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Request for all regular users of our forums

Discussion in 'Forum announcements' started by dRD, Apr 14, 2005.

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  1. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what did you say
  2. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Beating around the bush & going round the houses are both acceptable euphemisms. It all depends on which part of the UK you live. Going round the houses is a common expression down our way.

    But I am not getting involved in a debate as to which is correct. They are BOTH correct. I am surprised that you others have never heard of it!


    As for not doing stuff like that over the net etc, not my way of doing things. I will not shy away from speaking my mind. Don't care who you are, or what or who you represent. If people do not like it, that is their problem, not mine!
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2005
  3. gurnard

    gurnard Regular member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    as i said to creaky a while back when he was getting quite a bit of stick for a while. i say it as it is, and if i'm out of order the mods will soon tell us. @pulsar:) some ppl do need talking to sharply when they ignore or argue with the answer/s given to a question they posed and did'nt know the answer to anyway.
    not many ppl up till now, but appears to be on the increase i'm afraid. Geoff
  4. pa104inf

    pa104inf Regular member

    Jan 23, 2004
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    I agree that newbies may not understand the rules associated with this forum and that it doesn't help to do everything short of cursing at them. Some of these responses are almost to the point of offensive. When I see a post that may have crossed the border to the point of piracy, I usually tell them that they should read the rules for this forum and that they may have violated the rules. I also tell them that they should rephrase their posts and use non-piracy words such as backing up instead of copying DVDs.
  5. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    have'nt seen too many newbies post in here, but i'd like to ad this.........
    excellent site, i now find myself addicted to it, everynight, i sit here for hours reading, learning, utilizing the knowledge from others to help me learn what i know today.
    cheers creaky, for being one of the ones who has shed light on me, kivory deserves cheers too, mort is another.(i know i left out a few, but you know who you are) (who has helped me)
    i have not been given the cold shoulder by anyone in this site, although i have read a few posts where i can understand some of the more experienced members in here get a little hot headed about noobs asking same ole same ole questions. but as a noob myself, when i do use the search button, it does seem rather difficult at times. therefore, i just read as much as i can, in all the forums. i just want to add, i love this site, i would have been lost without it, and believe it or not, i found it through google !!!
    cheers all
  6. hap99

    hap99 Guest

    I did not mean to offend anyone. I am also not new to computers or "backing up" dvd's. I thought I would watch to see the responses. I can't believe the way I was calmly attacked, (basically told I was a troublemaker and idiot), because of the newbie title next to my name. If you will all recall, you started out as newbiess in this forum. You got to the point that you are at by responding often. That means that you have a comment on everything when it comes up.
    I have come to the conclusion that I am privilaged to be part of this community, but I will leave things up to the experts, and when I get through reading all the smart ass remarks, and slams at people who have legitimate statements or questions, I will finally see one person who will actually give an answer.
    I am sorry if I have offended people, but, I thought that my original statement was a legitimate one, and I was not rude in any way.
    I truely appreciate those who are willing to offer their knowledge to help those of us who ask questions. Thank you very much.
  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @gear79 - cheers for the kind words.

    @hap99 - it's all about how ppl ask things, nothing to do with status. if someone rants and raves for no reason, or starts thowing tantrums around or whatever, or even blatantly arguing with someone's knowledgable opinion/reply, then ppl are not gonna want to help that person, especially as it's in their free time that they're being attacked. Plus some of these ppl who sign up to sites like this, scream for help ASAP, then get mad when their reply hasn't been dealt with as quick as they'd like. That could be down to different time zones/or simply that ppls reply to so many posts that they can't dedicate the time/detail to everyone's posts. These are things that quickly put ppl off helping others
  8. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I just searched your threads ... I saw nothing of the sort. Post me a link where that happened.
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    flip, i meant to say in my reply, that i also searched hap99's posts (out of curiousity) and saw nothing either..
  10. meta1

    meta1 Regular member

    Aug 11, 2004
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    There are very few members here who "attack" the newer members of the forum, many of us are here to help and enjoy it.

    I know I myself am still basically a "Newbie" here but I do what I can to help, this forum is about gaining and sharing knowledge - 99.8% of us share our own knowledge here willingly, the other .2% are just here to be a pain in the butt and ruin the AD-Xperiance (yeah, that was lame).

    There is a link "Report offensive post", or something close to that, if someone offends you or tries to undermine you - click that and the admins/mods will be notified in good time and the required action taken, just don't click it for no reason or you'll be the one in trouble.

    *Gets off his newbie soap-box*

    O.K. I'm done.
  11. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    hi everyone,

    I just ran across this thread and was impressed with how everyone can express themselves in a mature manner. A thread in which fastfrank posted made me re-think how I reply to posts. Personally I have not been a 'victim' of text lashing but have read many posts that were ummm...abrasive if taken wrong. Like all that have come here at some point in time we were clueless as how to the forum works, personalities, info that was helpful vs. rubbish, etc. In so little time I have learned alot and address all in a cordial manner especially with the multiposting,. I know its not my duty but considering the massive amount of posts in some small manner it points the newbies in the right direction to get the answer/ help they seek. Sometimes I 'peek over the senior, addict, mods shoulders to see what i can learn but as with anything it takes time and sticking around to see that is where you get your bread and butter. The newer folks don't seem to get that concept. I feel if you take the time to reply to a thread then take time to encourage them to use the search function or read the forum rules. As many have said in this thread the manner in how you reply to a post is not meant to humiliate but is taken as such. I always put myself in their shoes and try to maintain the attitude that I am addressing an adult (I would hope most are at least 18) so they get the feeling that it might be good to stick around. Heck some might even have info that would be helpful to the forum. All in all thank you all for taking time from your personal lives to help folks like myself and in keeping with the AD spirit as long as I am able to give back and make a postive contribution. Everyone keep up the great work.

    Also would like to thank kivory, creaky, brobear, rotary and the rest of the regulars who are very helpful when they ccould have turned their back. Almost forgot bbmayo for the excellent guides that I regularly refer to if I get a brain cramp. Oh while I'm at it mort81, arniebear thanks to you guys too. Oh I forgot flip, neph, dela, (I always get a kick out of their posts) they keep it together well wth some of the attitudes that appear on a daily basis here.

    *forgot to thank scubapete but don't see him around much.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2005
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @matt72 - nice post. thanks for the kind words, and you know i'm always glad of your help around the Nero area and you're doing good too. also you always do something that i rarely do (i just charge in and dissect the content i'm afraid), you say hi and welcome whenever you start a reply to posts.
    Keep up the good work and hopefully your workplace will be more forgiving for you using forums at work. it's all research at the end of the day, it's not like we're spending hours looking at sports scores or whatever :)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2005
  13. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    thanks creaky that is due as I stated from a post where I as well as a few others replied and after reading it I would have felt belittled as well( fastfrank made the point of we were wrong in the sense of how we responded). Also by starting out like that gives the newer folks the feel that someone is trying to help them...not try to embarass them. Sometimes being cordial and asking the usual questions can get directly to the problem and for the more experienced folks that drop in it gives them the scenario of what is going on so they don't have to start from scratch. For example I simply watched the replies you and a few others posted regarding nero logs, took the info and ran with it trying to sort the minor stuff out to save you guys some time. In trying to keep the peace and the relatively good nature of AD alive and well I feel alot beter knowing that i helped in some way. Heck I even browse through the newbie and advanced forums answering what is within the scope of my knowledge/ research (damn web blocking son of a **%******** here at work). Doing ok over there so far as most questions could be found with the search function but I keep my replies simple enough where I don't entice folks to try something that looks right but is wrong and mess something else up. I even found someone that was able to help me with graphic designs..go figure he can answer everything about graphics but can't remember the location he ripped a movie with dvd decrypter :))
  14. NEIL1712

    NEIL1712 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2005
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Irrelevant post..
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    goodbye spammer neil!!! do you hear the approaching thunder??
  17. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Did someone report this guy yet? ddp?
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i didn't as creaky was here before me!
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    oops sorry guys i didn't report it, i was just clearing the runway for one of you to call in the thunder
  20. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i'll report than if you hadn't yet
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