Hi All Thread title says it all. All channels working except Setanta sports says 'scrambled channel'. They were all working yesterday, anyone got any ideas? Thank you
Do you have a starview? Just delete the setanta channels, then do an automatic scan and wait for them to reappear, and they will be at the end of your channel list, your channel order won't be changed, and click on them and see if they work, not sure about the other boxes
Not sure about Eurovox mate, i only have starview, hopefully someone else will reply to this and help you
DesB I will take a look at that thread. Hopefully it will advise on how to sort out a few problem channels. (as it is only a small group that aren't working). Thanks for your posts
I had the same problem the easiest way to do it is do a factory settings on the box and reinstall as if it were new took me 5 mins and they were back on
everyone is having the same problems i heard they have changed the broadcast mast and that is what has caused the problem hopefuly it will sort itself out
Anyone else had any luck by resetting the box and reinstalling firmware? Don't mind doing it, just can't be ars*d doing it if it only 'may' work !! cheers all
the sentanta channels has changed frequency, if u have a starview box, go 2 manual installation change frequency to 347.000 let it scan n u'll have sentanta back, hope this helps.
Have tried updating my channels but only succeeded in making setanta vanish...anyone know if there is a way to alter the frequency of a channel by using Voxer ?? thanks
Does this work if I re-apply my channel file after the factory reset ? or does that defeat the object ?
WOOOOOO Finally got the cables back out... Factory Reset - Update Firmware - Upload Channel File (thanks to Moe) and it's all back on - didn't run a scan in between any of this !!! Cheers All