RipIt4Me..Quick Reference Guide

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by arniebear, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Hi Rob, thanks for welcome back health is going good so far. Good to be back with AD, may go on forever.
  2. bauerblog

    bauerblog Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    For some reason RipIt4Me isn't working. When I run the Wizard Mode or 1 Click Mode the FixVTS option doesn't appear after I start the program. I've followed all the steps and nothing seems to work.

    All I get is the movie under an image file.

    The last time used the program (Ripit4me+DVD Decrypter+DVD Shrink) everything worked fine.
  3. bauerblog

    bauerblog Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Nvermind, I got it to work:)

    I just had to right click the image file and run DVD Shrink.
  4. ag_kgn

    ag_kgn Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I have a problem and I don't really know if this is the place to ask. I used Ripit4me two days ago and since then, my laptop is taking really long to start-up.

    The main problem is that my laptop stops at the initial black screen w/ the Windows XP logo (and the progress bar) for about 2-5 mintues before loading my desktop. Initially, the XP logo screen showed up only for about 10-15 seconds before loading my desktop. Once windows fully loads (which takes a little longer than normal) things work smooothly. I have completed all checks for possible malware/viruses, but found none.

    I have Ripit4me v. and it worked fine w/o causing this problem when I used it about three months ago. While burning the ripped dvd, it took about 35-40 minutes. It usually takes only 14minutes (max). Do you think this is a problem w/ hardware? The laptop was really hot when the ripping was complete. (and the ripping took about 3 hours - DVD decrypter and DVD shrink processes included).

  5. skorpeo

    skorpeo Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    you might try deleting all the files that rit4me uses to make the rip. When you go to close it it will tell you to go to view log or something to that effect. delete the files and once you've burned the dvd delete the files in the ripit folder and the iso to save HDD space. Also defrag your computer often. A full/fragmented HHD will run and load slower. Hope this helps.
  6. Nice328

    Nice328 Member

    May 11, 2006
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    skorpeo GOOD MAN and good recommendation. ag_kgn, Good Luck and you must maintain your computer regularly to be free of bug.

    Good luck to all.

    Keep up the good work !!!
  7. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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  8. ag_kgn

    ag_kgn Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Thanks so much for your reply. I performed complete disk defrag using RAXCO Perfect Disk 8.0
    Once the Windows loads, everything is fast. However, as I mentioned earlier, the black screen with the XP logo still stays on for a while. My laptop loaded really fast before I used Ripit4me. I wonder if one of the hardware burned out.

    Here's my system memory report:
    Total available memory: 504MB
    Available physical memory: 74MB
    Memory load: 84%
    Total virtual memory: 1229MB
    Available virtual memory: 831MB

    Does this say anything? Any other suggestions? Thanks a lot!


    I checked my DMA settings. Everything looked fine. Thanks anyway.

  9. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Buy yourself some more Ram, you don't have enough to do anything no wonder things are so slow. Shutdown some of your programs that are starting up and are unnecessary.
  10. skorpeo

    skorpeo Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Arniebear has a point, I forgot to mention that. What works for me before I use ripit, is shutting down all the programs running in the background. Go to start, run, then type in msconfig, go to the startup tab, (before you "un" check the boxes, write them down so you can check them again when your down) Un check all the boxes and restart your computer. Once you burn your rip/burn your back up, go back and re-check your start up boxes. This should also give you better success with your back ups, good luck!
  11. ag_kgn

    ag_kgn Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    well the thing is, my computer worked real smooth and fast before I used Ripit4me. hence the reason for my worry. I've done all kinds of graphics/animation/video work on this same laptop and it's given me no prob. It's only after i tried Ripit4me, and it took really long. Since then my laptop's been conspicuously slow. I was wondering/hoping if you've heard of anyone having a similar case so that you could help me. thanks anyways for ur time... i don't think i will be able to fix my prob w/o going to the service station.. but i really appreciate your effort!
  12. ag_kgn

    ag_kgn Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    ...ok. So i've decided to up my RAM. Just one question, what's the difference between norman RAM and valueRAM? Thanks!
  13. hackneye8

    hackneye8 Member

    Aug 28, 2007
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    I asked the question today that this answered comprehensively, even by going off track a little and re coding with Nero and not DVD shrink has done the trick. A very good guide that is now in my favourites- thanks a lot for the guide!I still dont know really if that PSL: creation remedied a scratch or some form of protection, but it worked either way...perhaps you could let me know which it would have been?Having seen the area of disc now copied there is a short momentary pause in this section if that helps.

  14. bart3426

    bart3426 Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Sorry if this has been asked before, I know it must be annoying, but I don't have the time atm to search for it.

    I recently got Ripit4me and I'm trying to put a disc of Futurama episodes on my computer, but I can't get it to get all the episodes off the disc or split the disc so it creates a file for each episode. Like, if I played one of the files it would start by the opening credits and end with the ending credits.

    Any help on what I need to do would be appreciated.
  15. burner131

    burner131 Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    I'm trying to backup a DVD using ripit4me, dvdshrink, and dvddecrypter... everything goes fine until the burning ISO with dvddecrypter portion, i get this error:

    DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed!
    Device:[5:0:0] TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H652L 0603 (E:) (ATA)
    Unable to lock volume for exclusive access.
    Reason: Access is denied.

    Any suggestions?

  16. fryerider

    fryerider Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    Hi Arniebear -

    I hope you're still monitoring this thread, as I have come up against a doozy. I am trying to make copies of my recently acquired Beatles Anthology DVD's. Here is what I found, First I tried simply to use DVD Shrink alone. After the first analysis it came up with a red section on the top bar, showing me that it won't fit. So I unchecked the big sound item, called LPCM 2-ch English, and the red part of the line left and it fit. When I checked the video in the lower window it played fine, but no sound. I figured my sound must be glitching, even though I tried to turn it up, and I encoded it with Shrink anyway with no problem. Then I burned it with my Nero 6, and it made a perfect video reproduction with NO SOUND! (One coaster!! GRRRR.)

    So I went to my next tried and true backup method. <><> Alkohol's VobBlanker method to successfully rip and backup any new release DVDs <><> It worked great. Since the files that method created were small I didn't even need to use DVD Shrink and just burned the files from the VIDEO_TS folder it created and........... I had burned a DVD with great sound and completely pixilated video. I mean unwatchable! So there's coaster #2. So I go back to my ace in the hole: your Ripit4me guide on this thread..... and ended up with another failure. The files I created, when I analyzed them with DVD Shrink, have the same red bar, and when I check the lower window there is no sound. (Just so you know, I tried these files created from the Ripit4me method using Windows Media Player and they play great. Full sound, clear video, etc.

    So I figure OK, I'll just break the thing in two since it's two episodes on one disc anyway. I chose this knowing that they will fit on two discs with no problem, and I don't care about the menus. So in DVD Shrink I choose re-author, then pick one of the two files, and guess what? In the lower window perfect video and again NO SOUND!

    OK, so I'm at my wits end. It's late, I'm tired, and I am throwing in the towel. Can you please tell me what I'm missing? I've never had DVD Shrink not copy the audio track, or not find it or not be able to hear it when I check the lower window. It's something I don't even think to check. (Thus coaster #1.) So can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it? I can't bear to waste another of my Verbatims on this project until I hear from you and my other mentors here at Afterdawn.

    As always, thanks so much for your help and guidance!!

  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    I'm assuming this is the title right?

    its an 1996 release and should be no problem backing it up, heres the audio it says it has

    Dolby Digital 5.1 - English
    DTS Surround 5.1 - English
    PCM Surround 5.1 - English

    have you tryed a different audio stream when backing it up?

    and since you have tryed everything else i would try clonedvd 2 + anydvd that should do the title fine

    or rip with dvd fab decrypter(freeware) then transcode with dvd shrink and burn with nero

    heres some helpfull guides

  18. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I know this may sound silly and almost trivial but do this just for giggles. :) Go into the sound/audio menu (push the audio button on your DVD player's remote) and see if you can "select" another sound stream. I've had this problem before and for some reason the DVD player of choice didn't "choose" the correct audio stream for playback. It's something to try and you never know it may be the problem. :D
  19. fryerider

    fryerider Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    Hello to all my Mentors! As usual your help was stellar!! But....

    I think I may have lost my mind. I DID burn two coasters. I did everything that you're supposed to do. I gave up and wrote my question here. And then I thought: Forget THIS!! So I distrusted DVD Shrink's lack of audio, re-authored the disc in Shrink into two separate rips of the two episodes, opened up Windows Media Player, and what do you know....Perfect Video and Audio. So I stick a Verb in my burner, burn Ep 1 with Nero, and wham....Perfect video and audio. So I come back and read aabbccdd's idea of ripping it with DVD Fab Decrypter. (And by the way, on your post that's a very nice picture of my mom!)So I stick the disc back in, rip it with Decrypter, and open the files in DVD Shrink. I check it out and there is still a big red strip on the green bar. So I uncheck the audio called LPCM 2-ch English, leave checked the audio that took less space, and the red bar goes away. I check it in the lower window and still no sound. So I figure, "What do I have to lose?" I shrink it, open the Shrink file with Windows Media Player, and again, perfect video and sound. So I grab another Verb, burn it, and boogity shoop, a perfectly functional disc with both Eps, primo video, the menus and great sound. So now I'm baffled. Why did Shrink work this time when it had failed before? So I take one more step. I stick the disc back in, open up DVD Shrink, turn off the LPCM 2-ch English, check the same smaller audio track, WHICH WAS WHAT I HAD DONE THE FIRST TIME UNLESS I'M LOSING IT, rip it with just Shrink, and then take THAT one and open it with Windows Media Player. And what do you know: perfect video, audio and the whole tamale. So now my question is, what in the world did I do wrong the first two times that made me two coasters? Now I just turned 60 on Wednesday, so maybe turning over my life odometer has something to do with it. Or maybe when I restarted my machine before I tried these other attempts it straightened things out. But now I feel like an idiot for even coming here and asking my original question. So please send the BoneHead award to Fryerider. And thanks so much for all your help and advice. It worked great. I just don't know why it went wrong for me in the first place.

    Afterdawn -- The best site for intelligent resources I have ever found!

    With much appreciation,

    a very confused Fryerider

    PS to Gm - I did think of and try that audio switch idea on my player, but no dice. Great idea though.
  20. Bigswede3

    Bigswede3 Member

    Apr 6, 2008
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