replay lite Software for Firmware update.

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by gizzburn, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. Novice99

    Novice99 Regular member

    May 26, 2007
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    Would suggest you clone a copy of the working one as follows:

    1) Connect Null Modem Cable to good box and switch on box
    2) With power plugged out on second box (frozen one) connect other side of Null Modem Cable then power up.
    3) the LED light Frozen box should start to flash once every second or so. If it does do not touch it until the LED starts to flash extremely fast, then unplug and remove Null Modem Cable and then power up.

    This should clone an exact copy of the first box.
  2. mwey71

    mwey71 Guest

    I tried the cloning method before posting unfortunatly it didnt work the 2nd box just went to red. I did manage to get the box working by doing the following

    connect as usual, in stblink 5.20 untick the keep user data select the firmware file then upgrade. This seem to force the upgrade down to the box. wait for the rapid flashing LED. Power down/up the box seems to be ok. I tried to do auto scan but this stops at 345mhz no programs found messege was displayed. To get round this i copied the user data from the good box by clicking read user data. Connected the duff box then clicked on write factory data. Choosing the file i just backed up this sorted out the channels Just had to put in the 7777 code all ran fine.

    So if you have been a bozo like me and messed up the flashing don't panic all is not lost best advice though is to copy the user data before flashing. Also this means instead of doing scans when the box goes pear shaped i have had this when moving channels around deleting or lining up favorites a quick upload 1 min max will have your box up & running in no time. this is subject to change as i have been just been sent 7.42 whether this makes a difference as the auto scan function went a bit pear shaped i shall let you know
  3. mudflap33

    mudflap33 Guest

    mwey71, I have done the same as you with the reflash, but i get the error 0 when i try to force the upgrade. Any ideas.
  4. mwey71

    mwey71 Guest

    Try the Following

    Open STBlink

    Click on Upgrade now choose your file you should get a warning the user data will be lost

    Connect the box power it up then click ok. The box LED should flash red/green

    wait for it to blink radpidly after a couple of mins then power off

    Word of warning when i did this when i auto scanned the box it kept stopping @ 345 mhz but i suspect my box is a bit dodgey. If this happens to you also i may have a work around by using the same method as above but using firmware 7.42 scan the box then flash to 7.51

  5. mudflap33

    mudflap33 Guest

    I've found out that someone with the same problem had to reflash with 738 or 742A as it has bootloader in it which should start the box working or communicating again. Only probem is that i don't have any of those versions of the firmware.

    TAFSIR Regular member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    is 744 any good to you
    its about 2meg in size
  7. mudflap33

    mudflap33 Guest

    I've got 744 mate, but thanks anyway.
  8. Novice99

    Novice99 Regular member

    May 26, 2007
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    Would suggest you start a new thread titled "Need 7.38 or 7.42a for Replay" Someone out there must have it.

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