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Schavio is dead

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Quadratic, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. pcshateme

    pcshateme Guest

    Id have rather have died in the comma than lived hooked up to tubes for a decade and a half with a partialy disolved brain. Why the hell did congress have to interviene? Why did the republicans freak out about it and the democrats just hide in the corner? This was a nonissue. With all the other things going on (social security crumbling, the war on terror/iraq, gay marriage, massive deficits) why should congress bring up a case involving 1- ONE person and wig out on it- then after building up the hype- they dropped it!

    terri died in 1990, the lower half of her brain liqufied- there was no hope of recovery. i doubt she even knew she was starving to death. she was so haked up on pain meds she sure as hell didnt feel it.

    the shinler family just couldnt let go, they couldnt accept that terri was gone and never comming back- mike did and he tried to move on. i feel so sorry for mike, everyone hates him now but hes done nothing wrong.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    2nd that about mike & the fact he has ordered an autopsy on her just to show he was right
  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    another thing to thing about: congress created a law for [bold]just one person[/bold] in this case. that goes against everything that the nation's founders worked so hard against. what could it come to? the possibilities scare me.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i think that law will be changed or appealled
  5. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    This is going to be a turning point for the nation as well as the way things are going to be looked upon for the world, because now, since it has been national and international news, people have something else to think about.

    It is just really sad, how Michael couldn't even carry out his wifes wished and she had to go like this. It just goes to show where the priorities of some people are.

  6. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I know that if I am hungry, it is not nice. If I am thirsty & cannot get a drink, it is much worse. To have cameras thrust in my face & have a media circus surrounding the whole affair would be a gross insult to my dignity. Where do these people get off? Why do all the God botherers get involved?

    My sister is a nurse & worked in a ward for terminally ill people. The God brigade should pay a visit & see the pain & misery inflicted on these souls.

    What to do? I really do not know.

    All I know, is that I would not wish to be a burden on my friends & relatives. The day I cannot feed & look after myself, I would not wish to exist. I want my next of kin to make the decision, not some jive-ass-shit for brains politician. I would not like to starve or dehydrate to death either. No-one has the right to make that choice.
    My whole life revolves around my utter & complete independence. I do not want or need someone to speak on my behalf that does not even know me.

    Terri is now in a far better place. Rest her soul.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2005
  7. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    well-spoken, pulsar.
  8. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    you know whats really messed up about all of this is our judges ordered this and by doing so they did the same thing dr.jack korvorkian ( spelling ) was doing and he is locked up for it . i think the judges that ordered this should be locked up also or they should let korvorkian out . if its wrong to help terminally ill people with no hope than it should be no different for the judges . i mean its a double standard . korvorkian only helped people that there was no hope for and that is what they wanted . it was crime to help people end the misery but its not a crime to pull a feeding tube and starve some one to death . that is bullshit if you ask me . judges can do it but korvorkian gets locked up for it . please dont take this post the wrong way as im not sticking up for korvorkian , im just pointing out that korvorkian helped people end the misery as thats what they asked him to help them with . he is locked up for it . judges ordered the feeding pulled at the husbands request which is the same basic thing . the husband helped his wife so he says and that is all korvorkian was doing . maybe the judges and the husband should be locked up .
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    ^that's america.
  10. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    We had a chap called Harold Shipman, he took upon himself to overdose his elderly patients with morphine to kill them. I suspect he started with good intentions, then got rather carried away. He "killed" over 250 patients the police believe.

    To say he overstepped the mark would be a gross understatement. It is said that this sort of thing happens on a regular basis in a lot of hospitals. Whether that is true, I do not know. I do have my suspicions though.

    Life is a very precious thing. But i think it is inhumane to keep people alive for the sake of it. my friends dad died of cancer a few year ago. He was in constant pain & was, for want of a better phrase, pumped full of morphine. My friend said it was a relief when he died, as he was not suffering anymore.

    If I had a relative who was in constant pain & I had power to end the misery, what would I do? I really do not know. If you truly care, you would want that person not to suffer.

    It is really easy sitting here debating this, but if it came to the crunch..............
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    until it happens, it is anybody's guess

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