it's just a little touch up with the photo editing program after you scan your disk or download it from the internet...... doesn't take long and I get great results every time!
If I knew what to do when i was touching them up then i might be ok, but im completely image program illiterate.
none. I dont photo edit anything lol. I guess paint if you want to consider that a photo editing program. I never really have to deal with photos at all.
can't help you there then. All I do is enhance my scan of the disk picture by bluring the image and guess what... it comes out clearer! I guess the glass of the scanner makes the image of the disk blurred a little. can't help that.... unless you take that image and enhance it by using the BLUR effect! and bingoooo....... well, you see my disks in the image above.
If you have no pic app get Google's free Picasa. It's fine for minor touch ups. With your scanner, 300 dpi should be fine. Check to see if you have a 'de-screen' option (you should). This should help as DVD's that are causing you problems are not regular photos (so to speak). The same setting would be used for pics out of magazines as they have also been 'screened'.
I use "DeScreen" setting but still find I need to touch it up with the photo editing software to make it perfect.
@ flyinonic, Quote- Is ridisc ink any worse than the epson ink? maybe that is why they are not coming out good? i haven't tried using that type of ink i have only used the epson kind. it could be the reason why they are not coming out good? as i said before i get almost all my cd pics from that site u said and even though the pic isn't great it still comes out good and even better. no need 2 do anyhting 2 the pic. Hey IHoe, what kind of ink r u using for that R320, i have read other people using that generic brand and they said they had no problems with it? think it was in the media forum
I'm using the Ridisc ink in my 340, 4200, & 3800 Epsons and I find no quality differences .I had been using Abacus till I bought at Meritline and Supermedia after Abacus upped there prices.My HP 2175 is still using the HP ink ran across a sale a year ago and stocked up. My downloads and scans are just as good if not better than the originals.My scans I scan right into my pictures and pick up with the Epson print CD. I also use CC covers among others and very seldom do I get blurry pictures. I've got Comcast for internet. Chris
@ ChrisC586, hey, ya other people on here didn't have any problems either, i think i im going 2 try those ridisc too, i have had great results like u when it comes to getting the pics from cdcovers and even know some of them dont look good, when i print they do look better and smoother then original pic, no need to do anything to the pic, and i have used nothing but the epson ink. BTW u have a lot of printers. LOL
Yeah I started out with The hp2175 ,then I built another Comp and seen the 340 for disc printing and had to have it and built another comp and didn't want to share printers and found the replacement ink cheap and wanted a scanner for the cds and ran across a good deal at comp usa for the 4200 thinkin that would take the same ink as the340 and seen the 3800 at Comp Usa figurin all 3 would take the same ink and bought 3 rounds of ink from MeritLine [108 cartridges ] and got kicked when I found out the 3800 and 4200 took different cartridges than the 340 so off iI went back to Merit for them cartridges. Still one heck of a lot cheaper to run than the HP ,but for photo printing the HP is a little bit better quality. Yeah I have a habit of going overboard thanks to Creaky and the boys I ended up with Benq Burners up the wazoo. Chris
without a doubt, if your scanner glass is clean and you have a "decent" photo editor, you can scan the "cover" and "disk" image to file, even with the free one of "Microsoft Picture It 9", you can go to wal-mart, pick up the memorex "CD & DVD Labelmaker" with bonus software and make [bold]very[/bold] good copies of any disk and or cover. All you have to do is use the "edit" or "enhance" to make them better. You can also add effects, filtering, etc. Have used this method for the past 5+ years and has yet to give me any problems. I use the HP Officejet 6210 allinone to scan and or print, at times I use the HP Deskjet 970cxi to print. Always same as original.
hey sorry i havent responded lately ive been under the weather. First, Im using epson ink anyway not ridisc that was just a question off topic. Second, your settings 300bowler were identical to mine. Im going to try to touch one or two up with a photo editor soon so i can see how it looks. Other than blurring it, what normal things do you guys do? Thanks for all of your posts and help.
Hey Flyinonic go here for alittle more info Chris
@ flyinonic, i got the original from cdcovers and it didn't look good but came out good. also i just ordered some of the generic ink from supermediastore and im going to try them out and see if i get any difference, will let u know