Sansa e250 playlist help

Discussion in 'Portable audio players' started by PCSqu33z3, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. menace07

    menace07 Member

    Dec 26, 2006
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    Err @ wongdong....your program doesn't work! I have the same problem that mmoomey gets; "your program does not even run. I get an application failed to initialize properly error."

    That would be one suggestion, get that program to even run. From there I would be able to critique/congrat you at that point. The method I proposed works because I've tried it. Try for yourself. It's pretty simple. If you have an easier method or a dedicated playlist creator for the sansa, I'm all ears trust me. Trying to get playlists onto this mp3 player is like trying to get my gf to 'change positions' lol. Adios!
  2. wongdong

    wongdong Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    As described in the readme of my program, the program is written in .NET C#. That means you need to have the .NET libraries installed. That is usually done automatically when you regularly do your Windows Updates. it is not an error in the program.
    If the error persists i am more than happy to change my program accordingly.
    If you have the .NET framework installed (via Windows update or automatical update) and it still doesn't work, please tell me the exact failure code and the whole error message either in this forum or by mail, i will look into it.

    The newest version also supports playlist creation from mini-SD cards and includes a filter for supported file types (mp3, wma..)

    best, Christian
  3. wongdong

    wongdong Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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  4. menace07

    menace07 Member

    Dec 26, 2006
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    I must say wongdong.....your program actually worked! After you gave me the link to that .NET stuff, I got the program to actually open lol. I did what it said to do in the readme file and I have playlists! So thanx a lot. I do have some questions though; How in the hell did you do it? Haha. Also, for example, if I create a folder (i.e instrumentals) in my music directory with a bunch of mp3 within that folder, it will create a playlist on the player called 'instrumentals', correct? Well keep on doin' what ya doin' cuz you did a good job with this program.
  5. wongdong

    wongdong Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    nice to hear :)
    It was actually not that big a deal, i just read the directory structure of the music folder (and the one on the SD card) and create a list of those files in the playlist folder (which you can delete and save btw.). The only thing was to figure out the format of the saved playlists. But after that it was quite straight forward.

    In defense of the other programs i must say the following: If you actually edit the ID3 tags of all your MP3's
    it bears the advantage that you can play your music on almost every player (ipod for example uses ID3 exclusively) without further changes, but if you sort your mp3 collection in a folder structure like me, this method is the fastest and easiest one.

    cheers, Christian
  6. menace07

    menace07 Member

    Dec 26, 2006
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    Oh i see. Thats kool. Do you plan on making any more programs or adding to this one? And I think you should spread the word because you would be doing a good deed for the Sansa community haha. I think creating playlists is like the biggest pain in the a** with this mp3 player. I know Sandisk would be jealous, but oh well maybe you can sell it to them. And then they could just include it in a firmware update to get it out to the masses. I must say I didn't believe you. It seemed too good to be true. Well thanks again.

  7. wongdong

    wongdong Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    Yeah in fact i do plan to make further changes, depending on whether someone has a good idea ;-). it pretty much does what i want it to do. In fact i think it would be helpful to rewrite the proggy in something that does not require external libraries. Maybe Delphi or C++ or something.

    And regarding spreading the word: I already did/tried it, but to be honest i am to lazy registering with all the forums. So I put it here and on Wikipedia.

    One last funny thing: I already contacted the Sandisk customer support, but what a surprise, they don't seem interested in spending money for it, hehe. Anyway i offered them the possibility to tell their customers the link to my program for their support requsts, but i even doubt they will consider that. It is actually very hard to be taken serious by a big company because usually customers are considered "dumb" in one way or another so i can't even hold it against them.

    So let's be content with what we have. In 3 years, the player is old and we will buy a new one anyway ;-)

  8. arch85

    arch85 Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    for all the mac users, I just spent last few days scripting my ass off.

    Anyway, this script will sync you playlists from iTunes to the sansa e-series players.

    The instructions and everything else is on the web site. If you need anything else, do feel free to send me an e-mail :)
  9. seanpr123

    seanpr123 Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    So question. How is it done? For instance what I tried was making an on the go playlist, copying the file through explorer, looking at the syntax is uses to organize the files in the playlist, and tried to make my own but it still would not "refresh the database" if you will to see a new file/playlist there. I don't mind having to type in each song I want in a playlist, but I need a way for the player to recognize a new playlist.

    Any help?
  10. arch85

    arch85 Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    I had the same problem when writing my script (for macs now -- working on one for PC to sync with iTunes) and I contacted Christian regarding it.

    He was generous enough to offer me his help :) (Thanks again!!!)

    Anyway, the thing is that after every character there is supposed to be a hex value 00 (ASCII value of which is a null, but it is still a character). So if you look at the playlists generated by Christians application or my scripts in a hex viewer or some other non-standard text-editor, you will see the hex value of 00 after every character.

    If you can incorporate that when you're typing, you'll be all set :)
  11. Kiki05

    Kiki05 Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Ok Heres the Deal. I just Downloaded the New Windows Media Player it looks Cool but it is just not working with my Sansa..Before i installed this i had WMP 9 and all i had to do was right click and delete my songs or create a list of songs i wanted to sync to my device. Now I can't delete songs i right click them and click delete..and they appear to be deleted on the Windows player BUT in my mp3 player they are still there..the songs i sync dont show up on my player and im beginning to get frustrated can somebody PLEASE help me?
  12. arch85

    arch85 Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    okay guys -- another countless set of hours and i'm finally done!

    I have added the scripts/program for PCs that you can use to sync your Sansa e-series mp3 player with iTunes.

    PC version is more advanced than the Mac version but i'll bring it up to date shortly (once I get more time on my hands).

    Hope this helps some of you out :)

    - Archit
  13. wongdong

    wongdong Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    Boah Archit, i just had a look at your application and i must say, i'm impressed. Looks like far more work than just a "script" as you mentioned.

    Anyway, nice work, keep it up.

    Cheers, Christian
  14. arch85

    arch85 Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    Thanks Christian :)

    Yeah, took me a loooooonnngg time but 's ok -- I got it done :) and a special thanks to you for revealing the secret of how Playlists work on these players to me :)
  15. seanpr123

    seanpr123 Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Has the secret been revealed in this thread or is there still something Im missing. I didn't quite know how to edit the files in the hex editor and add in the 0s (I think it was 0s).
  16. arch85

    arch85 Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    It has been long solved man ...

    You're supposed to add Hex(00) after each character ... I'm not sure how you would do it using a text editor; I wrote my scripts in C# and AppleScript so it was much different.

    The hex value 00 (which is a null character) needs to be inserted after each character; not sure how you'd do it.
  17. lace662

    lace662 Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    hello guys!

    I have some (big) trouble with my sansa e250.
    I tried to put a playlist onto my player using the threads in this forum. I updated my firmware, tried out MediaPlayer and Winamp, but it did not work. So I deleted all mp3 files manualy on my player. After that one folder couldn´t be deleted, so I tried to format the player. Also this didn´t work.(message: formating could not be completed).I also tried that recovery-mode, but nothing happened.(last message: "...enter MSD MODE" !?!?)
    finally I tried to put on new files, but now windows message:"The file may not exsist or being used by another program." appears and no files are copied.

    what happened? please help me!


    ps: sry for my poor english
  18. lace662

    lace662 Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    all right.

    I should read all threads line by line and follow all external links first. I solved my problem using the "chkdsk /f" tool. I´m sorry.

    Now I also tested the playlist creating tool. It´s creat stuff. thanks a lot!

  19. pedro479a

    pedro479a Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Hello, I am new to this site/thread. I just got this player and bought one for my kid. I will try the suggestions here for getting the play lists.

    My player died when I first got it. The screen locked up and the blue ring stayed on. First thing in FAQ in the manual was 15 second time on button for reset. It worked. Then I remembered to down load firmware on new item. My kids player had the latest firmware already installed, mine did not. Info for all or you, no problems here.

    Question: What happens if you have more songs on WMP than can fit onto the Sansa and try to synchronize?
  20. yoyojedi

    yoyojedi Guest

    Hi I'm having an unusual problem with my new sansa e200. I have multiple music files on it and I have tried looking all over the internet on how to delete multiple music files and nothing has worked. I am able to see the hidden music folders and able to open them and delete things in them but when I disconnect my e200 and boot it up again there they are again like I havent done anything and I have wasted several hours deleting files only to be aggravated when they reappear. Please someone help me before I chuck this thing out the window or take a hammer and break it into a million pieces.

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