Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300HD Question (DVR)

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by gadbearr, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. sean.nace

    sean.nace Guest

    What ever hard drive you connect to the SATA port is copy right protected to that box. So this means you cant hook it up to a different dvr or a computer. It's incrypted to the first device it is hooked up to. btw I work for comcast
  2. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    I just got one of these boxes myself, the picture is OK, so long as nothing is moving, then it gets all pixilated, not even as good as normal TV, and it is supposed to be HD!

    Does anyone know how to increase the recording quality? Does quality drop when you record 2 shows a once?

    "I do not have the button on my remote called "My DVR". I have my service through Brighthouse. Does anyone have the Brighthouse service and know how to check the DVR disk space?"

    LIST buttin> Green "B" buttin > "Recording space used" - it just gives you a percantage, but better than nothing I guess.

  3. bogey99

    bogey99 Guest

    Question.I just installed the SA 8300HD box and have the DVR service. I have a Panasonic VHS/DVD recorder combo unit. I followed the instructions to Copy aa recorded DVR program to VCR but nothing records. I have the Out 2 cables connected to the DVR and the input cables going to the Panasonic. The DVR prompts me with a message making sure I have the cables connected properly and then it states' make sure the VCR is set to record from the DVR'. Looking at the Panasonic manual it says that if I am connected to a Cable box, make sure 'Main' or SAP is turned on. Not sure what Main means but I enabled SAP using my remote (from Settings), but still nothing records.

    Any thoughts?
  4. merman_93

    merman_93 Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Well, sounds like you are doing all of the correct things.To double check,...try recording from another "external " source like a secondary dvd player, see if the recorder is correctly working. Verify that you are using the correct set of outputs from the cable box. Try recording "on the fly" by just setting your vcr to record manually, and alter various connections from the cable box, and see what you find. Good luck,...I have been extremely happy with Comcast since I upgraded to this unit, and now that the cost to upgrade my second box to another DVR is nil, I even have my mother using one, with no difficulties.
  5. wrahn

    wrahn Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    After I've made a recording, how can I play it back, stop and then start again at a later date, rather than have to fast forward each time to where I last stopped?

  6. rdhondt

    rdhondt Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    Question: Why does the hard drive continue to run after the PVR is shut off & not recording? Mine seems to continually run.


  7. Baphomet6

    Baphomet6 Member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    i have a cox SA 8300HD DVR and my computer doesnt reconize the unit when i plug it in throuh firewire, anyoen else have this problem?
  8. merman_93

    merman_93 Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    With my unit, and Comcast, in Virginia, the unit is set up to always record for use as "replay" while watching tv. Example: watching Battlestar Galactica and phone rings, so basically miss 3-4 minutes. I just hit rewind and watch from the point I was interrupted, then at first commercial press "live" to return. It only stores the channel you are watching, from the beginning of the show.
  9. rwp

    rwp Guest

    I would also love to know if this is possible. Its most annoying to not be able to set a bookmark to come back to at a later time. Does anyone know if this is possible?

  10. bogey99

    bogey99 Guest

    I have the same question also. I believe that one time it did work when I paused what I was watching , started watching normal TV and came back later and it was still at the paused position so I picked up where I left off.

    Anyone have any ideas?
  11. bshamster

    bshamster Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    Has anyone find a use for the USB ports, and/or figured out a way to delete channels that you are not receiving. There are 600 channels on my guide that i dont get and i dont want them on my guide.

  12. hyplux

    hyplux Member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    (@bogey and Merman) You cannot record HDTV from secondary outputs on the 8300HD due to DMCA/HDCP restrictions. Any secondary ouputs (video out) are automatically downgraded due to licensing agreements. See this page for more:
  13. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Bright house replaced my box and re-wired my apartment. The picture still has the same problems. i can;t wait till the cable company switches to a better box.
  14. merman_93

    merman_93 Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I'm still very happy with my service from Comcast, Full Premium Package, with On-Demand, and Broadband Internet. They have always been very "upfront" about what to expect. My HDTV is connected via HDMI and has an excellant picture. Only issue is available bandwidth. Sometimes when watching an On Demand Hi Def
    program, I've noticed my Broadband internet "creeps" along, and may even reset the broadband modem. The cable box obviously has priority, as I've never seen any picture defects at peek usage.
  15. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Hmmm....I might blame my 15MB cable modem...except the quality goes way down when watching a is like they are using DivX3 or something (except divx3 would look better at such high bitrates).

    If I d/l a divx version of something I have on my hd-dvr (with hdmi) and watch it through my computer (hooked to tv with S-video) it looks better!!!

    Still handy for recording long races (like the 8hr block that starts at 5am)...
  16. Stax

    Stax Member

    May 8, 2005
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    Just wanted to add my recent experience with DVR to DVDR recording. Maybe someone could shed some light on it.

    I've got a program on my DVR, I recorded it onto a DVD-R disc with my DVD Recorder. When I went to watch the disc, about halfway through the program, the audio and video were out of sync (audio was about 2 seconds behind the video). So I figured 1 or 2 things happened. Either 1) my DVD recorder screwed up or 2)the station screwed up and broadcasted it out of sync. So I went back to the DVR and watched the program, everything was fine, the entire program was synced up great. So I got a new disc, popped it in the recorder, started the program at the halfway point, pressed record and bam, everything's out of sync again. Without pressing record, everything's fine, but as soon as I press record, it's out of sync again. Could this be some copy protection scheme?

  17. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    You have a burner built into your scientific atlanta 8300hd? What cable company do you have? All mine has is a crummy "record to VHS" function...does anyone even sell blank VHS anymore?
  18. karen3737

    karen3737 Guest

    Hey everyone, I've read a lot here and learned a ton! I thought that I'd share some stuff and then ask some questions as well. What I do to get content off of my 8300 Scientic Atlanta HDTV fancy-shmancy thing is hook up my camcorder to it. Its been a while since I've done it, so I'll do the best I can to explain. I hook up cords to the red, white, and yellow dvr holes, but in the front of the box, not the back ones. Except, I also vaguely remember hooking up a firewire cable to it as well. So maybe I did 2 of the front holes, and a the firewire connection as well.

    After I got my show on my camcorder, which by the way, also gave me the chance to pause the camcorder, then fastforward through the commercials on my tv program to resume the program being recorded without the commercials, I would hook my camcorder up to my computer with the firewire cable and put into a dvd burning program. viola!

    So now my question is this, although I have learned a lot by just doing some research, I'm not following along when it comes to exaclty knowing what's being talked about here. And now that we have a tv that gets some channels in HD, and we record some stuff in HD, what is the easiest and quickest way to get my shows(HD and not HD) off my dvr and onto to my computer without losing their quality? And I sort of mean in lay man's terms as well. I can't hook up a dvd burner to my dvr unit because I only have one on my computer...and my computer is about 20 feet away from my unit. And even if I got them together, I wouldn't know what to do to make it record to my computer. If I selected "record to vcr" and figured out the program on my computer and hooked up a long firewire cord, would that work? Obviously I have no idea what to do, except for my previous camcorder deal, which was long and involved. Any suggestions would be welcomed! (And also I realize that I would probably have to have the program on my computer as a whole with commercials and later edit the commericals out.)
  19. mhb_26101

    mhb_26101 Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    I have a two second delay while changing channels over 99, is this normal?
  20. iriol

    iriol Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    I've been trying to figure out the same, how the heck do I get HD recorded programs off from the 8300HD into my computer......I have heard is no use taking the hard drive out of the 8300HD because the recordings are encrypted.....
    but any other method loses HD quality, I feel Comcast is ripping me off

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