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RAZR v3m - mp3 ringtones possible help???

Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by Lord_P, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. jrodan

    jrodan Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    tried it at least 10 times. cant get it to work. maybe the mp3 file i'm using isnt working right? there is no copy protection, i recorded a sound bite right out of Audacity. it is 128kbps, every time i tried i kept getting closer. now i can see 4-5 of my attempts under ringtones when i try to change it for contacts...but when i hit play, it doesnt make any sound. i havent changed any of the names, the file is on my SD card...anything i could still possibly be doing wrong?
  2. nofxpunk6

    nofxpunk6 Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Ive tried this several times... both with usb cable and card reader. The problem I run into on my v3m is that in wont allow even recorded msgs to be set as a ringer. So copying the mp3's over and saving as the recorded messages doesnt help at all. If there is a way to set the recorded messages as a ringer that would make everything work fine. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
  3. 321bob

    321bob Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    i have a usb cable that fits the phone to the computer but the computer doesnt recognize the phone do i need a certain program or disc to do it
  4. jrodan

    jrodan Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    yeah, now that i think about it, my phone wont let me even do the recorded messages as ringers anymore either. i remember at one point it would, but now for some reason it isnt letting me do it. any help would be much appreciated
  5. 321bob

    321bob Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    when i buy the memory card what do i need cause i was looking at the verizon music essentials pack it comes with a 256 memory card and a memory card adapter so should i buy the card alone or with the adapter
  6. jpiel

    jpiel Member

    Jan 10, 2005
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    It should have an adapter if you want to use it in a card reader slot on your computer. If you intend to never remove it from the phone you dont need it. Mine came with the SD adapter
  7. 321bob

    321bob Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    i have the memory card and a usb cable but i was wondering do i need the adapter or anything else to do djteva's method of getting ringtones
  8. darksatan

    darksatan Guest

    if you want to create and add your own mp3 ringtones to the New Verizon Razr V3m to your phone here is the steps and the programs used to do it.

    Motorola PST and P2k Commander V 3.3.0

    Go ahead and open up PST then P2k Commander allow it to switch the phone to P2k Mode Once that is done.

    Hopefully you have used P2k Commander Prior to this.

    Now the fun will begin go ahead and copy all the mp3's you want to have as ringtones. You will have to copy them into the [bold]Motorola | Shared | Audio [/bold] folder of the phone.

    After you have copied all them over to the phone you will need to delete two files from the phone.

    Find and delete [bold]TmpTneDB.db[/bold] and [bold]MyToneDB.db[/bold]

    Now unconnect the phone and restart it. After this is done you will now beable to set those Mp3's as ringtones if you want to add more just redo the steps above.

    I hope this helps

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2006
  9. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    sorry, not been here in a while.
    To convert them all you need is any free program that will convert audio files, like Cheetah is the one i use. and i am pretty sure you can set the bitrate you want when you convert it. If not i think Wavpad can when you edit the MP3 to make a ringtone.
    It will convert a wav file to MP3 in a matter or seconds and can convert whole batches of them for you very quickly.
    Then you just load it into an editor like Wavpad and make what you want from it, then do a "save as" and save it.
    Now it is ready for you to load into Motorola Phone Tools so you can transfer it to the phone's correct folder.
    Then restart the phone and it should be there and ready to use.
    You can hook the phone to the computer and use it like a modem and connect to the internet, if that feature is available on your plan. Mine is pay per use so i can use the internet right from the phone and buy ringtones and such. Plus most sites send them to your phone and bill you on your phone bill.
    But since you can make your own ringtones, screens and skins i do not see why you would want to do this.
  10. krazysays

    krazysays Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I just recently bought a Mortorola v3m the other day as well as a microSD card. I've had no luck so far. For some reason I can set my voice as a ringtone by using the record feature and saving it via phone...but anything I move to the microSD or record to the microSD only allows me to rename and move not set as a ringtone or ring id. I think it has something to do with the software version on the phone...because I can see where it would work...but my phone does not allow me to set anything on the microSD as a ringtone.

    I'd appreciate some input!
  11. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    try using Motorola Phone Tools and transfering it directly into the audio folder of the phone. That is how i do mine and it works just fine. Have not had a ringtone, wallpaper, or skin that i transfered over to the correct folder not work yet.
  12. darksatan

    darksatan Guest

    It depends on your provider weather using MPT will work to add ringtones to your phone. If you have verizon no mpt will not work due to the fact. Verizon wants you to buy their ringtones and so on but if you do as i stated before that will allow you to add Ringtones to the Verizon Razr v3m.
  13. jdeerborn

    jdeerborn Guest

    First let me start out by saying that I give all the credit to "djteva". Reading his post got me thinking, and after messing around with the phone for a little while, I figured out how to get mp3s onto my phone and was able to use them as ringtones (but I did encounter the issue I see on here a lot about not being able to use them as ringtones-they could only be 'Renamed' or 'Moved').

    Second let me say don't bother reading posts by Steimy. The guy has Cingular as a provider, and from what I've read, every post he's made on here thus far has not been helpful. If you've got Verizon, and you have a v3m with an SD card, read this.

    Note - I got my v3m from Verizon in late June.

    So here's the step by step guide to how I was able to get mp3s to work as ringtones on my phone (I will quote djteva here, and add/change a few things - if you deviate from these steps, it may not work, I have found the process to be somewhat buggy - esp with renaming).

    Make a mp3 a ringtone without hacking your cell phone.
    This trick requires a little work but worth it. This is a better method than the
    "Email Technique" or "Seem" method because it's playing your ring tone as a MP3
    file and not a verizon audio compressed file. So the sound quality is better and
    louder and you are not hacking your phone . Before doing anything, your file extension
    in windows must be set as visible. Go to START, CONTROL PANEL, double ckick on FOLDER OPTIONS,
    VIEW TAB, uncheck "Hide Extensions For Known File Types"

    1) Make sure your Transflash card is in your phone.
    2) On your phone go to "Contacts"
    3) Highlight a contact list entry, and click "View"
    4) Then highlight one of the numbers and click "Edit"
    5) Scroll down to "Ringtone", hit "Set"
    6) You will now see a screen labeled "Tunes & Tones" - notice it's slightly different than the "Get Tunes & Tones" screen.
    7) Select the "Record New" option.
    8) Select "Options" and switch the storage device to "mini-SD Card"
    9) Go back to "Record New" and record a simple audio. It does not matter how long, I did it for 2 seconds.
    10) Once you hit stop on the recording, it should take you right back to the Tunes & Tones screen. Scroll to the bottom and you should see your new recording (which is stored on the SD card).
    11) Shutdown the phone and put the Transflash into a PC. OR you can simply plug your phone into the wall charger and remove the battery and SD card without shutting down (I was able to do this without any issues, but do it at your own risk).
    12) Once your SD card is hooked up to your PC, copy an mp3 file into the root directory of the Transflash card (where you will also see the qcp recording you just made).
    13) select one of the recorded voice file, right click, rename, copy the file name including the extension (.qcp)
    14) Delete this recorded file you just copied
    15) Now go to one of the mp3 files, right click, rename, and paste the original name of the recorded file you just copied
    (all you're doing is replacing the voice file you've recorded as an mp3 audio file. Your cell phone will still think it's a recorded voice files but in reality it's an mp3 audio file)
    16) Remove the SD card from your computer, put it back in your phone, and boot the phone back up (or not if you decided to plug it into the wall cord).
    17) Now to set this mp3 (disguised as a qcp),
    -On your phone go to "Contacts"
    -Highlight a contact list entry, and click "View"
    -Then highlight one of the numbers and click "Edit"
    -Scroll down to "Ringtone", hit "Set"
    18) You should see the voice recording that you replaced with an mp3 listed at the bottom. Select it! It works!

    Repeat this for each ringtone you want to add. One voice recording = One ring tone.

    You will notice that the Ringtone is STILL on the SD card. If you go to "Get Tunes & Tones" you will see a C next to the name of the qcp/mp3 file. I found that whenever I copied a recording from the SD card to the phone and vice versa, I lost the ability to set it as a ringtone, so this was the only way I was able to get it to work. I also found that if I renamed the file, it would no longer work.

    Good luck, and thanks to all who posted before this.

  14. darksatan

    darksatan Guest

    Yes That is one way of doing it. The way i stated sets it as a actual ringtone with out all the hassle of remaning the file to a voice file.

    But you are correct about one thing i did read his post and Verizon is alot different then Cingular because Verizon wants you to buy all your stuff from ringtones to games.
  15. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    jdeerborn, look i was just trying to help out. I can not help that people use a crappy company like Verizon that will not let them make full use of their phone features or tools. And not everyone said what service they were using.

    so telling people which tools they can use to convert wav files to MP3 and what programs they can use to edit MP3 files down to make the exact ringtone they want isn't helpful?

    I also gave links to 2 great Motorola modding sites that people could look at and find their answers.

    Think before you post newbie, some of us have been helping people on this site for a long time now. show some respect.
  16. steimymom

    steimymom Member

    Aug 10, 2006
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    Steimy, why are you worrying about ring tones when you get no reception from your mom's basement?
  17. verizonnn

    verizonnn Member

    Aug 10, 2006
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    Last edited: Aug 10, 2006
  18. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    steimymom, oh what a witty statement. I just couldn't stand it if i were as cool as you. Don't hate just because you have some joke for a phone company and don't have the intelligence to figure out how your phone works or how not get suckered into having to buy all your ringtones from someone like me who is actually smart enough to make them. People like you who come to post here just to try and bash people are worthless wastes of space anyway. Got some friendly advice for you.
    1. get out more often, the lack of sunlight is rotting your brain.
    2. hit puberty then start trying to act cool
    3. take your little butt ranger buddy verizonnn back to the bedroom and finish him off so you both won't be so angry about everything
    4. how did i know the two of you were gay you ask? well just look at the picture he posted. Quoting some teenie movie about people having dance fights? I am sure it was one of your favorite flick to watch together at home in your one bedroom trailer in Arkansas.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2006
  19. lxhotboy

    lxhotboy Regular member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    LMAO.... Alright that was funny but let chill out now. I agree with you that before anyone buys their phone they should have already checked the phone out fully to see if it has all the features they wanted. Online we have access to all kinds of reviews that feature the pros and cons of just about anything you want to buy.

    Question to all verison users with razor phones. Can you guys use bluetooth to transfer ringtones or does the phone not allow that either???
  20. jdeerborn

    jdeerborn Guest

    A note to Steimy,

    Let me start out by responding to your first post. I realize you were “trying to help out”, but posting information that does not apply to the phone for which the discussion topic was created, is useless (not to mention confusing/misleading, for those who aren’t familiar with their phones).

    You have a Cingular V3 RAZR, which means you’re on a GSM network. The V3M RAZR is a totally different phone on a CDMA network (and I’m sure you’ll go look this up, so I’ll save you the trip and post a “helpful” link - http://direct.motorola.com/ENS/web_producthome.asp?Country=USA&language=ENS&productid=30535 – Notice how Verizon is the only carrier for this model?). Motorola Phone Tools for the V3M is different than the V3, and does not allow you to move files to the phone (only sync phonebook and calendar). So telling someone “Have not had a ringtone, wallpaper, or skin that i transfered over to the correct folder not work yet” does not help.

    I did laugh when I read “show some respect”. This is the internet, just because you’re an “Afterdawn Addict” and took the time to create a signature letting the world know what’s in your Xbox and PS2 doesn’t mean you’ve earned anyone’s respect. And for the record, it’s noob, not newbie; you noob.

    Now, on to the second post. I must say, I enjoyed this one much more. Steimymom hit the nail on the head, and it really set you off. You go on to say that you’re better than he/she is because you make ringtones, priceless. Then you make a list, and call us all young homosexuals from Arkansas, etc, etc: very unoriginal and immature for a 35 year old. I think everyone else reading this message board got the message verizonnn was trying to convey: “you got serrrrrrrrrved”, “owned”, “pwned”. Verizonnnn 1 Steimy 0

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