Hello My felow Threaders! I just called 2(TWO) local Costco warehouses and they told me that the price is coming up as ...get this $2199. They both conformed that was the price prior to the coupon. If this baby takes universal wall mounts I am buying it! I am calling sceptre sales now. The Shmock at Costco.com would not give me the price! I am going upstairs after I get off the phone with sceptre to measue my Ent center to see if my sharp will fit there and Put the scepter 42" in its current place. Wow I am excited!! Based on the measurement from the website I may have put it on top of the dresser.... Scepter does not have aany VESA stds for the wall mounts...
I have a 32inch one from Costco and so far it is pretty good. One drawback is the remote, its the only thing that will work on the set. That means no other type of remote will operate the tv.
@kchaco So the real price for Sceptre 42" is $2,199. With $500 off coupon, you only pay $1,699. Is this right? If so, can we preorder at any local Costco? I'm getting excited too. Damn good deal!!!
Hey that is the info I got from two people at two different costco stores... It is a dam good deal...If I coudl just make it fit my dresser/tv ent center. I do not think you can preorder sat the warehouses, I believe this is a Costco.com only item (according to the coupon)
as for a mount standard I think it would have to fit on one of the larger ones at the bottom of this page http://www.sceptre.com/Products/LCD/Specifications/spec_Wall_Mount.htm
Hello everyone, i bought the 37" 2 weeks ago. I getting frame issue when i play a video on the DVI, VGA, or the HDMI. Contacted Sceptre and they told me to send it to them for servicing the firmware. Anyone else have this problem? Please, test and post your results. Mike
http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=10042361&whse=&topnav=&browse=&s=1 I have this one from Costco, purchased it when it was on sale for $100. Extremely heavy duty and works great, easy to install.
Yes, I have seen that one. I have an indentation in my wall for an entertainment cabnet. It is about 30" deep and I would like to be able to mount the tv in there and swivel it out so it can be seen from my kitchen. Looking at different arm brackets but may end up making my own to get what I want without paying $700.
I was in Costco today because I am also looking to buy the 42" Sceptre LCD, I had one of the managers pull it up on their computers and it will be $2100.00 they could not tell me if this included the $500 off but we all agreed it probably did. This item can only be ordered on-line so it will also include $199.00 for shipping and handling, however still a great deal. You will not be able to see any information online until it the week of March 6th. I'm going to get it. Good Luck.
I bought a 37" Sceptre and love it. I am not able to stretch the non HD programs to fit the 37" screen, they show up in a square in the middle of the screen. I've tried changing from 16:9, but all it does is change the look of the square. Any suggestions.
On the upper right-hand part of the remote you will find a button called "Aspect". It toggles you through the different options for filling the screen. The Sceptre does not offer a "stretch" mode, but it does offer a "zoom" mode that lets you fill the screen without distorting the image.
I've tried the aspect button, with no avail. I too am waiting for the 42. If it is indeed $1699 after the rebate, I will return the 37, and upgrade. It's just bugging me that I can't get it to fill the screen.
I’ve never seen one LCD TV that didn’t have an option to change a TV signal from a 4/3 to 16/9 or stretch it from side to side. I would suggest looking in the manual for that option.
I have seen the sony XBR LCD models restrict viewing to 16:9 when given an all digital HDTV signal (a signal passed via HDMI/DVI or proccessed through the DTV tuner). That sounds strange. I agree with consulting the manual first. If that doesn't help I would contanct the manufacturer. Ced
I guess reading the manual is a valid option...IF the darn thing had one. I have not received my 37" but for I have read the manual is just a brochure. I am also giving the 37" a good try and I may also be trading up. According to Costco my shipped today via UPS. I do not have a tracking number, but does anyone know how long does the shipping take.If it is coming direct from sceptre, that is Cali...I am in AZ so figure a 3 days max. The website says 10-15 days which I do not buy it. Update: I just got an email from costco: Arrival 02/01/2006 I cant wait to do a side by side compare of this one and my 37" Sharp Aquos.
Agreed. My point was that all HDTV programming is already in widescreen so being restricted when watching HDTV is normal while being restricted while wathcing non-HD matirial is strange. ...Ced
ksekine, my Aspect button takes me through AUTO, 16:9, 4:3, ZOOM-FULL, and ZOOM-SUBTITLE which are written in the top left of the screen as I am cycling through the settings. What are you getting when you press the Aspect button?