Samsung's service is disappointing

Discussion in 'Samsung discussion' started by Nephilim, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Dunno how to help you rbella09, sorry :(

    Now the battery on my T-809 is shot. It won't take or hold a charge for anything. I'm resigned to the fact that this abortion of a phone will be my first and last experience with Samsung. When you charge 200 bones for a phone it should work fully and perfectly, period. Once a company/brand/store screws me I'll never give them my business again.

    Since T-Mobile could've cared less when I had problems with the phone I bought from them and they also left me out in the cold on $72 worth unsolicited third party charges I'll be dropping them like a hot turd in January when my contract is up. The T-809 is going to shot with a .223 then the pieces will be boxed up and sent to Samsung with a few choice thoughts.

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