Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by Tbird11, May 12, 2005.

  1. Tbird11

    Tbird11 Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    Hey Jimmy, If I get this Xapter, then thats all i have to do when i put it on, NO soldering or anything after that besides installing programs and stuff?
  2. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Install the modchip,then continue from there as stated before you can't do anything without installing the modchip.Identify your modchip,after you have figured out what your modchip is read an installation guide on how to install the modchip official Xecuter site.I have to disagree with the solder modchips though,they are stable but as with any modchip they get outdated.Replacing a solder modchip is alot harder to do than replacing a no solder modchip,and they both have the same capabilities.If you plan on upgrading your modchip for any reason stick with a no solder modchip,it will save you time.I have a no solder X2 Lite modchip,and haven't had any problems with it.Moved my Xbox around all the time and no effects at all,my no solder modchip hasn't damaged anything and hasn't moved at all.The xapter adapter though I can't really say is a good no solder adapter to use,but I used one of the official Xecuter adapters and they work like a charm.Back to topic,after you have installed your modchip flash the modchip by obtaining a bios look on to obtain your bios.Once you have flashed your bios(X25032 is the latest bios from Xecuter,but I am using X24983 bios and have no problems with it) to the modchip,you can then place a different dashboard on the Xbox instead of the default MS dashboard such as Evox 3935 or so forth.Read as much as you can,look off in the tutorials for beginners for a start.The more you read the more you will understand,so go to the sites and read as much as possible to figure out what to do.

    Install modchip
    Flash a Bios to the modchip
    Intall a dashboard,for a beginner I would suggest an Auto installer disc such as SlaYers,FireFuckers or Auto Installer Deluxe 1.1
  3. Tbird11

    Tbird11 Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    I just bought the Xapter Adapter because what you said but I'm not real familiar with any of this and if I want to upgrade it then your right, I should get a solderless one so that's what I did. I should get my xapter in but I dont think they ship on weekends. I got it for 17.99 plus 6.07 in tax I dont know if thats a deal or not because I just want this done so I can mess around with it!!! If I play Xbox Live though, what do I do so they cant detect it?
  4. JimmyO

    JimmyO Guest

    you can turn the chip off if you want to play live, boot the machine first before you decide to do that, then switch it off once its on and 'live' will be fine.

    the deal you got was ok, i paid for the chip and the adapoter at the same time so i got some money off, it cost me £30 for the both of them, just under $60 i think.

    you can find a shed load of guides on the xbox-scene website on everything to do with modding your box.

    happy playing

  5. Tbird11

    Tbird11 Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    Hey Jim, all I do is install this xapter and the modchip and I'm all done? But it just seems too easy!!! lol.
  6. mdsup

    mdsup Guest will have to flash a hacked bios to the chip, then you will have to install a dashboard, then you will prolly want some apps too.

    but don't worry about any of this until you get the chip installed and working properly...after that is done come back and we can provide you some help with the rest.
  7. JimmyO

    JimmyO Guest

    its as easy as that, no solder, no permanent mods, if the chips screws up somewhere down the line, you can take it out and you still have your console.....

    the xecuter works great, cool blue light installed on the chip that shines out the side of the console case and the switchbank that you get with it has 3 yellow leds that look cool when you stick them under the controller ports on the front.

    the hardest thing about it all will be finding a place that the switches look

  8. JimmyO

    JimmyO Guest

    i have the bios flash disk that mdsup is talking about right here, ill send you a copy when the chip arrives....

    send me a private msg with your address when it arrives

  9. Tbird11

    Tbird11 Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    Sweet thanks guys, I cant wait because Ive had this since december and I have been waiting FOREVER because I was too scared so solder. But I dont think I'll get the xapter untill probably monday since this is a weekend and tomorrow is sunday.
  10. JimmyO

    JimmyO Guest

    happy modding buddy....

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