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RAZR v3m - mp3 ringtones possible help???

Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by Lord_P, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. Spyder22

    Spyder22 Regular member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    @ plcdaq
    Thanks for pointing that little guide out :)

    But im havin some trouble finding this program called Motorola PST, Im NOT askin for anyone to post a link, but it would be great if someone could pm me becuase I cant seem to find this PST program on google and I hate using p2p.

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006
  2. plcdaq

    plcdaq Member

    Aug 31, 2006
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    From what I've read, if your provider is Verizon Wireless, the PST and p2p won't work. I haven't tried it and I'm planning to stop in at my local Verison Wireless store the next time I'm in that area to issue my concerns and complaints.
  3. Spyder22

    Spyder22 Regular member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Actually I just came across an alternitive to Motorola PST. Its called Motorola Software Update or MSU and it can be used in place of PST when you want to do seem edits. I have used MSU along with P2K Commander and P2K Seem to do seem edits and it worked :)

    MSU can be downloaded for free here...


    BTW: There are also some good guides there too.
  4. paintba11

    paintba11 Member

    Sep 8, 2006
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    im having some problems when trying to set a mp3 as a ringtone. i go through all the steps that i am told and when i set it to a ring there is no sound. i copy the same name as the voice recording and i followed the steps exactly. any ideas of what could be going wrong. i also used goldwave to set the Attributes at Layer-3, 22050 Hz, 80 kbps, stereo. i see the file when i pick the ringtone but no sound comes out.
  5. docsobeck

    docsobeck Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    and along comes yet another newbie that can't get this routine to work. sorry for my ignorance, and sorry for not letting this die, but DAMN this is frustrating. i've got the same problem as many others: i've followed the directions in the earlier posts exactly, and the renamed files do appear as options when i'm setting the ringtone, either the default tone or for individual contacts. but the tones simply will not play - there's no sound. when you're on the menu to set tones, when you scroll to all of the other ones, they play, but not these. nothing. and when i set that tone and then call my phone, nothing. no ring at all.

    the bitrate of the mp3 is not the problem, since the one i'm working off of was encoded at 128. i even tried converting the mp3 to wma before pulling the ringtone stunt, and it worked exactly the same way. i can choose it as ringtone, but there's no sound. any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Jarmst12

    Jarmst12 Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    Hiii... I just have a couple of questions. I am new to this whole Razr thing and I'm not sure if what I am saying makes total sense, but please bare with me!!

    1. I followed dj's steps numerous times, all to no avail (i had the same problems as everyone else). Then I followed the later post by another person with the revisions, and low and behold, it suddenly works. So, I repeated the steps with more ringtones, but when I put the card back into my phone, neither the old ones (that worked) or the ones that I just tried worked. Any ideas why?

    2. Is there any way to delete all of those spare file names from my feeble attempts off of the ringtones list? After the others didn't work, I used my phone to clear my transflash card, hoping that it would fix it, and it didn't... and none of those files are saved on my phone. I hate having all of those empty/useless file names in my list. Please help me :(

    BTW, I have Verizon and a V3m Razr, software version newc_01.05.0a . Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!
  7. paintba11

    paintba11 Member

    Sep 8, 2006
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    i found out my problem!! i thought i did this set "Go to START, CONTROL PANEL, double ckick on FOLDER OPTIONS,
    VIEW TAB, uncheck "Hide Extensions For Known File Types"" but i really never did. docsobeck make sure you did that step. that solved my problem b/c it kept the file as an mp3 and not a pcq file.
  8. Jarmst12

    Jarmst12 Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    THanks for the advice, but I did that already. :(
  9. docsobeck

    docsobeck Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    paintba, YOU are a genius. it's weird, don't you think? it seems like if the file type is incorrect, it wouldn't even include the file on the list of choices for ringtones.

    but i don't really care... all i know is that it works now, and i've gone from a lame, stock verizon ringtone to exodus, "war is my shepherd:. BRILLIANT! thanks.
  10. Jarmst12

    Jarmst12 Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    I just tried again, and it's still not working. :( I've tried different bit rates, all to no success. They play just fine in my Tunes & Tones menu, but not in the ringtones section. Please help. :(
  11. plcdaq

    plcdaq Member

    Aug 31, 2006
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    Ok, let’s review the steps:

    1. Select menu – Get it Now
    2. Select Get Tunes & Tones
    3. From the Get Tunes & Tones menu select Record New
    4. From Record New select Options
    5. From Options select Switch Storage Device
    6. From Storage Devices select mini-SD Card
    7. Record a short voice message; 2 – 3 seconds is enough
    8. After pressing Stop the phone should display the Get Tunes & Tones menu with the tune you just recorded highlighted
    9. Press Play to make sure something recorded
    10. Now shut down your phone and remove the mini-SD card
    11. Place the card in your computer or SD card reader
    12. Open Windows Explorer and browse the SD card. The filename that you just recorded should be displayed in the root directory of the SD card.
    13. Copy a 30-second MP3 file to the root directory (30-seconds is what I use).
    14. You should now have the voice recording that you made and the MP3 file that you want in the root directory of the SD card.
    15. Right-click on the voice file and select rename. You are NOT going to rename it.
    16. A rectangular box should appear around the filename and the filename should be highlighted.
    17. Press CTRL – C to copy the filename including the file extension. Make sure you can see the file extensions.
    18. Now de-select the voice file by pressing Enter or just clicking on another file.
    19. Select the voice file and delete it.
    20. Now right-click on the MP3 file and select Rename
    21. A rectangular box should appear around the filename and the filename should be highlighted.
    22. Press CTRL – V. This will rename the MP3 file to the same name as the voice file was. (All you doing is tricking the phone to think that the MP3 file is the voice recording that you originally made).
    23. Safely remove the mini-SD card from the computer or reader and place it back in the phone.
    24. Turn on the phone and wait for it to boot-up
    25. Select the Get It Now menu.
    26. Select Get Tunes & Tones from the menu
    27. Find the renamed MP3 file, select it and press Play to make sure it plays.
    28. Press the End button on the phone.
    29. Select the Settings and Tools menu
    30. Select Sound Settings
    31. Select Ring Styles
    32. Select Master Volume Details
    33. Select Calls: ____________
    34. Select Change
    35. Scroll the list of ring tones until you find the filename that you want.
    36. With that filename selected wait a few seconds, it should play, if not scroll the list to one of the default ring tones and make sure that one them plays. Then scroll the list to the filename that you want to use. Wait and see if it plays. (I had to back out of the menus, and go back through the menus again to change the ring tones to make the renamed MP3 file play).
    37. If the file plays, press Enter on the phone then back out of the menus.
    38. The MP3 file should play as your ring tone.
    39. All I can say is that this is what works for me.
    40. Good luck.
  12. me100472

    me100472 Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    After buying motorola phone tools software from cellcables.com they send a bonus cd and walk you through step by step on how to get mp3 ringtones on your razr v3m. You don't even have to worry about changing titles or anything else being disabled on your phone. I was very satisfied with their product. It was 26.95 and no shipping charges. It also enables other features on the phone locked out by verizon.
  13. wherryj

    wherryj Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Ok, the suggestions worked like a charm, although it was with a few "false starts". The phone didn't seem to want to allow this method of renaming qpc files at first.

    Now, I have a rather long list of files that do NOT appear on my card or under the "get new" heading, but appear if I try to change the ringtones. Is it possible to delete these somehow?
  14. hoserred

    hoserred Member

    Aug 4, 2005
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    Any chance you could up a copy to a free host like Rapidshare?

  15. wherryj

    wherryj Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Since this is a product made by the cellcables site, or licensed by them from another, posting it on a "free" site would amount to piracy. I'd suggest that you buy it like the rest of us.
  16. darksatan

    darksatan Guest

    Tutorials are not any part copyrighted by cellcables thats is what he is asking for i have went and view that cd from the cellcables site and its a bonus cd that was compiled to allow people who buy the cable and Motorola Phone Tools. To allow them to have extra stuff like ring tones and stuff. What you actually paid for was the Usb cable and Motorola Phone Tools Cd not the cd that he is talking about.
  17. hoserred

    hoserred Member

    Aug 4, 2005
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    I am sorry I some how upset you. What I was asking for was a copy of the extra CD....the information on it.

    I already own a Legal copy of Motorola phone tools and a "legal" version of the usb cable (from my MP3 player.)

    The free site I mentioned was simply a way to upload it and share it.

    After all this forum is to help one another.

  18. jadon270

    jadon270 Member

    Sep 15, 2006
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    Hey guys!
    I have the razor V3m also. I have a lot of songs on it. But, i was wanting to put some as ring tons. I followed DJ's instructions and, every thing worked great there i can get the songs on there. But, the problem i am having now is, if you go to 'options' after going to 'record new' and set your phone to record on to the mine-SD card it wont let you even have the option to put it as your ring tone. But, if i set it to record on to the phone's memory then i can set my recording as a ring tone. But, then since it's not on the SD card i can't get it up on my computer and replace it with a mp3 song. I did try to move it to the SD card after recording it to my phone and then i could get it up on the computer and replace it with a mp3 file song. Then i thought if i hit 'move' and put it back to the phone's memory it would let me have the option to set it as a ringtone again, BUT NO, it still wont let me set it as a ring tone. If i go to 'options' on the song it only has there 'rename or 'move' that's it. Nothing about 'set as ring tone'
    Any help?? Thanks.
  19. yxsean380

    yxsean380 Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    hey guys ok i have a verizon razr v3m and i've been wanting to get free ringtones on my phone for a while. Well, a friend told me about this site and it actually works. This works for cingular, at&t, verizon, and t-mobile. You don't need a microsd transflash card or anything, not even a cable!

    1. Ok first send the mp3 to yourself via email
    2. Download it again, but hit save to disk, then where it says mp3 format sound, change that to all files, and then add .mid to the end of the mp3 name
    3. Go to https://www.myxer.com?ur=142253&refcode=FriendHtml (Copy and Paste) and hit browse
    4. Select the ringtone (It should think it is a mid file
    5. Type in your number
    and hit send

    This is totally legit, they dont send you spam or sign you up for some crappy list where they send u crap ringtones every month and then charge you for it

  20. purple13

    purple13 Member

    Sep 19, 2006
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    plcdaq, I tried your way half a dozen times, and each time, it won't let me choose the file as a ringtone.

    yxsean3980, you rock! It worked fabulously! It wouldn't let me use the renamed mp3, I had to use the orginal mp3 and it came down just fine into the phone. I'm stoked.

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