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Request for all regular users of our forums

Discussion in 'Forum announcements' started by dRD, Apr 14, 2005.

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  1. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Just been out in my mates new R-Type Honda Civic. NICE!
  2. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    @ NEIL1712: you lying pice of do do.I entered 54 of these so called surveys and never won anything or got paid, wonder if it had something to do with me not being a resident of the states
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Nope, you just get more spam if you're a resident. LOL
  4. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Bye bye baby, baby good, bye baby, baby, bye bye!

    Bay city Rollers, very apt me thinks!

  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Be gentle, remember what the thread is all about. LOL But then, the bossman said he didn't like spammers either.
  6. Xsilver

    Xsilver Regular member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    Funny thread! Most popular forums have a certain amount questions that come round like, a merry go round. The way you have to think of it is this. Afterdawn is funded in part/whole by adverts these adverts are inserted and viewed by all these newbies and other persons replying.

    Without topics being repeated this forum might lose revenue from a drop in posting. I cant really see much of a problem because its always nice to have fresh look at old problems this is how new solutions are proposed and technics improved.

    And one last thing! As the forum membership grows in size with new members. The older members may be sick of the "which is the best dvd converter" question, but to the newer members here wont have much of a problem filling in the blanks thus keeping the forum continuing to grow. Or could i be wrong!
  7. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Now you've gone and got all serious and philosophical, bordering on the melodramatic. We were just kidding about a spammer. The adverts that are paid for I guess we must suffer through for the sake of the site. But those characters trying to sell us time shares and wonder hair tonics can take the leap.

    LOL I feel an editorial coming on. ;)

    Most of the people that have been around for a bit don't mind answering questions for the newbies. But when things have been repeated a few hundred times, they shouldn't have too much trouble finding an answer by using search. I've seen people start new threads and have one next to it with the same question and the same answer. In fact on occasion I've advised some to check out a certain thread because it had already done such a good job of describing a particular task. We want the newbies and we don't want to jump on them. So, there are enough threads so older members can answer something different if we don't want to keep repeating ourselves. I just tire of people posting so they can run up a post count.

    I remember what it was like to be a newbie. I came on the forum and one of the Senior members thought it necessary to jump on every post I made. Sort of set him on fire that a newb could post in his thread. Some newbies are only fresh faces to the forum, but not to recording work with a PC.

    I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they start acting foolish, newbie or addict. My pet peeve is when I try to help someone and then they say, "oh thanks, I knew that". If they knew, why ask. I've actually seen people ask a question and then answer it, just so they could post and look good in their own eyes.

    Newbies and even addicts run the gamut from being serious and trying to help to being showboaters and making a nuisance of themselves. Seems there has been a change over the past year to where people try to see how much they can post as opposed to how many posts they can make that are helpful. I've been guilty of making a few nonsense posts, but the majority of posts have been in threads where I've made serious contributions. It's okay to keep things light, but it has to get back on track.

    Forums have to do 2 things in particular to survive and thrive. First there has to be an atmosphere conducive to learning where the newbies can gather info they're looking for. Second there has to be a pleasant enough atmosphere to keep knowledgable members around that can impart what they know to those needing the info. It has to be a give and take among the members and newbies and senior members have to respect each other. After all, those of us who know a little about what we're doing didn't always have that knowledge. Even the smartest members started somewhere, they weren't born with the knowledge they have. Even as an Addict, there are still things I want to learn. Don't tell anybody I don't know it all. LOL I won't admit it. ;)

    Back to one of my pet peeves, angry people. I've actually seen people who act like it hurts them to help someone. Then there are those who get angry because they think they've not received the help they think they deserve. This is a free forum and those who try to help should be doing it because they want to and like to. Likewise, those who ask shouldn't get angry if they don't always get the help they need, they're not paying for anything. So, as long as it can be entertaining, fun and a learning experience things will go nicely.
  8. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Hmmm... Did I write all that? LOL
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    yes, thought you would never stop!!
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Let's see... Now where does that comment fit into the scheme of things? ;)
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    well put Brobear, has covered all angles there.
    - 'twas quite a short post from you this time :)
  12. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Thank you Creaky, seems some don't realize when I'm really being verbose. ;)
  13. stan1

    stan1 Member

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Since we no longer have a contact of any kind at 321, how do we go about activating the software we currently own if we move it to another computer? I have the "Perfectly Legal" programs DVD Xmaker and Xshow as well as Xcopy. They ALL require activation codes.

    Anyone know how to activate the products off line?

    its making me crazy? should i just throw it away?? thanks
  14. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You need to click the link at the bottom to access the XCopy Forum. This isn't it and they have pretty strict rules about XCopy discussions. Last I checked, http://www.dvdxcopy.com was still there and accessible for those who were registered before 321 Studios went bankrupt. For those who purchased from DVDXCopy-International, I hear there is a problem contacting them now and the site doesn't seem to be working. You could check the Contact and Support links at http://www.dvdxcopy-international.com if you purchased there. You can check with NYC Software, they had a reactivation patch, but I'm not sure what that was all about. http://www.nycsoftware.com
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2005
  15. logitechp

    logitechp Member

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Post removed by Mod. Post in the appropriate forum
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2005
  16. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    hi logichip welcome to AD

    First and foremost lets take a look @ the forum rules Forum rules!! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487. Please before you post a request for help make sure you are posting in the correct forum. I suggest you use the ps2 discussion forum to seek an answer to your question. Remember to read the forum rules, enjoy your time here and be sure post in the appropriate forum. Have a nice day.

    dang that was quick a mod already got him, just hope he takes heed to the advice.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2005
  17. karapooh

    karapooh Guest

    edited -mika-
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2005
  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    pointless person, sorry spammer, reported.
  19. Dremora

    Dremora Regular member

    Jul 28, 2005
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    umm if i say something wrong please someone inform me so i don't do it again just suggesting, oh and how high of a rank do you have to be to inform and offesnive report??
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2005
  20. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    no such thing as rank here, everyone gets status by the calculated times you reply with help and information. you, and anyone can report an offensive post. click the icon in the top right of that post, and then type in why you thinks it is offensive, then click reply, you can also send a note to a mod. by pm just in case it was not received yet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2005
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