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Remove Dxtrslab As Moderator

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by EviLAnGeL, Jun 2, 2003.

  1. EviLAnGeL

    EviLAnGeL Guest

    Dxtslab judgment as a moderator is I believe in serious question. Firstly he seems to think people should not be allowed to express personal opinions. Whereas in certain cases this is justified as in where racism or plain and simple abuse is taking place then I can agree, but when someone is expressing a personal view on a particular product then for a moderator to say that someone cannot hold that view is utterly wrong. But thats not the worst part, the worst part is that he implies that anyone who expresses a personal opinion other than his own is in fact lying. You only have to read his comments on this in the playstation forum to see this. My point is how can anyones personal opinion be true or false? There is no right and wrong with personal opinions because of the very definition of an opinion. He seems very confused about this whole situation and despite numerous attempts to explain this in many different ways all I got is deleted posts. He even took aspects from one of my posts and edited one of his own previous posts to include things I'd said and then deleted my post and said my ideas were wrong. I simply cannot think of a greater demonstration of supidity and hypocrisy.

    I will highlight what I mean...
    If someone says "Neo 2.2 chips suck get a Magic chip... I'll fit you one for $x" Then that is a biased opinion which invites deletion.

    If someone says..."Neo 2.2's mean you have to use a swap disc to boot games... thats why I think they suck" this is a personal opinion and should not be interfered with.

    Dxtrslab cannot it seems distiguish between the 2 and seems to want to delete any post that offers advice on which mod to get.

    This is in no way designed as a personal attack, it's simply business. I don't feel that he is capable of using proper judgement in his job as a moderator and would like to see him replaced with someone of better judgement. If afterdawns policy is in fact in line with communism then maybe you could place something to highlight this on the main page to warn people before they decide to enter post or register.
  2. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    but yet you PM'ed me this

    Need I say more?

    Here is the real story.

  3. Ketola

    Ketola Turned ninja Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    EviLAnGeL: Dextrs is doing his job as a moderator, and doing it exceptionally well. He is holding on to the guidelines set for the forums. Constructive criticisim is OK, but when you start threads like "Sorry Dextrslab But You Are An Idiot", you're just begging to be banned.

    Hence. You're banned. Bye bye!
  4. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Some additional attacks

    Topic title

    [bold]Sorry Dextrslab But You Are An Idiot[/bold]

    here is the link that I edited to avoid your taunts http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/36257

    Topic title

    [bold]Dextrslab Grow Up[/bold]

    Here is the link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/36176

    You can have an opinion towards me and be vocal about it but you clearly made it personal with your insulting remarks and that is why I had to remove SOME of them.

    Here is some more misunderstandings that you feel I follow

    You are correct in the reasons you posted I believe the same thing, but you did neither. You said

    With no explanation which is unsupported and unsubstantiated. You then go on to explain AFTER I told you to refrain from such biased comments http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/35949 when all I did was try to make clear you were biased and to please REFRAIN from such comments. You constantly are trying to put words in my mouth and discredit me and degrade me. How is that not personal? Who is the hypocrit here, surely not me.

    You are a seller/installer in disguise, as you made clear you get chips and swap discs at wholesale and install them also, a total reason for banning but you have not "offered" your services...yet. I closed that topic to avoid anymore comments (hopefully but it didn't work). Your next posts where directly aimed at me and disrepectful at that. I just hid or deleted them to avoid any trouble. Some got to me, but I was trying to make clear to you it is not a personal thing or vendetta against you. IT IS FOR EVERYONE.

    You kept on argueing, flaming, cursing at me etc. etc. etc. You believe you are "above" other members to not have to conform by forum guidelines which many members happily agree with


    This is just a few to name, there are others but the posts are over 2 months old now. You try to fit misconstrued words to your agenda, and cannot deal with the fact that once you started flaming me you proved me correct (which is exactly why these guidelines should be followed). You will continue to say I try to censor people and edit posts yada yada yada, when that is so far from the truth.

    Now you request me to be removed... I find that a demonstration of supidity and hypocrisy.
  5. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Thank You Ketola, It took a lot of selfcontrol on my part to deal with this whole situation the past few days, and it has worn me out as you well know (I really appreciate your comments in our area). This was probably the most typing and constant explanation of the same topic I have ever done, which does get frustrating.
  6. Ketola

    Ketola Turned ninja Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    I'm sorry you had to go through all that, Dex. Let's hope things will settle down a bit. That might be a bit too much to hope for, though. =)
  7. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    I like DextrsLab - seems to know what he's on about!
    Theres my two cents!

    BTW - I like the way you ban them after slagging you. Good policy - id use it myself lol. Too many prats come to complain

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