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Setting Fan Speed?(CPU FAN)

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by LightXxX, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    the CPU FAN is 4 wires and the System FAN is 3 wire... From what i see, yo can set it full voltage on a System FAN or 3 wires fan? how do i do that because it's seem impossible wit he Machines W5243 since they dont have those kind of settings in BIOS
  2. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    The third wire on a 3 or 4 wire fan is the tach signal...what they system reads to calculate the RPM of that fan. The 4th wire is a PWM control line; this is the correct way to control fan speed.

    3 wire fans are always full voltage unless they are fans designed to match a specific part...I don't think that is the case in your system.

    If you use a multimeter on the system fan and the voltage does drop a lot, you can use one of these adapters...you will loose the fan speed sensing tho:

    They also make adapters like that that keep the fan sensing, but I don't feel like finding one right now.
  3. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Thanks for the help!
  4. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I dont wanna post this to another thread but is it possible to add another FAN to a laptop? The freaken CPU is at 208F*... which is the most i have seen... I have a Laptop "Lenovo G550".... I pop opened the thing and i look at the FAN and it's really small... it's basically metal... It blows really hot air out but spins really slow... Is there any way at all to add a FAN or something to help it get cooled to 100F*... What's the BEST laptop cooling that's right for Lenova G550?
  5. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    As far as internal upgrades, there really aren't any pre-designed options. Just like any regulated fan, the fan speed can be turned up with a bit of wiring and perhaps a small circuit for some fan designs.
  6. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    So it's not possible? Does opening the bottom of the laptop helps with the cooling or there's just ganna be a fire/shock we i touch it?(Which mean useless and i could get shock)
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    how are you going to open the bottom of the laptop, by removing the entire bottom of the laptop or removing the panels offrom the bottom of laptop. get a laptop cooler tray & give that laptop a good blow from a can of air or from air compressor.
  8. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I cant because im only 14 and even if i ask my bro, they wont even bother... Do i open the bottom of the laptop like with those screw but not all the part, just the part where the fan is and where's those metal is... Look up my laptop: Lenova G550
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    is it your laptop or somebody elses?
  10. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    If you have a multimeter and you want to get some readings from the fan, I can tell you how to set the fan to full speed...that is how I got my HP laptop to run for more than 10 minutes at a time. (total cost of laptop = two wires and some time...thanks HP...if you had made a quality laptop, it wouldn't have been thrown away by the original owner)
  11. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    It's my sister in law but now it's mine... and also she cheated on my bro so she wont be having any computer... but use my bro computer for Microsoft Office...
  12. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I'll open and check it to see if it has two wires to FAN like in a bit... Also can you tell me how to set it full speed?
  13. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    If it has two wires, just use a small voltage regulator rated for whatever voltage/wattage that are listed on the sticker on the fan. If it has three wires, it is usually just a matter of clipping the third wire, and sometimes connecting that wire to a 5V voltage source. Different fans use different methods.
  14. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I dont really get that... please explain it simpler... like what's clipping means or what regulator rated means...
  15. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    The FAN is a three wire... Also, IDK why the Copper is just transferring heat to the fan... The CPU is like far away from fan and the Metal or Copper is just transferring the heat which i dont know why because it's not getting cooled enough which would be more than 210F* which is the MAX i seen... If i put outside like at night and all dark and cold, it's at 170F* and UP...(When CPU is at 100%... and i never seen below 170F*)
  16. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Fans don't have to be mounted to the heatsinks; they are just there to put a breeze over them. Clipping a wire is just cutting it; most 3 wire PWM fans will go to full speed mode when you do this. If it is actually a 3 wire fan with voltage control, clipping the signal wire will often make the bios set fan speed to max.
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    killer, remember LightXxX is about 13yrs old so he is not a techno geek.
  18. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Do you mean I should give him fewer, "Try it and see" kind of answers? How else will he ever learn?
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    you might have to add some pictures so he knows what to look for.
  20. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Which one i cut and how i truly know it works? I have a Laptop and i went to BIOS and there's no FAN settings or Stuff... Just TIME and other useless stuff that cant be touch... What happen when i cut one and it doesn't spin? Also how fast will the FAN go on my laptop? Im guessing it's around 1.5k RPM...

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