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Replay Lite

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by bloomberg, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. bassman42

    bassman42 Member

    Aug 17, 2007
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    . I just sent them off an email. Will let you know how I get on.

    Really good forum this....You sound like a nice bunch of guys

  2. WITKO

    WITKO Regular member

    May 31, 2007
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    scaning replay box pvr nothing yet do tou put cable in ariel or ant in think might be wrong have cable in ariel
  3. WITKO

    WITKO Regular member

    May 31, 2007
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    its ok got it sorted

    KARLZIPS Member

    Jun 19, 2007
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    hello mr replay lite box maker... any chance of posting the update for the info button?? pleeeeeeeeesssseeeeeee.....
  5. raykelly

    raykelly Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Hi lads
    i went and got the null modem cable l71btbut whan i go in to stb link 5.20 and click Setup Comm button it says access denied then says com port open error un pluged the cable severel times and swicheced on and off the box but no luck any ideas whats wrong
    thanking you in advance
  6. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi raykelly,,

    You might want to force the flash down the box.
    You will lose the channels you have saved but you can do a rescan.
    Plug in the null modem lead, PC & Replay Box. Switch on Replay Box and press the Setup Comm button on the stb link 5.20 If it’s connected a blue line will move from left to right confirming that a connection has been made.
    KEEP MAINTAIN user box UNTICKED Then press the Upgrade Software Button and choose the appropriate file for your box. The Lite file is currently Version 752.
    You might see error0, ignore this

    There are 515 blocks of information to be downloaded. Allow the link to download and write the information to your box. During this time you will see the LED light on the Replay Lite flashing red/green approx every second.
    When all blocks are transferred, your pc will read all transferred.
    WAIT for another 3-5 mins, the box will take a little more time to read the blocks, even though your pc has read all transferred. WHEN the led flash much more quickly than it did when the where being visibly transferred, the box is upgraded.
    EXIT STB LINK AND THEN UNPLUG THE BOX AND NULL MODEM LEAD. POWER UP THE BOX AGAIN. Your unit should be flashed and ready to use.

    If you already had your channels tuned in they will be still there, flick through the channels until they unscramble. It can take up to a minute or two to find the codes from cable network.

    If you have no channels you’ll need to do a channel scan. Go to Auto Search. You will note that the Symbol Rate is set to 6887 & 6952. LEAVE it at this symbol rate as some of the channels have been changed. Now press search and it will take about 30 minutes.

    During the search it will not start to find channels for about the first 5-10 minutes as it has to go through all of the frequencies. It will eventually find around 242 TV and 63 Radio but it will reduce this amount to around 130 TV and 40 Radio as it deletes the duplicates. When it is finished scanning the “Scanning” button will change to “View”

    Press view and this will save your channels.

    If you see 1800 Scrambled – just wait a minute or so for the keys to update. You will only have to do this once.

    Once your first scrambled channel comes in – they all will!

    There is a small glitch in the software which means that the “info” button is not working. A patch will be developed for this.
    Setting up the Favourites Menu

    1. Press the menu button
    2. Navigate to the Channel Manager Section (top of screen)
    3. Go to the TV Channel section and press OK
    4. The TV Channel Manager is now available
    5. By default you are now on Favourite 1 (pressing the RED button will take you through favourites 1-8).
    6. Pressing the GREEN (edit) button allows you to change the Favourite 1 Menu to something more appropriate. I’ve set my favourites 1-8 as follows
    a. 1. Popular TV
    b. 2. Movies
    c. 3. Sport
    d. 4. Factual
    e. 5. UK TV
    f. 6. Music
    g. 7. Kids
    h. 8. Your Choice

    7. When you press the Green Button you will have the option to RENAME FAV (navigate to this and press OK). You can now manually rename the Favourite to what you want,
    8. As you scroll through the channel listings you can add your favourites as follows. If you have a favourite called Popular TV you may want to add the standard freeview channels. When you navigate to BBC 1 press the OK button and a Smiley Face will appear next to the channel – this means it has been added to this favourites menu.
    9. When you have finished (with for example – Popular TV) press the RED Button and you will now be on Favourites 2 (pressing the RED button will scroll you through each of the EIGHT Favourite menus). If as I’ve done you’ve renamed Favourites 2 to Movies you may want to add Sky Movies 1/2/3/4 etc
    10. When you are finished with your favourites – press exit and the data will be saved,
  7. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi raykelly,

    If you live in Dublin and want to save time on a rescan.
    Even for people who have scanned their boxes, this is handy to have as a backup.

    Download the file below to your desktop.
    Its a file called dub channel fav.

    It has all my channels and favourites on it. All are working.
    You need a null modem lead part number L71BT Don't accept anything that has not got this part number on it.

    Down the stb link file below to your desktop.


    Run the stb link file.
    Connect the null modem lead from your PC to the box.

    Click Write Factory Data.
    Get the file dub channel fav
    Click Write Factory Data There are 64 blocks to upload.

    Wait a couple of minutes more after your PC has read all blocks transferred.
    The red/green light should be flashing much more quickly than it was when you could visibly see the files transferring.
    Then unplug the null modem lead and the box.
    Power up the box again and in a few moments all my channels and favs will be on your box.
  8. WITKO

    WITKO Regular member

    May 31, 2007
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    got replay box pvr its great heres the but time keeps changing any ideas
  9. 2steven0

    2steven0 Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Hi Brain

    I have tried to download the dub channel fav. you have uploaded ,but it seems to be a text file only ,can you pm me the file direct ,

    Many Thanks

  10. gman496

    gman496 Regular member

    May 29, 2007
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    It's meant to be a TEXT file. When you connect to the box you choose the "Wite Factory Data" option & point to the TEXT file for upload to the box.

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2007
  11. tizler

    tizler Regular member

    Mar 29, 2004
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    Hi Brian, you seem to be the expert. I am sorry to repeat this and hope it dont cause probs but I have a replay lite and my old system, with sky or ntl was split between diff rooms as so.... box >>> aerial out to tv booster splitter >> aerial out to various rooms. Now this worked with both ntl and sky and i could watch what was transmitted on their boxes in digital but the aerial out of the replay lite dont work the same - you can get the freeview but not the other channels. Have channel 6 tuned into C65 for Cable or C68 for Sky but cannot find the replay one anywhere - I have discovered it will work through a video - but you have to have the video on and watch through that and the pic aint as good. No probs direct to one tv with a scart. Dont suppose there is a way, but just checking, as slightly annoying as dont want a box for every room!! Thanks for reading.
  12. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi tizler,

    Welcome to the forum,

    I have one of mine set up through the video, just like you have discovered, I also have another one set up with a Wireless video sender. This comes in a kit of video sender and receiver.Theres a double scart connection with it, this sends the signal to TV 1 and the signal is transmitted to the receiver which is connected to TV 2.

    It works very well and is available in maplins, peats, argos or any good electricial store. I have looked in maplins and argos catalogues and Maplins have one for €99 which looks OK.

    It's a pity the don't do really long scart leads, that way you could go scart from the box to the two-scart splitter and then out to 2 TV's. OR do this and buy a few two-scart splitters and keep on joining them up via long scart leads to your spare TV.

    Hope this helps you tizler.
    You seem to have a good knowledge of the operating systems.
  13. tizler

    tizler Regular member

    Mar 29, 2004
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    Thanks so much for your reply!
    Yep - have my system set up like this for ages. But the rf out usually provides the output to the other tvs. Shame it dont really work with this box and yes, have thought about the wireless option, but hey, at £99 - might as well get another box!! lol I do know that by connecting the N*L lead to the booster/splitter works, and could have a box in each room, but didnt want to go to so much expense for the odd time that i need to view there. Prob with my current video is, if its not recording or playing, it auto switches off after 15 mins lol So- at a guess, can just record all the time, when the out put is needed. Might have to go down that route then. Didnt know whether to go for a starview pvr - cos will eventually have another box. Been told the rf out works, BUT - til I have it here to test, who knows. Would be interesting to see if this can be overcome or whether they are made not to use in this country - seems daft it being there and not being able to use - or is it just the software installed only allows output via the scart, but that seems odd. Hope I havent totally confused you lol - confused myself. One thing with me, wont rest til I solve it - am stubborn ;)
  14. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi tizler,

    I don't think the starview rf out will solve your problem.

    I have seen this question before, click on the link below.


    I have been doing some experiminting and your normal way of using the splitter works on my flat screen TV.
    Not sure if this is because it's digital or has a wider scanning frequency, but it works fine.

    Click on the link above, it will give your more info and there are two other useful links to some very good funnies I have posted.

    Hope this helps you tizler.
  15. tizler

    tizler Regular member

    Mar 29, 2004
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    Thanks Brian, let me read that link. How did you get it to work then? What frequency did you use to tune it in?? either the C number or the mhz - i go through all mine and nothing. I was wondering about a setting on the box, the RGB or the other (forgot what its called til i look) - do i need to change that? I have it as RGB at the minute and must admit, dont know what to do lol. I have a plasma tv and it dont work as normal, so wonder how you got it to work. Info please and again, I REALLY APPRECIATE your time in this. Off I go to read that link you posted ;) Just read that and yea, thats the way i thought anyway - except for my video auto switching off lol - so only way round that is have a tape in and press record, so its recording and so stays switched on. Might try it, but messing with all the cables is doing my head in at the minute lol - but may be the only option, unless you have a diff way - well the way its working for me at the minute. I heard about this "loop" thing with the rf out, but not sure what that means - but we are getting somewhere here - which is good - such fun finding things out - I love it !!!
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2007
  16. tizler

    tizler Regular member

    Mar 29, 2004
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    Wow - think I may have found my answer - might be worth a shot at - this bit of kit might work

  17. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Wow again tizler,

    Your findings will be very useful to a lot people on this forum.

    I just went through the mal##ns book and they had nothing to compare at those prices. One of your kits hooked up to a good splitter amplifer should be the bees knees.
    I will be getting one of them myself.

    You will be a great asset to this forum.

    Cheers and thanks.


  18. tizler

    tizler Regular member

    Mar 29, 2004
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    The only downside i see is that it doesnt have a scart out too, which i would prefer, cos the pic on my main tv is best with a scart, but could do through video recorder i suppose. Could work.

    Which one do i buy - and do i bother lol

    did u tune in a channel when you tried my method Brian? or did you just view through video channel, as in other thread?

    would be interested on how you did it

    O and the RGB thingy didnt work, cos changed the setting on the replay lite and still nothing.

    Experiment goes on

  19. tizler

    tizler Regular member

    Mar 29, 2004
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    just testing as wanted to add a sig to my profile and not sure its worked
  20. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi tizler,

    I will be buying the first modulator.

    I will put scart out of your replay lite to a two/way splitter scart,
    from there 1 scart to your main TV and the other scart to the modulator.
    Then a rf cable from the modulator to a normal splitter and send it to your other TV or more, depending on the normal splitter you have, 2 way,3way,4way.

    I can't check that other TV as it's not working at the moment.
    lightning took it out and a few of my other electrics too.

    I'm looking forward to getting that modulator and trying it.
    There was a very good one at the bottom of that page in the link, it's for hospitals and nursing home type places. It's not cheap.

    Take care tizler
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