fintannl, since when did ignoring a problem make it go away? Let's face it - this is not too dissimilar to Napster/IRC in the 90's, or PirateBay in the 00's, and newsgroups today. Sure, its a different technology, but the principals are the same - ripping off content. And we all know that millions of people did/do download illegal music and videos, and software everyday. I'm not trying to justify it, but whether you like it or not this is part of society and allowed technology to develop in different directions. If a specific city has a drug problem then the way to solve that is within the community - education of the youth. Ignoring the issue would create a new generation of drug users. Its no different with online communities and online illegal activities. Its not just going to dissapear if you turn a blind eye and block/delete/ignore etc - as we've seen its growing rapidly. As you've mentioned helping people, then why not help those who are lost, rather than just those who know the way but are unable to rtfm? I don't see this thread as advertising crooked sites. If anything, its discouraging others to follow, which is the way it should be.
gents, i take your point. i continue to answer PMs showing users how to do basic functions on a dreambox which i truly believe this forum should be about. its a hobby where people learn stuff and get rewards for their efforts. I resent that any effort should be made to publizise these pirate sites. Its a hobby and a learning process not a cheap solution waiting to be offered. I take the Napster argument but Napster was a simple download solution. To program these boxes to do things is not a simple download. So my version of things, be it right or wrong, is to help people who are willing to learn for the fun of it and turn away people who just want a solution that is likely to end them up in jail I do apologise if I went over the top but I find card sharing sites to be the cheapest of the cheapest solution
good point Despite my comments I'm actually a Linux enthusiast myself - both as a profession and personal hobby. I guess after many years of working with those who only have time for Windows I have learnt to see their point of view. I agree with your principles though.
When he says change ip is that all thes users of those illegal sites need do, i thought you must pay them for there subscription, wont your personal details still be known by whoever checks there logs, and is it okay to share amoung friends or is that in the same boat.