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Replay Lite

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by bloomberg, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. scaldy

    scaldy Member

    Jan 24, 2008
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    Colmon..... Thanks for the info... Will give it a go this afternoon.....Cheers... Scaldy
  2. Galwaybar

    Galwaybar Guest

    Thanks scaldy-boy, but I tried the last codes he posted (well the last that I could find) from Feb 24th last, but they didnt work for me.

    Actually another quick question, I always have my box set to 0x55, even when changing codes before. Brian1956 said in that post to set it to 0x5E. should I keep it at 0x55 or will it make a difference if I change it. Im with NTL in Galway.

  3. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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  4. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi GalwyBar.

    You should update the box to the Beta 9.06 Software.

    The key's will change automagically with this, so no more \key inputting.

    Latest Keys for You are below.

    Manual Instructions for key entry in Replay Lite.

    1. Menu

    2. Installation

    3. Parental Lock

    4. Red Audio Button for Goto Key Manager

    5. Choose the top option and turn OFF the auto update.

    6. Press the Blue button to choose the NAGRA option

    6. Use the left scroll button to get to your Provider ID which will be one of the following:
    Four arrows back takes you to 'Prov ID 0X55E' which is Nhell

    7. When you select your provider, one arrow down takes you to the 0x00 - i.e. Key 0. Press OK

    8. Up pops the HEX Keyboard - just type in the new numbers - it puts the dots in for you. Do this for Key 01 as well.

    Codes for 0x00 type 88.C1.70.A9.59.17.11.FF

    Codes for 0x01 type 08.B4.97.5B.E2.D9.41.0B
    9. Exit out to TV
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2008
  5. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi Colmon,

    You are right,

    If you are in Dublin and on Nhell, my channels and favourites can be transfered to your Box with no need for a rescan or sorting out.

    To backup your saved channels and favourites.

    Connect the null modem lead to your PC and box and power up the box.
    Open up the stb link.
    Setup Comm.
    Click Read User Data
    The file will be called Factory_Data.txt
    There will be 64 blocks to download from the box.
    Save it to your desktop and rename it what you want.

    If at a later date you do a full rescan and find nothing,
    You can reload the file you have saved on your desktop.
    But when you have established a connection with the stb link
    Click Write Factory Data and get the saved file from your desktop.
    There will be 64 blocks to upload.
    Make sure as always to wait for the rapidly flashing light.

    Click on the link uner my photo.

    Go to the Replay folder.

    Then the replay channel dump files.

    Download Brian chan fav feb 29 2008 to your desktop.
    These are my channels and favs in Dublin on Nhell.
    Connect the null modem lead to your PC and box and power up the box.
    Open up the stb link.

    Setup Comm.

    Click Write Factory Data
    and get the saved file from your desktop.

    There will be 64 blocks to upload.

    These will then transfer from to your Replay lite.

    Make sure as always to wait for the rapidly flashing light before unplugging the null modem lead.

    Unplug the box.

    Power it back up again and all my channels and fav’s will be stored on your box.

    Use the Channel Manager to rename Favourites.

    1 General TV
    2 Movies
    3 Sports
    4 Music
    5 Kids
    6 Documentaries
    7 News
    8 Others


    Last edited: Mar 14, 2008
  6. WITKO

    WITKO Regular member

    May 31, 2007
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    have a R/P pvr which crashed so got a R.P.L box if i want to flash it with new beta do i need to install other s/w first or can i flash from new
  7. scaldy

    scaldy Member

    Jan 24, 2008
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    Witko..You should be able to flash it with 9.06 from new but if you want to be sure (as I've done) start with 7.42 then 7.44a then 7.52 then 9.06... It worked for me... Cheers.. The Scaldy One!!
  8. gman496

    gman496 Regular member

    May 29, 2007
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    Flash from new but bare in mind that you won't be able to clone from the beta software until the full release.
  9. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Good answer "O Scaldy One"


    Disconnect the hard drive from your PVR and Flash it as Scaldy has posted and you will be then able to use it as an ordinary Reply lite Box. UNTICK the Maintain User Data button when you are doing this.

    You can save the channels from your reply lite box on your PC, then transfer them to the EX PVR box, when you get it going.

    Very Good Idea "Oh Scaldy one"
  10. Damoirl

    Damoirl Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    So you can actually load the replay lite software on the replay boxes?...sweet. Im gonna try that with my 2 faulty replay boxes.

    I got that universal power adapter for the lite Brian, first one he gave me blew up after an hours use(!!) but I got a replacement which is working perfect - cheers for that. Its mainscourt electrical by the way :)
  11. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi Damo,

    Just disconnect the hard drive flash the box, flash with 742a, unplug the box.
    Plug it back again and wait for the green light to come on.

    Then flash with 744, unplug and plug in again, wait for the green light again then flash with the Beta 9.06.

    It will work OK.

  12. ronanf

    ronanf Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Hi folks, Im looking to get a PVR that for N*L for myself and one that works in Ch0ru$ land out swords way, any recomendations? Ive got a replay lite but I dont have any prefernces. I cant seem to get my hands on a Replay PVR as Ive been pretty happy with the lite to date.
  13. blitt

    blitt Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    hi can you provide me the link to update my friends replay box his channels are all scrambled hes not had it on for about a year thanks alot
  14. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi Blitt,

    Click on the link below,then scroll down about 15 posts until you get to the one about the new Beta 9.06 Software.
  15. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Reply PVR will not work with Ch##us and to be honest it's not a very good PVR.

    Starview PVR will work in Nhell & Ch##us.
  16. Galwaybar

    Galwaybar Guest

    Cheers Brian Boy. Will sort that out
  17. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    And to be honest Brian they are S**T as well would not recommend to anybody more trouble than they are worth
  18. WITKO

    WITKO Regular member

    May 31, 2007
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    thanks lads for all your input tried reflashing but nothing box is dead when you power on the box goes to ch o3 and stays there cant use remote, wont do any thing [power off and power up again red light comes on led then turns green then goes to ch 3 same story over and over any ideas ,thanks
  19. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Make sure when flashing The "Maintain User Data " Box is UNTICKED


    Go to the replay folder.

    Go to documentation and download: Flashing the replay lite box.

    This will guide you through the flashing process.
    Read this thoroughly before you attempt to flash the box.

    Go to the software folder and download: stblink5.20.zip
    This is the file that will transfer the firmware from your PC to the replay lite box.

    Go to the firmware folder and download:
    BETA 9.06

    These are the files that need to be transferred to your box from your PC via the null modem lead.

    When you have all these files downloaded, you are ready to go.

    Connect the null modem lead to the box and your PC.
    Click on the stblink5.20.zip file and choose run.
    Do not do choose the setup comm.
    And ignore any errors you see.

    Remember UNTICK maintain user data.
    Select upgrade software
    Get the 742a file from your PC.
    From when you see the blocks start to transfer.
    It takes 4 mins for the box to be updated.

    But make sure you see the led flashing much more quickly than it did when the blocks were transferring. If you leave for even 5 mins it will be OK.
    Wait until all the blocks are transferred and WAIT a couple of more minutes for the led to flash much more rapidly than it did when you could visibly see when the blocks were transferring.
    Unplug everything and only connect the power lead.
    Wait for the led to flash red/green and then stay on green.


    Connect the null modem lead to the box and your PC.
    Click on the stblink5.20.zip file and choose run.
    Do not do choose the setup comm.
    And ignore any errors you see.

    Remember UNTICK maintain user data.
    Select upgrade software
    Get the 744 file from your PC.
    From when you see the blocks start to transfer.
    It takes 4 mins for the box to be updated.

    But make sure you see the led flashing much more quickly than it did when the blocks were transferring. If you leave for even 5 mins it will be OK.
    Wait until all the blocks are transferred and WAIT a couple of more minutes for the led to flash much more rapidly than it did when you could visibly see when the blocks were transferring.
    Unplug everything and only connect the power lead.
    Wait for the led to flash red/green and then stay on green.


    Connect the null modem lead to the box and your PC.
    Click on the stblink5.20.zip file and choose run.
    Do not do choose the setup comm.
    And ignore any errors you see.

    Remember UNTICK maintain user data.
    Select upgrade software
    Get the BETA 9.06 file from your PC.
    From when you see the blocks start to transfer.
    It takes 4 mins for the box to be updated.

    But make sure you see the led flashing much more quickly than it did when the blocks were transferring. If you leave for even 5 mins it will be OK.
    Wait until all the blocks are transferred and WAIT a couple of more minutes for the led to flash much more rapidly than it did when you could visibly see when the blocks were transferring.
    Unplug everything and only connect the power lead.
    Wait for the led to flash red/green and then stay on green.

    Then connect scart and TV cables.

    Then scan for channels.
    Ireland Nhell
    Start Freq. 290
    End Freq. 403
    Symbol Rate 6887
    Constellation 64 Qam
    Search By Network ON.
    When all channels are found Select View.
    Then use channel manager to sort out.

    When the files are being transferred from your PC to the box, the led on the box will be flashing at this speed[​IMG]

    Don't unplug the box until until you see it flashing at this speed
    If You live in Dublin.
    Go to Eamo's Library Download the file in the library, (link at the bottom of this post.)
    It’s all my channels and favourites as I have them on my Replay Lite.
    Click on the link.
    Go to the replay folder.
    Then the replay channel dump files.
    Download Brian chan fav feb 29 2008 to your desktop.

    Connect the null modem lead to your PC and box and power up the box.
    Open up the stb link.
    Setup Comm.

    Click Write Factory Data
    and get the saved file from your desktop.
    There will be 64 blocks to upload.
    These will then transfer from to your Replay lite.
    Make sure as always to wait for the rapidly flashing light before unplugging the null modem lead.

    Unplug the box.

    Power it back up again and all my channels and fav’s will be stored on your box.

    Make sure you do NOT select the upgrade software button.

    Use the Channel Manager to rename Favourites.

    1 General TV
    2 Movies
    3 Sports
    4 Music
    5 Kids
    6 Documentaries
    7 News
    8 Others

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2008
  20. paulyham

    paulyham Member

    Jan 31, 2008
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    Lads im in tallaght and my box is off anyone else having problems?
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