Where can i get a copy of IFA. Also where could i get an image of my choice Is a cross over cable, the big thick one which has to be screwed in on both sides?
In the back theres a telephone wire socket and an ethernet cable socket. Where does the cross over cable plug in to on the dbox? Do you have a link for the image and IFA?
Would it be easier to download the file neutrino.conf ( thats the one i deleted) and then transfer it to my dbox. Or does reflashing do that anyway? I have wireless internet with a router if that helps.
i think ive found a cross over cable, the colours iof the wires on the underside are orange, orange, white, blue, white, green, brown, brown. If this isnt it, could i use an ethernet cable. If reflashing, where do i go from here? Does any one know the website for sportster and IFA?