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Replay Lite

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by bloomberg, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. panzerjoe

    panzerjoe Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Trying to view setanta Sport 1... getting No Signal no prob with other chn....in dub here
  2. 2steven0

    2steven0 Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Hi Brian

    Thanks for comimg back to me ,I have tried everything you stated in your mail and it still will not unscamble,I don't think the software is fully tested as yet .do you know if any one else have got the replay to work on ch**** using the 7.56 software ,

    Kind Regards

  3. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi 2steven0,

    Was the codes for 0x5E
    0x00 key should read 0x 4B.7C.D5.86.E7.01.CC.96
    0x01 key should read 0x 81.34.4B.3C.9E.DF.10.67

    And was the codes for 0x55
    0x00 key should read ox A9.86.6E.EA.39.EA.09.49
    0X01 key should read ox 9E.40.85.78.E7.82.10.06

    If they are not the correct codes you may have to manually input them
    I was assured by the guy that I got the programme that it would work.

    To manually input the codes go to provider in the nagra page.
    In the Prov ID scroll till you get 0x5E
    Go down to 0x00 and press OK on your remote, up pops the HEX Keyboard
    Type in the red highlighted sequence above
    Go down to 0x01 and do the same.
    Exit to TV and see what happens.
    If still scrambled.
    Do the above for the 0x55 keys on the nagra page.

    In the meantime I will get in touch with the guy and ask him for some feedback. Sorry I don't know any else on the same network as yourself.

    I put that programme on my replay lite on the other network and it worked OK.
  4. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi panzerjoe,

    You will have to do a manual search for your missing chanel.

    To do a manual search on the replay lite box.

    User Installation,
    Manual Search….OK
    Up pops the Manual Search box.

    Channel number: CH 1.
    Frequency: 307
    Symbol Rate: 6887
    Constellation: 64 QAM.
    Search By Network: ON.
    Search, it will take only a few minutes.
    The box will find a number of channels on your selected frequency.
    When the search is finished, Select VIEW.
    The new channels will be now stored at the bottom of your channel list.
    Eg: If you already had 120 channels stored, the new ones will be stored from 121 onwards.

    The manual search will find some channels you already have, just delete them

    Go to menu, Channel Manager, TV Channel and use the green edit to move, delete or rename the channel list.

  5. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi all,

    Anyone over in Wales got a channel list and frequency list for nhell.
    Whebn you are watching programe 1 press OK on your remote control.
    Whatever the name of the station is, the frequency for it is located in the bottom lefthand corner of the box after FR.
    So the frequency could read FR3150(V)
    If you were doing a manual search on this frequency, you would input 315 in the frequency into the search frequency box.

    Thanks in advance, B
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  6. dub10

    dub10 Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    Iam missing a few of the + channels on my replay lite using it on ntl , i am trying to do a manual search but my remote control is locked an d i cant change the frequency. the frequency seems to be stuck on 234-746?
    does anyone know what to do?
  7. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi Dub10,

    If your remote control is doing everything else that it's supposed to do, it probably OK.

    Try unplugging the box and see if you can change the frequencies.

    Have you got your box connected from a splitter, if so, sometimes splitters can weaken the signal on certain frequencies.
    If you have it through a splitter try connect the cable directly to your box, or try it in a different room.

    Where you about a full channel search or a manual search?
    A manual should only show one frequency box.

    If you are going a full scan, you could do a factory reset first, the do a full scan on
    Start frequency 290
    End frequency 403
    Symbol rate 6887
    Constelation 64 QAM
    Search by network ON.
    This search will find all your channels in about 5 mins.

    If you are going to do a manual search
    Go to page 64 of this thread and half way down is a list of channels and frequencies.
    To do a manual search on the replay lite box.

    User Installation,
    Manual Search….OK
    Up pops the Manual Search box.

    Channel number: CH 1.
    Frequency: 402 (what ever freq you want)
    Symbol Rate: 6887
    Constellation: 64 QAM.
    Search By Network: ON.
    The box will find a number of channels on your selected frequency.
    When the search is finished, Select VIEW.
    The new channels will be now stored at the bottom of your channel list.
    Eg: If you already had 120 channels stored, the new ones will be stored from 121 onwards.

    The manual search will find some channels you already have, just delete them

    Go to menu, Channel Manager, TV Channel and use the green edit to move, delete or rename the channel list.

    Or if you know someone who has a box with all the channels working, you could clone your box from their's.
    Then you would have all their channels and favourites stored on your box.
    Simply plug in the GOOD box – attach a null modem cable to the back.Part number L71BT
    Take the new box; put it on top of the GOOD box,
    Plug in the null modem lead
    THEN FINALLY plug the power into the second unit.
    It will then start cloning from the master.
    During this time the red/green light will blink SLOWLY

    When the red/green light starts blinking very QUICKLY – it’s cloned.
    Unplug the second box; remove the null modem leads from both boxes
    Plug in the second box, wait for it to come on THEN connect the TV leads.

    To clone a box takes 3mins 42 secs. From the time you plug in the second box.
    So if you give it 4mins then it should be ok.
    But make sure the led is flashing much more quickly than it did when you first powered the box for cloning.
    Even if you let it go for 5 mins it will be OK, just DON'T UNPLUG IT TOO SOON or you will have a dead box.
  8. moggser

    moggser Regular member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    brian my man i know some one asked al ready but was the replacement remote issue sorted out im lookin for one if any one knows where
  9. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi moggser m8,

    I just sent you a PM.
  10. moggser

    moggser Regular member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    yeah i got that mate thanks ill be in touch
  11. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Hi Brian mate i am still hanging about a little busy these days you know yourself
  12. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi Fergus,

    Good to hear from you, me and Barnsley Bill wwere wondering where you were.

    Great to have you around.

    Hi moggser, how's it goin maty, talk to ya soon.
  13. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Yes brian i have been back there alright have been talkin to him just slightly busy at the present very quiet all over at the present i think they are letting it all calm down so there will be nobody on any of the forums to help then they will start their antics again that is my guess it is just we are getting the better of them at the moment that is all
  14. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi fergs,

    Exactly mt thinking 2, I am on a number forums and thay are all quite at the moment,either it's the lull before the storm or asa You say we are getting 2 good.

    Cheer's Fergs, see later on the other side.
  15. blitt

    blitt Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    hi can any 1 help me put new codes in my replay lite box thanks
  16. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi blitt,

    The codes haven't changed for a while now.

    C****s codes Ireland

    KEY 00 = 4B 7C D5 86 E7 01 CC 96

    KEY 01 = 8E 8E 46 FD 36 28 A3 F0

    New n*l keys Ireland

    Line 00 = A9 86 6E EA 39 EA 09 49

    Line 01 = 9E 40 85 78 E7 82 10 06


    NTL UK:

    00: D4 20 A9 A4 06 D1 3C 7D
    01: 87 4C 47 FB FB 70 BD 17


    00: D6 93 93 CD 57 21 70 3E
    01: E4 69 76 00 47 80 E1 8C

    00: F8 DB 11 88 E9 7A B7 D9
    01: D1 BE 23 E7 7B 45 91 75

    What software have you got on your box???????
    To check this go to Menu,Utility,Receiver Information, OK
    SW Version should read 7.52

    What area are you in?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2007
  17. blitt

    blitt Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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  18. blitt

    blitt Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    hi there i just put new codes in they are still scrambled got some music channels tho but nothing else the sw version says 4.80 how do i change it hope ive not done anything wrong when i was trying to fix it im in edinburgh scotland just doing a search the now see iff that will work any other things i can do to fix this thank you mate
  19. blitt

    blitt Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    can you yell me everything to do right from the start will start from fresh and set this replay lite box up thanks any info would be brill thanks mate
  20. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi Blitt,

    You will have to update the software on your box to view the channels, it won't work with the software that's on it now.

    To do this you will have to buy a null modem lead in maplins, part number L71BT don't buy anything that has not got this part number on it.

    The rest of the software can be obtained from the link at the bottom of this post.

    Go to the replay section.

    In the firmware folder you will find the files used to update or fix your box.

    Download the 752uk file to your desktop

    In the software folder you will find,

    download the Stblink5.20, the file used to transfer the firmware from your PC to your box.

    In Documentation folder you will find,

    Download Flashing the replay lite PDF.This is a guide to show you how to update the box.

    The flashing instructions will tell everything you have to do.
    But the most important part of the process is waiting for the box to update, when your PC reads transfer complete, WAIT another couple of minutes for the box to take the flash.
    You will know this when the red/green is flashing much quicker than it was when you could visibly see when the blocks were transferring.

    Don't worry or be nervous about the process, Follow the instruction in the flashing the replay box and you will be fine.

    When you are doing your scan put the start frequency at 290 and the end frequency at 691, you will save a lot of time with your start/end frequencies at these numbers.

    Good luck Blitt.
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