Removing unwanted frames

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gwendolin, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Oh No, I'm back. I managed to burn edited DVD but things didnt go too smoothly. Upon playing I find there is a gap of several minutes between the two files. Question:1 why could I only do 9 tracks and then remainder in another process. 2. Why such a long gap between files? Still hanging in there.
  2. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Oh No, I'm back. I managed to burn edited DVD but things didnt go too smoothly. Upon playing I find there is a gap of several minutes between the two files. Question:1 why could I only do 9 tracks and then remainder in another process. 2. Why such a long gap between files? Still hanging in there.{BTW I used nero to burn}
  3. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Also the original DVD was 5.1ch surround but edited version only stereo what have I done wrong?
  4. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    only thing i can think of is where you edited, there was a gap left, therefore, a gap burned. during your edit, you have the ability to preview and edit. you also have to select from the shrink portion, the 5.1 part, should say something like asc or acs 5.1, tick that and drag to the left.
  5. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Thanks..thought it was something simple I did wrong, I can put up with it, I am just glad I managed to finally succeed. Good 2 see you got rid of your "VIRUS ALERT"
  6. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    well, i am glad i was able to help you get what you were after. read afterdawn as often as possible, its a very good site and guide. dont hesitate to use the 'search' options, guides, threads, and asking your own questions. experience is what will make you better. it did take me a while to figure it all out, as no one will master it their first go around. the more you play with it, you will learn more of the program's features, sheeesh... i am still learning.
    oh, btw.... yeah, the virus gif was a bit, i did take it off in fear of getting banned, but it was kinda cool. i just learned how to add those to my sig. now i am looking far and wide for more, plus how to make my own.
    good luck to you !
  7. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    @ laurenzo and everyone else ~

    I don't know if I'm too late BUT to answer everyone's question about saving the clipped parts of their project to their HD -

    Once you've clipped your section using Nero's Recode2 in the "Remake A DVD" Mode - click "finished" to close the import window. Make the edits you wish using the start / End feature -

    at the page's bottom-right click "Next."

    In the next window, at the top, it says, "Destination." Select "Hard Disc Folder."

    NOW, Directly under that window, you'll see another window which says, "Target Folder." Use the "Browse" button and go to your Desktop. On the bottom-left of the "Browse for folder" window is a button which says, "Make New Folder" - click on that button and a new, un-named folder will appear on your desktop. Name folder that for the movie that you're working with.

    Now every section you have that you wish to keep, you can give that a different number so that you know where it goes i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on ~

    Back to Nero now, on the bottom-right, click "Burn" and your "saved" clip will go to that folder you just named and be ready for pickup at the very end of your project when you have all the clipped sections ready to be burned to disc.

    So sorry, I didn't mean to leave you in a lurch, I just thought the rest of the process was simple enough for you.

    My bad.

    Maybe you can try it some other time ~

  8. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Yea ScubaPete youre back. Thanks for info I will certainly give it a try. As I goofed with the sound I will try whole process over again right down to the ripping stage. I will report may take some time though.

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