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Request for all regular users of our forums

Discussion in 'Forum announcements' started by dRD, Apr 14, 2005.

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  1. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    like said in the previous answers to this thread, you dont have to write an answer you can just leave the thread and go to another, so if you are answering why not give some help which is a positive approach and then say maybe a search would help to...

    i mean if you are going to answer to slang the guys or dolls off, that at the end of the day is just negative, and also like mentioned here, the status of an individual can be a power rush...

    its like i have afterdawn addict but there are newbies that know 50 times what i do, its all relative...

    stay opened minded people its how we learn...

  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    themonkey, chicken!!!!
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2005
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    teach & run
  4. themonkey

    themonkey Member

    Aug 29, 2004
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    Good Lord ddp - you've actually been to night school and learnt how to spell chicken. I'm impressed.
    (I can spell chicken in 5 languages!)
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    good for you to be able to spell chicken in 5 languages. never been to night school. graduated high school & only 1 in the family to do that without taking time off between semesters.
  6. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    damn .....hold on........i'll re PM him.....
  7. Nero63

    Nero63 Guest

    This line of thought is truley redundant.. Everybody know that when a "nOOb" finds the site, most likely they'll got direct to chat, and post their question, regardless,..But a small note, people that can't read will ask more questions than those who can. So, Let's try on making the search and help options a little more obvious.
    Deffinitely agree with Rotary..

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2005
  8. evnflow

    evnflow Guest

    i know that i am somewhat new to this forum..and have learned a lot in the last few months....and have to say that yes,that at first the forums were very friendly and then all of a sudden they started to get hostile b/c a newbie would ask a question(even though he should and i am probably guilty of this...have searched google)...but still this site is designed to help not hinder a person...that is why i was attracted to this site...it was one that was helpful...and i can honestly say i love this site...it is a learning tool...so if you are pissed at a newbie b/c he asked a question that should have been searched...then let someone else answer it for him don't be a d*ck and give him a smart*ss remark...what's the point?...just let this site be a helpful tool for EVERYONE...wasn't it designed for that?
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Here's how i see it. I always try and be as helpful as i can, by answering what the noob has asked so far. More than often too much info is missing so we still have to guess at what the problem is, and what to ask the noob next. Not a problem, all part of the fun and that's why we're here. Part of what i try to do is detail as much as i can and try to word it such that anyone can understand it (this doesn't always happen as i do Tech Support for a living, but i do try to be a normal person as well!).
    I myself have come across some genuine computer noobs recently and try to go the extra mile to accommodate their newness to all things computer-related (see the 3rd link in my signature for an example). Plus some of these complete noobs (i don't mean that offensively at all) are grateful for what you've given them and you know they'll go on to be of help to themselves and others in future, maybe even at forums such as this. If they don't intend/or want or need to do that, no problem, but at least you can see they've tried to help themselves a little bit first, and after being helped you can see they are willing to learn stuff for themselves.

    It's hard sometimes to judge when a person is in in genuine need of help, or are just being lazy and wanting to be spoonfed forever more; maybe that's why some of us sometimes suggest 'do a search'. But hopefully there are very few who get away with being condescending or smartarses just for the hell of it.
  10. walanie

    walanie Guest

    Thankyou, I have been a regular reader of your forums, and have never had the courage to actualy enter one, Thankyou for such an informative site.
  11. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    And a hearty Nephilim welcome goes out to walanie :)
  12. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    here here

    welcome walanie :)
  13. gurnard

    gurnard Regular member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    i concur. welcome walanie :)
  14. Artlover

    Artlover Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Just my 2 cents. (This mostly coming from my experience in Usenet, but it applies anywhere there are noobs asking questions). Sorry in advance if I start to ramble.

    The problem is there is a difference between people who want help and people who want everything done for them. Further more, even when help is the goal, there is a right way and wrong way to go about trying to get it.

    Do you go to the airport and bug pilots to teach you to fly? Do you really need to be specificly told to go to flight school? Do you go to a resturant and bug the chef's to teach you how to cook? School teaches you how to figure out what 2+2 is, they don't just give you the answers.

    But when it comes to the internet, too many people seem to develop an acute case of common sense deficiency and start asking questions for the wrong reasons in the wrong places. An over whelming number of noobs are NOT interested in learning or understand anything. Most of them are impatient leeches who just want to have their hands held and given the answers so they don't have to expend any effort at all. Especialy when it comes to things like video game hacking. Someone over heard a guy talking about how he downloaded a game, and suddenly all this guy is thinking "free games". "Hey, I don't want to know anything, just tell me what to do so I can steal the games I want".

    Sure,we all used to be noobs at one point or another. I know I was. Take Xbox modding. I didn't know anythng about it. Just heard a blurb on CNN Headline news about it being hacked, and off I went. I never asked questions or posted anywhere. I simply kept my mouth shut, and did what anyone who wants to learn about something does, RESEARCH. Google searching, lurking in various messages bases, etc. Just taking in all the information I could find. After a few days, I had learned everything I needed to know, and without bothering another living soul for anything.

    Now, I'm not some super genius. Just an average joe. So, why is it I could accomplish this, but so many others can't? Could it be maybe because I was actually trying to LEARN about this, and I actually made an EFFORT. I know it's crazy, but making an effort makes a big difference. Imagine that. I'm very sorry many want instant gratification with no work, but that's NOT how learning works.

    You can usualy tell by the end of the first sentience if this is the kind of noob you're dealing with. And quite frankly, who cares if they get offended and don't come back because they are not the kind of user you really want to have. They don't want to know anything, and will never have anything of value to contribute except asking the same questions again and again every time they loose their printout or saved html file of "how-2-pirate" instructions.

    Not to mention the totaly off topic questions. All the time you see people in usenet asking how to download.... Please. You can figure out how to install and configure a usenet reader, how to find the groups you want, how to post, but you can't figure out how to download, or where to go to find that out? Give me a break. Here's a hint, see that help button, CLICK IT. See where it says DOWNLOADING, CLICK IT. <rolls eyes as hard as possible>. I'd hate to think of what other common sense things have to be specificly told to these people on a daily basis. (WB cartoon: <smack><smack><smack> "breath stupid, you forgot to breath again".)

    It's not about being arrogant, or playing elitest either. In my case, I'm just holding other people the same standards that I hold myself. If I can do it, so can you and if you can't, there is probably a deeper reason why and helping you will do you no good and be a waste of my time.

    Common sence, patience and an actual desire to want to know and learn. Anything you want to know is out there. The catch is you actually have to make an effort. That's how learning works. There are 1000's of forums out there, dozens of search engines. If you really want to learn and are willing to make an effort to do so, you will find much of what you want to know, thats a fact. If you're not finding it, it's because you are violating some basic fundmentials of knowledge. You either want an answer NOW and are too impatient to wait, or don't actually want to know/learn, but you need to know to accomplish what you want to do.

    The really funny part about it is watching these noobs spend days getting all pissy and argueing with people, demanding to just be told what they want to know. If they had spend that same amount of time making an efforts and researching themselves instead of carrying on like idiots demanding to be given the answers they want, they would have found the information themselves.

    No one is helping anyone by "helping" those people. They arn't learning anything, are being encoruaged to continue not learning anything, and wasting the time of the people offering said help.

    So my rules of helping people are simple: If you really want to learn and are willing to make an effort to do so, I'll be more then willing to offer you all the help I can. If you just want to be told an answer so you don't have to do anything, you can go f--k yourself. Not really unresonable in my opinion. Sadly, most noobs fall into that latter catagory.

    Unfortunatly, some people get a bit militant about it, and the occasional innocent noob gets nailed. This is not justified behaviour either, I'll conceed that point. It's not that hard to tell the difference between someone who does sincearly want/deserve help and the rest of them. But over all on a whole, I don't think this happens that much and most of what is dished out is probably deserved.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2005
  15. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    We are starting to see new members roll over from the Decrypter site. As they join they show as Newbies. However many of them have been doing this longer than some of the senior members and probably have a better insite to burning than some AD members. I try NEVER to talk down to any newbie or give them the short brush off answers that newbies sometime receive. I sure wouldn't want to offend a long time member from the Decrypter site just because of the Newbie listing under their name. The way I look at it is although I am an upper member on here, the person I'm answering may need a bunch of help starting from scratch or just a few pointers in the right direction. You don't really know so I start with the basic answers even if the question has been answered many times. If the basic stuff has already been tried then we move on to the other things to try. If they haven't used the search it could be they missed it. I then give an answer and suggest a possible search for more help. Its all in how you word the answer.

  16. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    nice one jerry: its all in the delivery.So i concur with what you said
  17. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    @ art lover a very interesting read indeed.

    freedom of speech is a very different rule here, of course with an emphisis on forum rules, going on something mentioned in the last 2 posts that i feel very very strongly about, which i find i can not talk about.

    all i can say is the power of status can / does change a situation, and thank god that we have very good moderators here that all come from very different walks of life.


  18. Umair05

    Umair05 Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Hello people , Exeem is not letting me search , whenever I search , nothing ! comes up , anyone know what is the problem or isit because of the site it has bugs , any mate's out there , can try to help me solve the problem
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2005
  19. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Your question has nothing to do with the topic of this thread and posting email addies is against the forum rules so you need to change the sig ;)

    Try posting your question in our filesharing forum here:

  20. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Might aswell say somthing, even though i am over a month late :)

    Bashing newbies is simply just a bad idea. Like dRD said it creates a hostile environment and in the end turns away shit loads of potential future addicts/mods. I came to the site back in 2002, and knew nothing, Im pretty good now because of the site but kmy first post was a direct violation of forum rules and dRD decided to leave me off with a simple warning (musta been having a good day) but then i fell into line and stuckl around until.... well... now :)

    Bitching at/about nwbies is turning this forum into something that looks like an "elitist club", and im pretty sure it'd scare a lot of people of askin a question. People on this forum complain that newbies ask he same questions and do not search like they are supposed to but i think all of those users are forgetting something important....

    No matter how many times you say it, it wont change that - not in the numbers that "new" (yes "new" as in users who's browsers have never opened an afterdawn page before) are visiting the site. A newbie is not gonna spend ages reading throught the gazillion cmplains that members have made about other newbies not using the search function. Shit if newbies were coming along posting the same thing over and over again,m there's be a huge crackdown on it from this forum - but its ok for members and seniors to say 10,000 times "why dont they search? GOD DAMN IT USE THE SEARCH, im sick of people not searching etc...." - we do not live in a perfect world and as afterdawn traffic rises, the situation will only get worse and worse cause more new users are gonna come along and ask the exact same questions.

    It's also not like this doesn;t cause any problems for anyone whos got a high status at afterdawn, try dRD for example, ask him how many [bold]thousand[/bold] complaints he's got from newbies who've been bashed on the forum! Its gone so bad that about once a week dRD picks out a nice bit of feedback froim someone who as delighted with the site and shows it to some of us.

    Now im not defending cheeky smart ass newbies either. If someone gives u trouble, complain to a mod, dont lower yourself and get dragged into a dog fight cause it will only hurt your rep as much as that users and the forum would much rather lose a smart ass newbie than a long time member. I think a newbie bashing someone's advice is disgusting, and i think in that situation id ban that newbie. But i have to second what someone has already stated on this threead (sorry im too lazy to look bck and find out who ;-) )

    The newbie status means [bold]NEW TO AFTERDAWN[/bold]. That means that potentially a large number of our newest users are experts. Nowe u might argue "if he;s an expert then why does he need help with this yada yada yada" ye maybe he doesnt know much about digital video but cud tell u anything ud like to know about a ps2 or an xbox. Thats why someone with a newbie status shud not be treated any less than anyone else on the forum.

    But ye..... thats enuff, im sure most of u will get what im trying to say anyways :)
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