RipIt4Me..Quick Reference Guide

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by arniebear, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. kg2

    kg2 Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    excellent guide, arniebear, and also excellent troubleshooting. this is the 1st time i've used ripit4me but was able to use it and the FixVTS program after reading this forum. then through ripit4me (and with DVD decrypter) i used FixVTS and then DVD Shrink to compress and save the title into the normal video_TS folder with the concurrent creation of an empty audio_TS folder, then used RecordNow to burn both folders... and i get a black screen that cannot play on my standalone DVD player (a PS2). and when i pop the backup dvd into my computer it starts playing immediately without any problems. i tried running the original compressed file through DVD Shrink again (desperate unguided attempt, yes) and got the same result.

    now, i've ripped and burned using DVD Shrink, DVD decrypter, and RecordNow to backup dozens of movies, used this current media for the last 50 backups, and played them all on my PS2 without this ever happening. is there something i'm doing wrong with ripit4me that's resulting in my standalone's inability to read the disc while the computer obviously reads the VTS files? or is it simply a burning error (maybe my burn program switched the order of the video and audio_TS folders although that's never happened before)? any suggestions? thanks in advance...
  2. chewbkka

    chewbkka Regular member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    I ried what you told me . I figure the path to the fixVTS but when the decrypter finished. a error was created then it shut down asking me to send a report to microsoft. How do I send you the logs to this problem? It happen twice. I found a bunch of files at application/ripit4me/ on my pc. any help will be greatly appreciated
  3. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Right now I think you need to start from scratch. Locate your RipIt4Me program file, which will be in C:/Documents and Setting/whatever your document folder is named/Application Data/RipIt4Me........delete the RipIt4Me folder. Then delete both FixVTS and RipIt4Me that you downloaded and redownload them. Extract the RipIt4Me program into a folder, then double click on it to install. Then extract the FixVTS program into the same folder and double click on it to make sure it is working. Close it. Open the RipIt4Me program, make sure the path is correct to your FixVTS and then try it again.
  4. chewbkka

    chewbkka Regular member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    sounds like a good plan. where do you download these programs? I am sorry but I forgot. thanks for the help
  5. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Go to page one of this guide and the links are on the first post.
  6. chewbkka

    chewbkka Regular member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    thanks. I have deleted everything already
  7. chewbkka

    chewbkka Regular member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    i have downloaded the two programs in a single file. will open them tomorrow when I have time. Thanks 4 the help
  8. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Good luck, I hope this works out :)
  9. kg2

    kg2 Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    any suggestions on my problem? here's the log...

    I 17:02:27: Wizard Step 1
    I 17:03:43: RipIt4Me Version
    I 17:03:43: Starting Wizard at 17:03:43
    I 17:03:43: Ripping mode: Movie only
    I 17:03:43: RemoveProtectedCells on
    I 17:03:43: RemoveTinyCells = on
    I 17:03:43: RemoveUselessMenuCells = off
    I 17:03:43: RemoveLastVTS = on
    I 17:03:43:
    I 17:03:43: Wizard Step 2: PSL file creation
    I 17:03:53: Opening IFOs -- Waiting for drive to be ready
    I 17:04:02: DVD Volume Label: LSE0NNW1
    I 17:04:02: D: Loading DVD
    I 17:04:02: D: Reset done
    I 17:04:02: D: DVDL loading
    I 17:04:02: D: DVDL Reset done
    I 17:04:02: Loading IFOs
    I 17:04:03: D: video_ts.ifo loaded1
    I 17:04:03: D: video_ts.ifo loaded3
    I 17:04:03: D: First play loaded
    I 17:04:03: D: Manager loaded
    I 17:04:03: D: NumVTS 9
    I 17:04:03: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:03: D: Titles loaded
    I 17:04:03: D: Loading VTS 1
    I 17:04:03: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:03: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:07: D: Loading VTS 2
    I 17:04:07: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:07: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:10: D: Loading VTS 3
    I 17:04:10: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:10: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:13: D: Loading VTS 4
    I 17:04:13: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:13: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:15: D: Loading VTS 5
    I 17:04:15: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:15: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:17: D: Loading VTS 6
    I 17:04:17: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:17: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:18: D: Loading VTS 7
    I 17:04:18: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:18: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:19: D: Loading VTS 8
    I 17:04:19: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:19: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:20: D: Loading VTS 9
    I 17:04:20: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:04:20: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:04:20: D: Creating PGC array 98 151
    I 17:04:20: D: Array created
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:04:20: D: Done with PGC array
    I 17:04:20: D: Creating Array2 0
    I 17:04:20: D: Done LoadingL
    I 17:04:20: D: Loaded OK
    I 17:04:21: Done opening IFOs
    I 17:04:21: Retrieving sectors from DVD drive
    I 17:04:21: CRC32 value = 0x41FEC84C
    I 17:04:21: Creating Protected Sector List (PSL) file
    I 17:04:21: Done creating PSL file
    I 17:04:21:
    I 17:04:21: Wizard Step 3: Ripping DVD
    I 17:04:33: Starting DVD Decrypter
    I 17:04:34: Finding main movie
    I 17:04:34: Main title(s):
    I 17:04:34: VTS 1 PGCs 1 - 2:22:54s -- 16:9
    I 17:04:34: Waiting for Decrypter to be ready
    I 17:04:48: Done importing the PSL file, now starting ripping...
    I 17:09:54: Warning: The application you chose does not seem to be FixVTS
    I 17:32:50: Done ripping ...
    I 17:32:51:
    I 17:32:51: Wizard Step 3B: Optional cleanup
    I 17:33:05: D: Loading DVD
    I 17:33:07: D: Reset done
    I 17:33:07: D: DVDL loading
    I 17:33:07: D: DVDL Reset done
    I 17:33:07: Loading IFOs
    I 17:33:07: D: video_ts.ifo loaded1
    I 17:33:08: D: video_ts.ifo loaded2
    I 17:33:08: D: video_ts.ifo loaded3
    I 17:33:08: D: First play loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Manager loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: NumVTS 9
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Titles loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 1
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 2
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 3
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 4
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 5
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 6
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 7
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 8
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Loading VTS 9
    I 17:33:08: D: VTS loaded
    I 17:33:08: D: Menu scanned
    I 17:33:08: D: Creating PGC array 98 151
    I 17:33:08: D: Array created
    I 17:33:08: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:08: Scanning VTS 0 for BOVs
    I 17:33:08: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:08: Scanning VTS 1 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 2 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 3 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 4 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 5 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 6 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 7 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 8 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Loop VTS
    I 17:33:11: Scanning VTS 9 for BOVs
    I 17:33:11: D: Done with PGC array
    I 17:33:11: D: Creating Array2 0
    I 17:33:11: D: Done LoadingL
    I 17:33:11: D: Loaded OK
    I 17:33:12: Scanning DVD Decrypter log for protected cells
    I 17:33:12: VTS 1 PGC 1 Cell 2 is protected
    I 17:33:12: Found 1 protected cell
    I 17:33:12: Checking for potential read-errors caused by scratches on the disc.
    I 17:33:12: No abnormal read-error detected.
    I 17:33:12: Removing protected cells and cleaning up cell commands
    I 17:33:12: VTS 1 PGC 1 Cell 4 removed (protected or tiny) -- Duration 0 s.
    I 17:33:12: VTS 1 PGC 1 Cell 3 removed (protected or tiny) -- Duration 0 s.
    I 17:33:12: VTS 1 PGC 1 Cell 2 removed (protected or tiny) -- Duration 0 s.
    I 17:33:12: VTS 1 PGC 1 Cell 1 removed (protected or tiny) -- Duration 0 s.
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 2
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 3
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 4
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 5
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 6
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 7
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 8
    I 17:33:12: Blanking VTS 9
    I 17:33:12: Now creating a simple DVD structure for the movie
    I 17:33:12: Renaming VTS
    I 17:33:12: Cleaning up movie PGC(s)
    I 17:33:12: Removing useless PGCs
    I 17:33:12: Removing menu
    I 17:33:12: Saving VTS_01_0.IFO
    I 17:33:12: Now cleaning VIDEO_TS.IFO
    I 17:33:12: Removing menu
    I 17:33:12: Discarding unused titles
    I 17:33:12: Clearing precommands
    I 17:33:12: Removing VMG_PTL_MAIT and VMG_TXTDT_MG
    I 17:33:12: Saving VIDEO_TS.VOB
    I 17:33:12:
    I 17:33:12: Wizard Step 4: FixVTS
    I 17:33:15: Running FixVTS to cleanup DVD
    I 17:33:15: Checking FixVTS version...
    I 17:33:15: Using version: -- All OK
    I 17:58:18: Starting DVD Shrink
    I 18:40:15: Done!
  10. neoiv

    neoiv Guest

    Wow! It took me a good hour to figure out what to do but it worked. Thank you so much for the input. I used the RipIt4Me first and followed the instruction ending with dvd shrink. My head hurts from trying to understand but sometimes you just need to go with the flow!

    Much Thanks
  11. Icis

    Icis Member

    Aug 6, 2006
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    I had only use DVD decrypter and DVD Shrink in the worked fine for a time, until DVD's started having more protection. Your guide is perfect and it gives me exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much for writing this guide. I had no problem following the instructions.
  12. dialysis1

    dialysis1 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    Last edited: Aug 23, 2006
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    dialysis1 , the links no good
  14. dialysis1

    dialysis1 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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  15. iwantLove

    iwantLove Member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    thanks thats a great guide
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2006
  16. iwantLove

    iwantLove Member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    umm i am having a problem, call me stupid but how do you put the files ont he blank disc?

    it woudl save alot reading time if you coudl anser that dierctly.

    everythign works, but i dont know hwo to actualy PUT them on the disc.
  17. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Did you run your file through Shrink and compress it, if so what file format did you end up with. If you have an iso file format then burn it with DVD Decrypter/ImgBurn/Nero, if you output as VOB files then you will need to burn with Nero. Usually if you are using Shrink it will ask you on your backup screen what format you want to use.
  18. b18bek9

    b18bek9 Regular member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    thanx again bro for the easy info with pictures lol....i use anydvd but in alot of cases this comes in handy like inside man was a bitch but i followed ur method which seems to work pretty easy....just wanted to drop u a line to say thanx bro later
  19. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Thanks much, I am glad that the guide helped you out and it worked for you. Need to do a few updates now that the program has added some new bell/whistles, but it is an excellent alternative to AnyDVD, and free :)
  20. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Thanks Arnie, great guide and well written.

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