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RAZR v3m - mp3 ringtones possible help???

Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by Lord_P, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. OneTiger

    OneTiger Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    I'm just going to throw out suggestions.......I know when mine was doing all kinds of wierd s*** it had to do with the drivers. Once I updated the drivers things went a lot more smoothly. Direct connect usb, updated drivers, uninstall and reinstall the problematic program, and the simplest was turning the phone off then back on while connected to the computer. I've also heard that you should try and always use the same usb port. Have one that is just for your phone connect. Have you checked under device manager to see if your phone is listed w/o problems? That's how I found the driver issue and updated them. For some reason if you have windows automatic updates it will change your motorola drivers. (an issue I read at howardforums) I believe you can find the updates here http://www.hacktherazr.com/downloads.html
    Sorry I couldn't be of more help but Good Luck!
  2. akuma

    akuma Member

    May 1, 2007
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    Fecking a I heart ya man! This is what did it and now I love my Razor again! Thanks a billion!
  3. OneTiger

    OneTiger Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    lol...glad it was an easy fix! You're very welcome!
  4. mmm1976

    mmm1976 Guest

    Is there a specific usb wire you have to use, cause I have a few of them and the one I want to use is made by susteen. Does anyone think that will work? Also, I am so afraid to hack into my razr. My husband doesn't think I should do it cause he said if I do, the phone might not work again. I just want ringtones without paying a ridiculous price! Thank you for any replies.
  5. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    As long as the small end fits the phone it should work. However I have read that some of the cheaper generic ones may cause problems that are sold on e-bay. I really don't know how true that is.

    I got into this hacking razors about a month ago. I just renewed my Verizon contract and bought 3 of them. I was worried just like you but wanted full use of the Motorola Phone tools software. I found the guide I posted a few posts ago and tried it on my phone. I took my time and the first phone took me abut 30 minutes to get done. It worked like a charm and the other 2 phones took me about 5 minutes each. If you save all the original seems, the phone can easily be returned to the original settings. Just take your time and read everything well. I now have full use of all the options in Motorola phone tools and may try loading a movie just to see if it works too. Good luck.

  6. mmm1976

    mmm1976 Guest

    So, all I need is got to the website posted above and download the required tools and follow the directions you had posted, and it should work? What I mean is I don't need to buy anything else besides the usb(that I already have)? Thank you so much, Jerry.
  7. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Thats correct. Motorola phone tools isn't a free program but if you look around you can probably find it somewhere for download. I paid $10. for the CD and a genuine Motorola USB cable. The cable was worth the $10. so I got the software as an added extra. The link for it is posted in this thread also. Just take your time and double check all the steps before clicking the final part. Not hard at all. The instructions are easier to understand as you do the steps. Just reading them may not make sense without seeing the PC screens.

  8. mmm1976

    mmm1976 Guest

    Thank you for being so patient with me, I really appreciate it. I will let ya know how things go. Thanks again, Jerry!
  9. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Glad to help. I'm a newbie at this myself. It felt good to get the phone working the way it should without all the good stuff locked out like Verizon sells them to you (and some of the other companies too).

  10. mmm1976

    mmm1976 Guest

    Hey Jerry, I did my first seem edit. I enabled the vibrate then ring feature. I am a lil confused, I tried to do one with the ringtones I couldn't find offset 6a? I hope I am not confusing you, but it told me to put in 2742 for the seem, 1 for record, then 0000 for the bytes(h) and offset 6a, but there is no 6a, it also told me to check 0 and uncheck 1 I think. Can ya help me? Thanks.
  11. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Here is a list of some of the seem edits,
    hope this helps
    (didn't mean to hijack the thread)
    Seem edits list
  12. mmm1976

    mmm1976 Guest

    Ya didn't hijack the thread! I appreciate any help on here, thank you very much.
  13. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    I'm at work right now and all my phone programs are on the home PC so I can't check anything here. I think you are refering to line 8 in the guide I posted. That edit is to allow USB file transfer from the phone to the pc or back the other way. The offset is 006a. If thats the one you are talking about, you need to start at line 60>>>then arrow sideways while watching the offset numbers change to 006a.

  14. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Here is a video guide to seem editing, this one is to enable file transfers, kinda cool, hope it helps.
    Video Guide
  15. OneTiger

    OneTiger Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    I'm just curious, what the difference between the seem edits you showed in your guide jerry and the way I've been doing my transfer of mp3 and ringtones and pictures. I use this guide for ringtones,(http://aznuwee.googlepages.com/) and just generally switch folders to add pictures or wallpapers in p2kcom. I've never done the more complicated seems like you've shown in your guide. I've changed startup and shutdown screens and outside cl screens also, using the guide from (http://www.hacktherazr.com/guide.change.animations.html).

    My question is this, what is the benefit of doing the seem edits that you've shown over the guides I've posted here? Once you've done the seem edit is it easier to add things than they way I'm doing it?
    I'm asking because I am paranoid of changing anything major in my phones. (These guides are all very easily reversible as long as I save the original files). Thanks!
  16. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    I looked at the guide you posted and the difference I see the is the use of Motorola Phone tools software. The guide I posted I think was written for Verizon Wireless customers that want full use of Motorola Phone tools software including the multimedia studio. That part is normally locked out on Verizon phones. The seem edits listed in the guide unlock all the features of MTP software for Verizon customers. Other than that either way will work. MPT has its own features for making ring tones from MP3s. It includes its own editor to cut any 30 second clip from any song to use as the ring tone and can be transfered right inside MPT. I guess its just a matter of choice.

  17. mmm1976

    mmm1976 Guest

    I am confused now, do I have to have the MPT? I just want to have all the proper programs so I can cautiously proceed. Thanks for any replies.
  18. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Well it looks like you are doing most of your changes without MPT. If you are satisfied with how your system works then MPT isn't really necessary for you. The software retails for about $50. off the Motorola site. You can find it for less than $10. at the site I list below. It is also posted at different sites for free but thats Piracy so I won't link to those type of sites. Its all up to you. I like the way MPT works for me.


  19. OneTiger

    OneTiger Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    Okay, so the seems are basically to be able to use phone tools. Cool, well so far I don't miss it but who knows maybe I'll get there ;-).Right now I like audacity for making ringtones, a very nice, free program if anyone is looking for one. Thanks so much for your answer jerry!
  20. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    The seem edits listed in that guide I posted are just a start of what can be done and those start by unlocking MPT usage. There are many other seem edits for stuff like getting on line, changing the startup/shutdown video clip, several original ring tones that are disabled--the list goes on. It all depends on how much you want to modify your phone. I just wanted to be able to transfer ringtones, songs and pictures by USB without paying Verizon for the usage of features the phone came with. Verizon locks it up so you will pay for everything. Again just my opinion.


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