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rar file problems

Discussion in 'Resource center' started by memace, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. memace

    memace Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    i have downloaded a movie and have all the rar files...when i extract them i get another folder with a file in it...i open it up and all that is there is the audio no video...can anyone help please.

  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    What's the file called?..

    eg... whatever.avi?...whatever.???

    I had this a few times trying to convert Divx NTSC to PAL, maybe you are on the wrong video standard/framerate??//(or whoever uploaded the film forgot to put the video in!!..seen that as well...duh...)
  3. memace

    memace Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    it is a .avi file...the file has a winamp logo on it...when i open file it opens winamp and plays the movie audio...tried to convert with nero but error comes up...could be they didnt put the video on it! i have 2 folders, one is cd1 and other is cd2...has about 50 rar files in each folder.
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    ??? stumped..you have opened up all the linked archive I assume (takes ages) If so try another player..nero showtime seems good? ...thinking about it..Why is it opening winamp?..should be opening media player.. (now I'm assuming you use some flavour of XP)...right click on file..open with..browse/choose from list..media player..check "always use to open this type of file"..Oh and then it may say "error..you need a suitable dvd player installed"..pover dvd is great (I always use media player but p-dvd is installed just for the codecs/functionality) or try a converter program that allows previews, something like DivX2DVD..

    I had this a few times trying to convert films..never found a cure for faulty conversion but I think we got this one... :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2006
  5. memace

    memace Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    its weird cause i should be getting an iso...right? i right click on first rar file and save as:whatever..file name. its like the third one down. is this right or should i try to just open WinRAR and extract to desktop or something? i'll change from winamp to media player and see if that works..if not i guess i'll download it again and see if anything changes...thanx for the help!!
  6. memace

    memace Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    i tried playing it on windows media player and it says:error downloading codecs...what should i do to get it to play the codecs?
    any ideas
  7. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Ahh I sort of expected that...you need to download something called...

    K-Lite mega codec pack...it's in lots of places..try google..and when you get it it's an exe (nearly said xbe then..heh heh )..just run it and it will install all you need automatically...I'll find a link to a download..back soon...

    here you go..just click this


    Then run them...solved I hope..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2006
  8. memace

    memace Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    thanx for the link..i installed and it played the movie, but i go to play it again and error comes up:(Cineplayer decoders have not been activated. You must activate the product before use.) Now its back to playing sound only..:( Any reason why the error message if it played fine the first time?

  9. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    That's a new one on me...cineplayer decoders??? I need to do some research..I never saw that before...
  10. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

  11. memace

    memace Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    i got it!!..i used the roxio divx to dvd to convert it to dvd..now i can play it on any media player..i used nero to recode and burn..now i have one more question..the movie i downloaded is on 2 cd's, does nero have somewhere to compress the files to fit on one cd?

    thanks for all the help!


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