your problem Eloheim, you could have a samsung drive.

    With the people that have had sammy drives and switched them out with Thompson drives they have been able to rip it then.
  12. Wombat78

    Wombat78 Guest

    I have managed to backup V8 Supercars 3 (Race Driver 3) using Alcohol 120% and burnt it to a DVD. I put the DVD in my hardmodded Xbox and it doesnt load, so I load it manually. It then does the Xbox 360 thing and says "This is a Xbox game. Please put in an xbox" or something similar. What should I be doing to get it to work in my xbox? (My xbox is about 2 years old and was hard modded about 12 months ago. I have had no problems before). I too have experienced the problems trying to load it from the harddrive - basically it just doesnt load.
  13. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    read through the post. It says that Hardmodded Xbox's cant play this game off the Xbox HDD and if you want to make a working copy of the disc to play off DVD media then use ISO Ripper. All the information is in this thread on how to do it.
  14. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Hi everybody,,,I know this is old now but i can't find another thread talking about this, and at least this way you lot will get an email saying somebody has added something!

    Still on the subject of Toca 3 , but not the actual backing up anymore, I think we all know how to do that now (or are no longer interested!)

    I managed to do the dvd-r first time using flash fxp, quix etc and thought it was fine, it was at first anyway. I could play the game from scratch in world tour mode and was kicking ass too!

    But,,,(duh, duh, duhhhhhhhhhhhhh - evil music) now I load the game up and it says PROFILE DAMAGED !!!!! W T F ????????
    Can't rememebr how far I got but it was over 25%

    I searched for stuff about this but nothing found on afterdawn. Google brought up something about the saved game files corrupting themselves after a certain percentage and most back ups which appeared to work are now locking up at about 30% complete.

    Other modes still work but no more world tour! : )

    Thing is right,,,I deleted the profile and made a new one and that wont even let me on world tour now, so if it's the profile that was corrupt why can I not play using a new one?

    Anybody else heard about this?

  15. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If you read through this thread there has been people that have backed up the game like you. But it also says that when they get to a ceratin point in the game, that the gamesave file will become corrupt.

    Go through and read how to use ISORiper on the game if you want a working copy of it.
  16. onaco

    onaco Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    I have used the ISOripper method but I am unable to locate the ISO files anywhere on my XBOX. I know it has completed because my freespace has gone down by 6GB.

    I installed ISOripper in the E:\Apps\ISOripper location, but I cannot find these image files anywhere?

    Can someone shed some information on this?

  17. falcon198

    falcon198 Member

    May 9, 2007
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    I know this topic is gettin old now but I'll try.

    I bought V8 Supercars 3 (PAL) a couple weeks ago now and i like to make backups of my game before my little brother scratches them on me (he's already ruined NFSU and Halo 2). Being the most fantastic racing game i've ever played I don't wanna lose this one.

    Not being able to back it up to my HDD is fine but there must be a way of backing it up to DVD without requiring the 6.7GB HDD space or backing it up so that it still appears to be a 6.7GB disc to the xbox.

    I've read all the pages in the thread and the 23 pages on xbox-scene about the same topic and can't find my solution. I'm not a complete NOOB as i'm capable of backing up all my own discs (except this one) but laymans terms would help.

    I have a softmodded xbox (I didn't do it), a stock xbox hard drive, dvd2xbox 0.4.9 (I have 0.7.5 and 0.7.8 but can't get them to work) and I usually use CloneXB v2.3 Beta to create my ISO's after i've flashFXP'd them to my PC. But i've tried craxion as well and i've tried the 4% or whatever it is retail gamesave but the game just went SUPER hard and the save corrupted while I was playing.

    Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated.


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